JoinedTopics Started by reexaminer
Pay Attention book (Elders Manual) now in French, Russian and Portuguese
by reexaminer inall available for download on
on another note, has been officially open for business for one month.
in the last month, you have downloaded 160 gb of data from the servers which would be the equivilant of 32,000 magazines of high quality, and the site is averaging 7,000 page hits a day.. come, take life's water, free.. reexaminer.
13 and BitTorrents
by reexaminer inin an effort to speed up downloads of some of our larger files, we've set up many of these files with bittorrents.
for those who don't know what bittorrents are, you can find out more about them on wikipedia.. because of the set-up, we've had to relocate some of the files to different areas in our servers, so some of the 'read online' options that we used to have won't be working the next few days, we'll get it back to the way it was soon though, but also give a couple extra download options.. the latest release is the video, "young people ask, what will i do with my life?
" for those who are interested the bittorrent file is located here:.
9 has District Convention Operations Manual and PSAs
by reexaminer now has two new items available from our downloads page: .
(1) district convention operations manual.
(2) public service announcements.
Now on - Counsel to Watch Tower Missionaries
by reexaminer inyou can get this on the main downloads page, or directly here:
contract) between missionaries and the watch tower.
someone would recieve this after completing the giliad training school.. also, we now have the pay attention book, and the od book in polish, as well as german and english.. reexaminer.
The LETTER Posted at all Kingdom Halls
by Apostate Kate in.
i know someone here must know about the letter and there is a thread somewhere.
can someone link me to that thread either in pm or here on the new letter posted in all the kingdom halls about them admitting they are not inspired etc ... thank you!
Two new publications available in German
by reexaminer intwo new releases in the german language: .
pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock (gebt acht auf euch selbst und auf die ganze herde) .
organized to do jehovah's will (organisiert, jehovas willen zu tun) .
WatchTower Observer now on
by reexaminer in.
check it out at
My website:
by reexaminer ingreetings.. i have started a project that i hope will stay online for times indefinate, even to times indefinate.
you can find it at .. i started working on it in october and it is still a work in progress, however because of the shut down of the website located at i felt that i should release the site in "as-is" condition, instead of waiting until it was completely finished.. currently, there isn't a lot of content in the 'wiki' section of the website.
hopefully in the next few days and weeks that will change, however there are still programming issues that i have to work out before that can happen.
Where is Damselfly?
by Legolas in.
she has not posted since december first!
i hope she is alright!