What else . . . The Games !
Of course!! My roommates are watching that in the next room, I can hear it all from here. I'll be heading out to watch momentarily, too, with my Pepsi, of course.
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
What else . . . The Games !
Of course!! My roommates are watching that in the next room, I can hear it all from here. I'll be heading out to watch momentarily, too, with my Pepsi, of course.
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Yeah it amazes me too, but that's not suprising as I live a 20 minute walk from the sea and in England.I'm crashing for the night as it's probably warmer in bed. See you later.
Twenty minutes?! I live a 5-minute walk from the North Atlantic!! I'd suffocate if I lived 20 minutes away from the ocean!!
Good night!!
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Hey, don't knock my Pepsi!! It's cheaper than vodka and doesn't give me a hangover in the morning.
I'm a nerd, remember?? Us nerds have a nasty habit of being teetotalers sometimes. Anyone care to break me of that habit??
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
live their whole lives never seeing the oceanOh god, don't remind me. Columbus Ohio is as landlocked as a city could be. I haven't seen the ocean in years and years.
Oh Dan, you're breaking my heart!! No ocean in years!! How about I find some ocean pictures for you sometime and post 'em up here?? I think I have a few kicking around here somewhere. Believe me, us Newfies have lots of ocean to spare!!
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
It's supposed to say...'It's Friday night, so what do we drink to?
Ahh, OK.
Hmm, here's to... Friday night!! *lifts Pepsi can and drains it*
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
So what else can one do in Newfoundland on a Friday night? A few of my buddies went there in ' 90 to "help where the need is great"They reported that going there is like going back in time. ( 100 yrs. or so)
From where I live in NH it seems like NWFD is at the end of the planet. Please don't take this as an insult in any way. I'm just fascinated with anyone that lives in a colder, more northerly location than me.
Here's to warm thoughts and sunny days.
Heh, good question, onesong, there's really not a hell of a lot to do around here, it's a good thing I don't require much entertaining. About all you can do around here is go to the movies or drink, and depending on where you live, there aren't any movie theatres, so it's drinking or bust. Then again, while your pals were here to "help where the need is great" (yeah, we're terrible people up here, all those Anglicans and Catholics ), I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that they didn't do anything recreational because most recreation around here involves getting smashed. Newfoundland is predominantly rural, so yeah, I guess that if you come from a more urban place, then it looks really old-fashioned here. When I go to a "big" city, like Portland, OR (I know that city isn't huge by some standards, but there are more people in Portland than there are in ALL of Newfoundland!!), I get really bad culture shock because everything is so modern and new.
NH as is New Hampshire?? Isn't that in New England?? That's not so far away from here in the grand scheme of things - after all, my boyfriend lives in Oregon, now THAT's far away from here!! Newfoundland is just more northern and eastern. When I'm at home (as opposed to in university), I live about 60 miles away from the "most eastern point in North America", pretty impressive, huh?? We're pretty much in the middle of nowhere up here. Don't worry, you're not offending me in any way, I'm very proud of where I live and Newfies are really easy-going anyway, we're pretty hard to offend unless you call us "a bunch of poor, drunk, stupid fishermen", in which case it's personal and you really don't want to go there. A Newfoundlander will be a friend for life, but make an enemy of one, and a Newfoundlander will be your enemy for life. If you ever want to know anything about Newfoundland, feel free to ask me, I'll tell you anything you want to know.
Personally, I'm intrigued with people who live in warmer climates and people who live inland. I've always lived here, so I'm used to having four seasons - Almost Winter (aka "fall"), Winter, Still Winter (aka "spring") and Construction (aka "summer") - and I'm used to being by the ocean all the time. It amazes me that some people live their whole lives never seeing the ocean or snow. I get claustrophobic just thinking about living away from the ocean!!
As for my evening over here, I'm mostly done my laundry right now, and I think I'm gonna put on my warm flannel PJs, get some snacks and settle in for a good movie. How's everyone else doing out there??
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Just cracked open a beer. ANyway, I thought you didn't drink Becka?
Ahh, looks like someone's been paying attention, I like it. Nope, ballistic, I don't drink, not at all, but I'm sure there are plenty out there who are knocking a few back this evening. Cheers to everyone out there who is, I'm sticking with my Pepsi, thanks!!
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again. It's time to breathe in some Friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back...
The question is, what are my fellow JWD-ers doing tonight??
Me, I have a huge stack of laundry to do, and I'll probably read up on some history homework, maybe watch a movie and then go to bed, just like I do every Friday night. Not the most exciting Friday night, but what can I say, I'm a total geek. Us shy, quiet girls don't party much, we like to stay in, especially when it's cold and snowy outside.
What's everyone else up to tonight?? Anything exciting?? Anyone having a dull, predictable Friday night like me?? Who's got something fun on the agenda tonight??
-Becka :)
Yup, we Canadians certainly know how to stick it to our political leaders.
Or maybe it's just us diabolical Newfoundlanders, like Rick Mercer. Must be something in the last name.
-Becka (of the "hey, I'm a Mercer, too!!" class) :)
what is your favorite fictional literary character.
which character do you identify with most?
i was a well-read kid and my favorite series of books were the elric saga by michael moorcock.
I was always quite fond of Ponyboy from S.E. Hinton's "The Outsiders". On some levels, I can really relate to him - his love of reading and writing, his love of movies, his introspection, his way of thinking, his sensitivity, I think he's a very interesting, very complex character.
I really like Winston from Orwell's "1984", a very interesting character and an awesome book.
There are others, I just can't think of them right now. I read entirely too much and have way too many characters that I like.
-Becka :)