Hi Eduardo, thanks for the tips.
Just wanted to add after reading the post that just posted above mine. Don't overlook the quality of your bed. For something that we spend a lot of our life on, no furniture could be more important. it's worth getting a really good bed.
Heh, I live on-campus, the mattress I sleep on is made of foam with a hard, heavy, crinkly plastic covering, it definitely doesn't fall into the category of a "really good bed", or even a "decent bed" for that matter. It falls into the "be thankful it's not made of straw" category.
but really, don't stress out, I saw your age and the first thing that I thought of is that you should really just realize that this could be normal. Teens need and do get a lot of sleep. I think when I was in High School, with the exception of Football Games/practice or Dances, I was conked out by 11 at most. ; But when I started college it was a whole difrerent story. I started staying up at least until midnight and it hasn't changed since. I am usually up to 1 at least. But now at your age, you might not need as much sleep as before and this may just be your natural self.
Hmm, I'm 20, nearly 21, and I still need every hour of sleep that I needed when I was in high school. Back then, if I didn't get 10 hours of sleep or so, I was a zombie all day, and I'm still like that. I actually feel my best when I've slept for 10-12 hours, I'm a real sleep-junkie. In high school, I went to bed at 10:30pm and got up at 7am, but now that I'm in college, I never go to bed before midnight, and it's always like that now, whether I'm at school or not. I just tend to need lots of sleep, I've always been like that.
So the first questions are: are you not getting enough sleep, do you have a sleep-deficit and is it really affecting you? If you aren't sleeping like you used to do a few years ago, but your performance, concentration, and energy are ;fine during the day then it is probably not somethng for you to worry about. In fact make use of your extra hour or two and just go too bed later without any worries.
But if you are falling asleep, day dreaming too much (because you need your REM/Delta sleep), can't concentrate or feeling fatigued then you know you need more sleep.
And of course, if it is that you feel like you are sleepy but when you lay down to sleep you suddenly cant, then you know you have insomnia.
My attention span is non-existent right now and I daydream almost constantly. Granted, I'm a daydreamer anyway, but in the past couple of weeks, it's been worse than usual. I find myself sitting in class and missing whole lectures because my mind was somewhere else. I always feel tired, and not just mentally tired, but physically tired, too, it's not much fun. I feel like I just ran a marathon, but I really haven't done very much at all today. All I can think of is sleep. But of course, when bedtime rolls around, sleeping is the last thing I can do. It's happened to me before, too - I had a nasty bout of insomnia that lasted for 6 months last year, and I'm concerned that it might be back for another go at me.
I don't sleep during the day, just to make sure that I'm good and tired in the night. I'm fairly active, and I eat as well as I can afford to (remember, college student, not a hell of a lot of money), I just can't seem to sleep. It's not unusual for me to get a night or two when I can't sleep sometimes, but it's been nearly 2 weeks now, that's a little excessive.
I'm gonna try some of the tips here, sex not included (remember, the boyfriend lives really far away), and if all else fails, I'll have to suck it up and go to a doctor. Ugh, I hate doctors, I haven't been to one in ages, but you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. I'm still hoping that this issue resolves itself, though. I survived it last year, I can do it again this year.
Thanks for the tips and concern!!
-Becka :)