Hey Genesis, congrats on your exit from the WTS!! Welcome to the free world, hope you like it!!
-Becka :)
today i just realize that im almost completly cured of the jehobism !
sure i have not recovered all of my friends but im making new ones.
i no longer fear armageddon or whatever thing of the wtbt$.
Hey Genesis, congrats on your exit from the WTS!! Welcome to the free world, hope you like it!!
-Becka :)
in 1989 the watchtower society published a 32-page booklet entitled "should you believe in the trinity?
" the aim of this publication was to discredit the christian doctrine of the triune nature of god.
the method that the society used to accomplish this goal was to quote from a plethora of resources, both secular and religious, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, books and historical literature written by individual authors.
no ,it is not a bible based teaching ,i have refuted it with tthe scriptures so many times i am tired of it
Well, ezra, for less Scripturally-gifted JWDers like myself, would you care to refute the Holy Trinity with full reference to the Scriptures (no WTS publications, please, just Bible references)??
I don't mean to be difficult, I'm just curious and I can't believe what you say until I have full proof.
-Becka P)
digitalfokus has a thread going for how old you actually are, but my question is, how old do you feel??.
you don't have to say how old you are, just how old you feel (and maybe whether that's younger or older than you are), and i'd like to know why you feel that age.
i'm just curious because personally, i don't feel my age and i was wondering how many of my fellow jwders don't feel their age.. i'll start:.
DigitalFokus has a thread going for how old you actually are, but my question is, how old do you feel??
You don't have to say how old you are, just how old you feel (and maybe whether that's younger or older than you are), and I'd like to know why you feel that age. I'm just curious because personally, I don't feel my age and I was wondering how many of my fellow JWDers don't feel their age.
I'll start:
As you can see, I'm 20 years old, nearly 21, but I actually feel like I'm about 12 years old most of the time. That might be because my parents have a nasty habit of treating me like I'm still a little girl who's incapable of looking after herself, but it's also because I still feel really young at heart. I still like to do a lot of the things that younger people do, I like amusement parks and Nintendo games and teddy bears and candy and chocolate and birthday parties and Christmas morning and summer and kittens and the zoo and cartoons and Disney movies and board-games and jigsaw puzzles (ooo, and 3D puzzles, too, those are great) and pestering my brother, all of the same things I liked when I was little. I also don't feel like I'm old enough to go to bars or drink, though I don't find those things especially interesting anyway, so I don't bother with them. I don't feel old enough to do lots of the things that "grown-ups" do, so I just don't do them.
I guess that mentally, I'm just not growing up as fast as some people. Sure, I can be mature when I need to be and I can behave like an adult, but on the inside, I'm still a scared, nervous little 12-year-old who only wants to read lots of good books, watch a lot of cartoons, play Nintendo, eat candy when I'm not supposed to and tease my brother.
It also doesn't help that, physically, I'm not much different now than I was when I was 12, just a little curvier and taller and thinner, I still look mostly the same, compared to other kids that I grew up with who look nothing like they did when they were 12. I still even wear the same clothing sizes that I did back then!! My very-curvy best friend teases me to no end about my lack of physical "blossoming", we'll say. I tease her right back, because at this rate, when we're both 40, she'll look 40, and I'll still look 12.
So how about you, how old do you feel??
-Becka :)
i know it says your age next to your name but alot of people did not put in the info.
so i am curious .
I am currently 20 years old, but I'll be turning the big 21 next month.
But, of course, I certainly don't feel that old, I don't feel any different than I did 7 or 8 years ago, I'm just aging on the outside.
-Becka :)
i'm not sure if this is the right place to introduce oneself, but i just, well, wanted to introduce myself!
i'm 29, raised in the truth.
i'm an ex-ms. my dad is still an elder .
Hey zerimar, welcome to the board!! I know I say this to every newbie, but there's lots of great people here to converse with and discuss things with, and everyone here is very friendly and willing to help out however they can. I keep saying this to every newbie because it's all true!!
Glad to have you here, stick around!!
-Becka :)
was judge rutherford truly a machiavellian genius?
did he carefully plan out and devise how to take control of the the watchtower and set himself up as an authoritarian ruler with absolute authority?.
or has too much credit been given to rutherford?.
Machiavelli said, in The Prince, that it is better to be feared than loved. From what I've read, Rutherford obviously had a lot of power and was able to put a lot of his own policies into practice, and of course, the JWs were then intimidated into following them.
My question is, was Rutherford "loved" or was he just "feared"?? If he was feared, then I would say that yes, he was a true Machiavellian genius.
-Becka :)
hey peeps!
any of you into video games?
seems there would be a few who are because they are some cool people here.
Hi BeckaHow on earth did you first decide that blowing in the cartridges might make them work??? That's what I want to know!!!!
Well, duh, you gotta get the dust out of 'em somehow!! And hey, it tends to make other things work, too, right??
You just like to talk about girls and blowing in the same sentence, am I right??
-Becka :)
hey peeps!
any of you into video games?
seems there would be a few who are because they are some cool people here.
Then came the NES, some of you here know what I mean.....SuperBecka, I'm looking at you. Then came SuperNES, and an N64. Goldeneye on my N64 nearly made me wet my pants.
I'm right there with ya, jeeprube, I'm a total Nintendo geek!! I still have my old NES and yes, it still works if I blow in the cartridges and jiggle them around a little when I put them in the console. Ahh, gotta love the NES . I'll have to post a picture of myself in my Nintendo t-shirt sometime!!
I missed the SNES, my parents refused to get it for me when I was younger - "You already have a Nintendo, you don't need a new one" - but I do have a N64, like I said, and GoldenEye64 is definitely my FAVOURITE game for it!! I'm a James Bond geek anyway, I love all of the movies, so to be able to actually BE James Bond was a total Bond geek's dream!!
Ahh, video games... excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna go fire up the XBox for a while, I'm suffering from withdrawal!!
-Becka :)
hello everybody i just discovered this site a few days ago and am now formaly introducing my self.
i am 23 years old, i was born and raised in the truth, then about 2 1/2 ears ago i got discfellowshiped.
i didn't know anything else besides the truth.
Hey JUG, welcome to the board!! You'll find lots of people here that you have a lot in common with - so did I, and I've never been a JW, I'm just dating one!! Everyone here is great, they're always there to listen and help out with whatever you need, whenever you need it. I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't found this board, it's helped me out a lot, and I'm sure it'll help you out lots, too.
We're all glad to have you here. Stick around!!
-Becka :)
ok guys welcome rim to the board!
he is a really nice guy that loves to spin!
show some love for the newby.. .
Hey Rim, welcome to the board, glad to have you here!! Stick around, there's lots of great people here with lots of interesting things to say, and we're always here to listen.
Enjoy your stay!!
-Becka :)