scan someone???
I think we'd all like to see a copy of this. Anyone have a scan of this somewhere?? Post it, we're all curious!!
-Becka :)
look at the pendant around sarah's neck in the illustration on page 10 of the march 15th watchtower.. looks like a cross to me.
maybe a celtic cross in a circle of eternity style..
scan someone???
I think we'd all like to see a copy of this. Anyone have a scan of this somewhere?? Post it, we're all curious!!
-Becka :)
Yes I am, I carry a donor card in my wallet and my family knows of my wishes. I'm also a blood donor. Obviously, I'm not a JW.
Why?? Because I have these things and I am able to donate, so why not?? I donate my blood to help people, and if I die, then maybe I can save lives with the organs that I'll no longer be needing. Why not?? People die every day because they can't get an organ transplant in time, so if at some point something happens to me and my organs can be used, I feel good knowing that someone out there will benefit from me, that someone's family will be able to have more time with their loved one, even though my family will not have any more time with me. If I can save even one life, or at least make it better, then my job here is done.
-Becka :)
anyone want to tell me the exact reason for jws not doing valentine's day?
is it the usual "pagan roots" thing?
where do they get that from with regards to this specific holiday?
Hmm, I have no idea why the JWs don't celebrate Valentine's Day, but I'm sure that they have some snooty answer for that question, just like they do for everything else that you might want to ask them. I think they just like being weird and looking down on everyone else for having special occasions and celebrations.
My JW boyfriend doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day, but I do remember him remarking back in the fall of the year that he didn't see anything wrong with it because it's not a religious holiday. He hasn't mentioned it much since then, but I did go out and buy him a nice Valentine's Day card, which I put in the mail on Monday, just to make sure that it gets to him in time for Valentine's Day. I didn't tell him about it and he probably won't be very happy about it, but hey, I wanted to send him a card to tell him how much I love him and how special he is to me, and just because he doesn't celebrate, doesn't mean that I can't!! Sure, I don't need a special day to tell him that I love him, but it's nice to have a special day for it!!
-Becka :)
Ohhhhhhhh Becka you never told me you had a stash please do share (:
Ahh yes, I do have a stash, I keep it hidden under my desk (with a few in the fridge to keep them cold) for when I'm working on a paper and I just can't go on anymore. Only very special people get to share in my Pepsi stash, I'm a diehard Pepsi addict and I don't generally share willingly.
But since you've been having a long day at work, I think you merit a share in this stash.
*pushes a couple of ice-cold Pepsis across the desk to lola*
-Becka :)
Thanks, I appreciate it. And just for that, I'll stop poking you.
Hey, want another Pepsi?? If you ask really nice, I'll share my stash with you. Not everyone gets to share my Pepsi, you know, that stuff is like gold to me, so you must be something special.
-Becka :)
argh, i'm a little on the frustrated side right now, so i'm looking for some help.. i'm usually quite good at getting lots of sleep, i'm usually in bed at a decent hour in the night and can usually get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night (more on the weekends, of course), but for the last week or so, i've been having some trouble sleeping.
a scattered night of sleeplessness can be expected from time to time, but it's been about 10 days now, that's a little excessive.
i do all of my usual things during the day - classes, homework, chores, cooking, cleaning, errands - and i never nap during the day, i avoid all forms of caffeine after 5pm, and i always go to bed feeling like it's time for me to go to sleep, i'm usually tired at bedtime, but lately, it's been taking me forever to get to sleep.
Back then, if I didn't get 10 hours of sleep or so, I was a zombie all day, and I'm still like that. I actually feel my best when I've slept for 10-12 hours, I'm a real sleep-junkie.Have you had your iron and haemoglobin levels checked lately? Just on the off chance that you might be slightly anaemic, it wouldn't be a bad thing to check. A lot of women experience chronic anaemia... it would be a red flag to me if your need to get 10 or more hours of sleep a night started not long after you reached puberty... it is something that's easily remedied by increasing your dietary intake of iron and vitamin C to help with the absorption of iron. It might also help you tolerate going with less sleep.
Hmm, had my iron levels checked back in September, and I had everything tested last January before ear surgery, I think they nearly drained all of my blood just to test it!! Plus, my mother insists on me having my iron checked periodically because she thinks that I sleep too much. I think she dragged me to the hospital for bloodwork every couple of months while I was in high school, just because I really like my sleep.
I've never had trouble with my iron levels, but it could be my vitamin B12 levels - B12 deficiency in women runs in my mom's family and it tends to make them sleepy. My mom is B12 deficient, so is my grandmother, so I could be, too, but it's never been an issue, I've been checked for it before. Maybe I'll see about getting some bloodwork done again sometime soon, might be a good idea. And maybe I'll skip the blood donor clinic this month, too, just in case.
-Becka :)
*poke poke*
Hey, just lookin' out for ya, wouldn't want you to get fired for sleeping on the job you know.
-Becka :)
Ooo, not a good thing, lola, it's time for some caffeine!! Or else you could try sleeping with your eyes open, just to give the impression of wakefulness. Maybe try a stroll around the office. ...Hey, don't doze off again!! *pokes lola*... *pokes lola again*
Or maybe you have a really dull job and it's time to find a new one.
Ooo, you're on the west coast, too, so you're only half-done your day yet!!
-Becka :)
Hey Super Becka, I might get a Pepsi in a bit, it is really hard to keep my eyes open.
*hands lola an ice-cold can of Pepsi*
Just in case you're too sleepy to go get it yourself. I hope you're still awake over there!!
-Becka :)
i have contemplated long enough on the changes i plan to make.
i am a procrastinator and a careful long thinker before i finally get to the work.
i have planned this doorway into the kitchen for 6 months in my mind - now i have a hole.
I am a procrastinator and a careful long thinker before I finally get to the work. I have planned this doorway into the kitchen for 6 months in my mind - now I have a hole.
Hmm, sounds like my dad, he does this all the time, must be a guy thing. The only difference - my dad would either not make the whole in the wall in the first place, or he'd make it and then just leave it and not do anything else with it, so it would just be an ugly hole in the wall.
On one hand, congrats on finally getting started, on the other hand, let's hope it doesn't take another 6 months to decide to do something with said hole.
Here's to Jeff finishing the doorway in his kitchen!!
Good luck with the door, or at least with the hole in the wall that will eventually become a doorway!!
-Becka :)