You are a former JW woman. You are programmed to please.
Actually, I've never been a JW, and I'm eternally grateful for that. I do have a nagging desire to please, though, it runs in my family, we all like to keep everyone else happy. Or maybe it's a Newfie thing...
I'm sure he'll "appreciate" I put the effort into getting for him, just like I appreciate everything that he gives me, but I want him to like it, too. I don't want him to feel like he has to pretend to like it for my sake. I know he'll thank me for anything that I send, but I know that if I send him something that he doesn't like, then he's going to feel obligated to say that he really likes it, and I don't want to put in him an awkward position. Everyone knows what it's like to get a present that you don't really like - like those ugly slippers that your grandmother was so proud of getting for you, or that hideous pink shirt that your father gave you because "girls like pink things" - and I don't want to give him one of those gifts.
Heh, and he most certainly won't be getting anything for me for Valentine's Day, he'd rather be taken out in the road and shot. He doesn't even know when Valentine's Day is, he's been programmed to hate and ignore any and all occasions that might be special to someone, myself included. I've learned not to expect gifts for anything from him - not for Christmas, not for my birthday, not for Valentine's Day, nothing. I send him something for Valentine's Day, but I don't expect to get anything from him, I know better, he's a well-programmed little JW.
-Becka (of the "of course I'm not bitter" class) :)