In that people who watch CNN around the earth already know what those two attorneys did to Lawrence's daughter, Lawrence has already won: that is, PUBLICITY WORLDWIDE worth more than money!
Posts by wanda
by SHUNNED FATHER inthe following is a legal description of my lawsuit.
the watchtower lawyers are defendants and the watchtower society is tied into the lawsuit throu the lawyers.. statement of lawrence hughes.
administrator ad litem of the estate of bethany hughes.
by SHUNNED FATHER inlast friday the judge decided that my wrongfull death suit for my daughters estate can proceed against the watchtower society and its lawyers and the doctors.
the story received national news coverage on saturday and tuesday with alot of coverage on monday.
today, associated press and cnn covered the story which makes it world news.. lawrence.
How can those who wish to help with the legal expenses?
You are a hero and have already won by getting this publicised so widely worldwide.
They are murderers of children and should be debarred from practice as well as lose financially.
I wonder also how much they are being sued for?
Open Letter Re Watchtower Downsizing, Eventual Loss Of Non-Taxed Status...
by wanda into those readers and others who asked and now as an open letter:
regarding inquiries made about the watchtower society over jehovah's witnesses sending many of its workers packing back to kingdom hall congregations, the original, primary written source about the workman's comp aspect was the new york daily news of january 6, 2006; the article in full appearing below.
also, if you want more information than this from the new york daily news you can use the name of the judge to locate the original courtcase to read the record for it at the courthouse or phone the attorneys who represented the different sides for any additional information.
To Those Readers And Others Who Asked And Now As An Open Letter:
Regarding inquiries made about the Watchtower Society over Jehovah's Witnesses sending many of its workers packing back to kingdom hall congregations, the original, primary written source about the workman's comp aspect was the New York Daily News of January 6, 2006; the article in full appearing below.
Also, if you want more information than this from the New York Daily News you can use the name of the judge to locate the original courtcase to read the record for it at the courthouse or phone the attorneys who represented the different sides for any additional information. Law reviews and state-published summations of legal verdicts are other sources that can help you.
The link and several strings discussing this appeared on Further, at the February 2006 meetup in
You may wish to correspond further with Randy Watter at [email protected] , and other posters at He or others such as Bill Bowen at may have learned more. When asked by the media, the Watchtower Society's spokespeople have, I am told, refused to say anything at all. My elder source said he himself was emailed the information from one of the active, underground Bethelite workers at Brooklyn who was present in the dining area when the announcement was made. The Watchtower Society's doing this is in the immediate wake of the workman's comp verdict and probably is also affected by their having brought in new printing equipment as well as going more into outsourcing.
The WTS would seem to think the dismissal of many of its workers is a solution to its monetary problems. I am told that they still have vast sums of liquid cash donations but it also appears that despite this they can foresee that the membership trends, especially in the wealthier western nations, is downward. They are wealthy too from prime real estate they can sell in . Further, many members are "Babyboomers" born about 1947-1950 who have now reached 50 to 60 years of age, are experiencing health problems and are beginning to die,... and leave assets willed to the Watchtower Society. This last factor and their dismissal of workers is, at a guess, the type of solutions they are hinging their hopes on. What they don’t know, and must worry them too, is how many members in afflluent nations are exasperated with them and will become so to the point of not donating time, money and energy preaching.
They are also working to counter some of the negative publicity coming due to their now fully exposed policy of sending so-called repentant child molester members among those preaching door-to-door. For example there is a movie that is being developed to cast them in the light of heroic defenders of freedom rather than a cult. It has been claimed that there was no official original tie between the producer and the Watchtower Society but I have read ( that the WTS is enthusiastically supportive of this. Too, it is not hard to picture some of them using continuing strong ties with persons in the U.N., going back to when they were an official NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) affiliate (also since exposed on the internet) to promote international U.N. efforts to clamp down on the internet.
Meanwhile WTS heads like Ted Jaracz are doubtlessly fearful that their having lost the workman's comp case, the loss on non-payment of taxes in France, the continuing child molestation scandal publicised earthwide (NBC, CBS, CNN etc), the wrongful death lawsuit in Canada by Lawrence Hughes, etc. are still nipping at their heels and may cost them even more loss of positive public relations and money, and far worse, that such issues will lead to some attorneys and legislators eventually coalescing to lobby for their being wholly removed from their non-taxed status as a non-profit organization in the United States and or other nations.
That's all the information and views that I can share with you, but if I can do more for you, my own phone number is 913 492-1564, and ask for Joe. My own picture and story appear in the PHOTOS and FILES sections at
"Church may be forced to pay millions BY JESS WISLOSKI and ADAM LISBERG DAILY NEWS WRITERS January 6, 2006
A 46-year-old woman who devoted her life to the Jehovah's Witnesses said she was forced to move from their compound after she was seriously injured while serving the church. But a judge's ruling this week that she is entitled to worker's compensation payments could end up costing the church millions of dollars. Brenda Upton and her husband, Michael, took a vow of poverty and moved to the Witnesses' headquarters in 1998 to work as chiropractors for other church members. She injured her spine while running to catch a bus at an upstate church compound later that year. "They take wonderful care of you up to a point, and then you're on your own," said. "That's why we wound up going to court." She said she suffered debilitating nerve injuries that have left her barely able to carry a laundry basket. The church took care of her medical care until 2001, when she and her husband were asked to leave and were given a $79,000 stipend. But Workers' Compensation Law Judge Stephen Goldstein ruled Wednesday that is entitled to $400 a week in workers' compensation payments. "I'm finding they were not religious volunteers," Goldstein said. "They were engaged, particularly Dr. Brenda Upton, in a number of work-like activities." The Witnesses vowed to appeal the ruling, saying Upton and the other 5,800 Witnesses who live and work in the church's operations are volunteers, not employees. But if the decision stands, the Witnesses - and other religious organizations - could potentially face millions of dollars in workers' compensation insurance premiums and payments, said church lawyer John Miller. "It'll pretty much put religious orders out of business," Miller said. "It would certainly impact whether we would ever want to continue operations" in . The church owns about 40 properties in downtown and has plans to build a huge new structure on a vacant lot. Miller would not speculate how the workers' compensation case would affect those plans. "We don't have a spiritual conflict," said Upton, who has moved with her husband to . "Our problem all along has been medical-legal. We are still active Jehovah's Witnesses." " -
What Bethelites Are Saying About The Layoffs
by wanda infor those who have friends there or who just left there, what is being said about this?
For those who have friends there or who just left there, what is being said about this?
My TV Has Demons
by Undecided inrecently my tv will turn itself on ocassionally.
my wife said it has changed channels while she was watching it.
the remote was not out in the open, but was in the arm of my recliner.
Google for example using "cause stalking" and "cult." Changing TV channels, making garage doors be open, making an item glow in the dark, wiretapping, harrassing by sounds and voice are electronic doings. Not demons; electronic doings increasingly done by cause stalking cults, ranging from religious nuts to atheists and vigilantees.
Possibly some fruitcake old elder who likes to molest children or is worried you'll spill the beans about what's he's done is molesting you. Use Caesar's sword the FBI or police if they continue. There's some interesting photos on the net taken by a news reporter who was harrassed by Christian Identity or the like, showing them in the act of surveillance of her house. She wrote a book about it. Fruitcake groups sometimes work together.
by Mary infor those of you not "keeping up with the organization"botchtower deals soley with all the bullshit instances of "increased light" on this joke of a religion god's organization.
it asks many drone-like thought-provoking questions as i've listed below.
incredible that these guys claim to be the sole ownership of what is absolute "truth", yet change doctrines like i change lipsticks.
Money is the bottom line for them. Re-read what Gary has written up above. Also Lawrence Hugh's efforts to publicise their insane anti-emergency blood transfusion policy up in Canada has also hurt their pocketbook. They do love their blood money.
What if a group of say three or four dads and moms whose children bled to death started picketing in Canada and the United States?
What if two bicycled or hiked across the U.S. to advertise the Watchtower's policies leading to deaths and raping of children?
I don't believe their growth is even 1% worldwide, and I believe in the U.S. it's actually more like a minus or negative 5%.
Dying membership figures mean dying money.
They are dying.
Change or die.
Change time.
When is it?
OCTOBER 29, 1911- Russell's hanky panky headline in Brooklyn paper
by watch the tower inrussell and wife maria, before divorce.
pittsburg, october 27 - the suit for a separation brought by martha (sic)f. russell against charles taz russell, her husband, popularly known as pastor russell, who has just entered a libel suit against the brooklyn eagle, is remembered here as one of the most sensational court proceedings in the history of allegheny county.
pastor russell's advertising methods had already attracted a good deal of attention to himself, and while many referred to him as "the crank preacher of allegheny," his unusual lectures and effective publicity methods drew good-sized crowds to his bible house on arch street.
In the court record it says he had her on his knee and they were "fondling each other." As to how far it went, that is the official court record. Fondling means they were touching each other in intimate sexual parts of the body.
According to what Grizzuti has written in her book (I think Vision of Glory or something similar was the title), Charles Taze Russell's wife Maria had some kind of problem with her female body organs which made CT Russell and her having sexual relations either impossible or highly infrequent. This was when CT Russell, as he admits in the court record, hit on one woman then another until he found those who were willing participants. It is also worth noting that Maria, not CT, wrote most of the early Watch Tower magazine articles; and both he and she had fathers who were members of the Free Masons.
by badboy in.
i understand from a previous that elders burst into a women's home in las vegas,and elders entered into a sda church in tasmania,demanding to see someone.. has they been other actions like that?
In some congregations with elders shielding pedophiles among themselves etc there is electronic surveillance and the like; for example Ray Franz tells in writing of Bethelites in Greece's branch being caught and later convicted for being in a van secretly camcording exJWs attending a Last Supper memorial in violation of the European Union's law.
Mr. Ex-Elder, maybe your group didn't do what many of the others elder bodies do but I can assure you that where elders fear going to prison they do sometimes do such things. Maybe you yourself would not dream of wiretapping but it doesn't mean others don't, sir.
Now That The "Hope" Of Paradise Is Gone-----Now What???
by minimus inare you aimless?
are you happier?
more confused?
Why do you say the hope of paradise is gone?The Watchtower is going away but hope remains.
Many exJWs do become this or that but many also continue belief in the Bible. You get the impression MOST are agnostic only because those who are are more vocal than those who aren't. There is a Silent Majority who simply go on with life, thinking as Christians who believe in paradise and or heavenly resurrection.
very weird happening.
by riverofdeceit ini was just sitting here reading some posts and the phone rang.
my wife looked at the caller id and it said jehovahs witness!!!!
she hands me the phone.
Stalking and harassment are nothing new from the Watchtower. Why be surprised when it's done by phone or other electronic means?Mother organization says she abhors pedophilia while she abets pedophiles. Mother organization says she hates the U.N. and has her local elders denounce it even though she was a U.N. NGO (Non-governmental Organization) ten years till caught after which she keeps it up unofficially.
Also, it's Jehovah's "Holy Spirit in action" is also sometimes used as a euphemism for wiretapping and other "demons." Momma org denounces wiretapping in AWAKE magazine while her fruitcakes do any kind of "Jehovah's evil spirit" rot they want.
Jaracz, leaving your pro-pedophile policies and the like aside, you aren't even a good money-manager. No wonder the Watchtower is plunging.