It is enough to do that for a lot of people. I know because I've done just that. Now it's your turns. If you want to add something to it, then do it.
Posts by wanda
Free Item To Deprogram Your Loved Ones
by wanda inmany "babyboomers" came into the watchtower society as the result of having studied the short publication the truth that leads to eternal life.
now, by reading the following even shorter publication they can exit the watchtower (or other similar groups) even faster.
real truth leads to eternal life
Free Item To Deprogram Your Loved Ones
by wanda inmany "babyboomers" came into the watchtower society as the result of having studied the short publication the truth that leads to eternal life.
now, by reading the following even shorter publication they can exit the watchtower (or other similar groups) even faster.
real truth leads to eternal life
Many "babyboomers" came into the Watchtower Society as the result of having studied the short publication The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life. Now, by reading the following even shorter publication they can exit the Watchtower (or other similar groups) even faster. REAL TRUTH LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE
Dear Reader, Do you have an open mind and believe in fairness? Then feel free to make and distribute copies of this little publication for John 8:32 says Truth, meaning the real truth, frees by overturning misteachings about God and God's will. The name of no specific church is ever mentioned but it focuses on teachings. Anyone who wants is free to make and share copies of this publication.
EASTER: Though World Book and some other encyclopedias repeat the speculation that its name was from the goddess Eastre, it was a misinterpretation of the Latin for White Week, that week when those about to be baptized in
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: 1 Samuel 14:32-35 says Saul's army ate “unbled” meat without punishment as it was an emergency to save life. They just built an altar of repentance due to the Mosaic law of that time." Identical twins normally transfuse blood to each other via shared placenta and moms' milk includes white blood cells. Christ said people need doctors (Mt 9:12, Mark 2:17, Lu 5:31) and Luke was a doctor ( 4:14) yet a few groups preach against doctors and/or emergency blood, some members dying; yet God wants "mercy not sacrifice.” (Mt 12:7)
DISFELLOWSHIPPING (SHUNNING) 2 Corinthians 2:6 says "The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him" so "the majority" (not ALL) had followed Paul's suggestion to shun a wrongdoer, and the dissenting minority were not punished. Paul ordered worker Timothy who worked for him, but otherwise Christians obeyed conscience (Romans 14). Yet some groups compel shunning, use intimidation, censorship, humiliation etc.
CHRISTIAN FREEDOM: At Ephesians 4:4 Paul said there's only "one faith" meaning Christianity in general, the many modern denominations not existing until later. Yet today some claim to be the one and only true church. Judges 17:6 says God arranged for everyone in to enjoy freedom and when the tribes said they wanted human rulers He warned of dictatorship. (I Sa 8) Today a great cure for religious dictatorships is more local autonomy with democracy; the one most faithful wise servant and Leader only being Christ; (Mt 10:23) and going by Romans 14 on freedom to have different opinions.
LOVE: Ecclesiastes 3:1 by Solomon says "there is a place for everything." Instead of numerous and absolute rules on things, common sense and love for others need to guide our decisions and actions as Romans 14 permits.
PREACHING/WITNESSING/CONVERSIONS: Luke 10:7 says "Do not be transferring house to house" and Christ went from a house in one town to a house in another but never preached at one door right after another as some groups do. Christianity’s conversions (see Bible in Acts) have never required a 6-12 months or more long Bible study but have been about as fast as accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior from death via resurrection.
HOLIDAYS: 2:16 "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by food, drink, a religious festival, New Moon celebration or Sabbath day." Yet some do and accept money, use day and month names, rings etc that allegedly "have pagan origins" while denying children and adults the "joy" (Ga 5:22) of Christmas, birthdays etc.
FELLOWSHIP: Colossians 3:14 says the greatest bond of unity is "love" yet some groups call others "false Christians," slander-shun-expel-censor-humiliate or otherwise beat on them for differing on if hellfire is literal/symbolic/non-access-to-God, if God's nature is trinitarian/unitarian/modalism (Oneness), if Romans 16:1 shows women can/can't be ministers/deaconnesses etc, at times killing dissenters. Yet Christ helped all and died so ALL might live and Paul at Romans 14 says we enjoy great Christian freedom of expression. So loving fellowship among us comes first.
CHRIST AND THE BIBLE: Matthew 23:10 says Christ is the only one overall Leader for Christians; yet some groups do what they are told to believe in and act as told by a man or an organization group of men who interpret the Bible for them though it, not them, is the only perfectly inspired Teacher. (1Ti3:16) Matthew 10:8 etc say give free what you got free yet some sell magazines, books, flowers etc that more than just cover cost of printing but bring profit.
CHRISTMAS which is December 25 the date of the first Jewish festival of Hannukah now varying because lunar based, so Roman Saturnalia may not be its only origin. Christ was at the Feast of Dedication, another name for Hannukah (Jn 10:22) Santa was based on an actual Christian (Saint Nicholas) famed for giving gifts in the Middle Ages. NEW YEARS: God began the Jewish New Year's celebration Rosh Hashana at Lev 23. Without excess drinking it's biblically fine. HALLOWEEN came from All Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when Christians dressed kids as saints; many Europeans and other Christians still do so. THANKSGIVING began as the annual autumn harvest in Hebrew called "Festival of Booths" or "Festival of Ingathering" (of crops with thanks to Him) (Lev 23:33, Deu 16:13) now celebrated in numerous nations on many continents.
FLAGS (banners in some translations) were used by the Israelite tribes instead of tiny hoisted idols (Ex 20:4); are for respect not worship. Read Ps 20:5, Song of Solomon 2:4, 6:4,10 TETRAGRAMMATON: Christ and Paul say use Father/Abba/papa/dad (Mt 6:9; Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6) not one of the various possible reconstructed formal names, and God told Israel’s tribes His name must never be misused so that’s why so many modern Christians and Jews substitute Lord, out of respect not superstition. All earliest New Testament manuscripts use Lord.
CROSS. Paul says boast of the cross as a resurrection symbol over death, (Ga 6:14, 1 Cor 1:17-18), not a “repugnant murder weapon” or stake as some claim. Archaeology proves it was a cross. Forensics researcher F Zugibe proved death by cross takes several hours as Lu 23:44 and Mt 27:45-6 say; only minutes if by stake. Greek “stauros” means cross or stake, never just stake. REVELATION'S 144,000 number can be symbolic since the book itself is and Rev 19:1 says a great crowd’s in heaven.
Courtesy of [email protected]
Reasoning with the Witnesses - for newbies.
by FreeWilly inafter reading experiences and correspondence that some have posted on this site i think it might be a good idea to share what has been somewhat effective in conversations with entrenched jw family and friends.
when i was just "waking up" my mind was so occupied with the things i learned that i paid little attention to how i presented my point of view to jw's.
i often employed the "shot-gun" approach using the research i unveiled along with a healthy dose of outrage.
Send JW families and friends copies of the following. Many who converted came in from a study in the little book "Truth That Leads To Eternal Life" so now they can exit with this tiny fast read item: REAL TRUTH LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE John 8:32 says Truth, meaning the real truth, frees by overturning misteachings about God and God's will, so please read this with an open-mind and knowing it does not mention any religion by name but is focused on teachings common among some.
EASTER: Its name was not for the goddess Eastre but a misinterpretation of the Latin for White Week, the week when those about to be baptized in England wore white. The name may also be influenced by the Anglo-Saxon word “Eastern” as Christianity came from the east. Easter eggs-chicks-baby rabbits started to be used to symbolize new life as in Christ's resurrection, never based on nonChristian fertility rites.
EMERGENCY BLOOD AND MEDICENE: 1 Samuel 14:32-35 says Saul's army ate UN-BLED meat without punishment as it was an emergency to save life. They just built an altar of repentance due to the Mosaic law of that time." Identical twins normally transfuse blood to each other via shared placenta and moms' milk includes white blood cells. Christ said people need doctors (Mt 9:12, Mark 2:17, Lu 5:31) and Luke was a doctor (Col 4:14) yet a few groups preach against doctors and/or emergency blood, some members dying; yet God wants "mercy not sacrifice.” (Mt 12:7)
DISFELLOWSHIPPING (SHUNNING) 2 Corinthians 2:6 says "The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him" so "the majority" (not ALL) had followed Paul's suggestion to shun a wrongdoer, and the dissenting minority were not punished. Paul ordered worker Timothy who worked for him, but otherwise Christians obeyed conscience (Romans 14). Yet some groups compel shunning, use intimidation, censorship, humiliation etc.
CHRISTIAN FREEDOM: At Ephesians 4:4 Paul said there's only "one faith" meaning Christianity in general, the many modern denominations not existing until later. Yet today some claim to be the one and only true church. Judges 17:6 says God arranged for everyone in Israel to enjoy freedom and when the tribes said they wanted human rulers He warned of dictatorship. (I Sa 8) Today a great cure for religious dictatorships is more local autonomy with democracy; the one most faithful wise servant and Leader only being Christ; (Mt 10:23) and going by Romans 14 on freedom to have different opinions.
LOVE: Ecclesiastes 3:1 by Solomon says "there is a place for everything." Instead of numerous and absolute rules on things, common sense and love for others need to guide our decisions and actions as Romans 14 permits.
PREACHING/WITNESSING/CONVERSIONS: Luke 10:7 says "Do not be transferring house to house" and Christ went from a house in one town to a house in another but never preached at one door right after another as some groups do. Christianity’s conversions (see Bible in Acts) have never required a 6-12 months or more long Bible study but have been about as fast as accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior from death via resurrection.
HOLIDAYS: Col 2:16 "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by food, drink, a religious festival, New Moon celebration or Sabbath day." Yet some do and accept money, use day and month names, rings etc that allegedly "have pagan origins" while denying children and adults the "joy" (Ga 5:22) of Christmas, birthdays etc.
FELLOWSHIP: Colossians 3:14 says the greatest bond of unity is "love" yet some groups call others "false Christians," slander-shun-expel-censor-humiliate or otherwise beat on them for differing on if hellfire is literal/symbolic/non-access-to-God, if God's nature is trinitarian/unitarian/modalism (Oneness), if Romans 16:1 shows women can/can't be ministers/deaconnesses etc, at times killing dissenters. Yet Christ helped all and died so ALL might live and Paul at Romans 14 says we enjoy great Christian freedom of expression. So loving fellowship among us comes first.
CHRIST AND THE BIBLE: Matthew 23:10 says Christ is the only one overall Leader for Christians; yet some groups do what they are told to believe in and act as told by a man or an organization group of men who interpret the Bible for them though it, not them, is the only perfectly inspired Teacher. (1Ti3:16) Matthew 10:8 etc say give free what you got free yet some sell magazines, books, flowers etc that more than just cover cost of printing but bring profit.
CHRISTMAS which is December 25 the date of the first Jewish festival of Hannukah now varying because lunar based, so Roman Saturnalia may not be its only origin. Christ was at the Feast of Dedication, another name for Hannukah (Jn 10:22) Santa was based on an actual Christian (Saint Nicholas) famed for giving gifts in the Middle Ages. NEW YEARS: God began the Jewish New Year's celebration Rosh Hashana at Lev 23. Without excess drinking it's biblically fine. HALLOWEEN came from All Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when Christians dressed kids as saints; many Europeans and other Christians still do so. THANKSGIVING began as the annual autumn harvest in Hebrew called "Festival of Booths" or "Festival of Ingathering" (of crops with thanks to Him) (Lev 23:33, Deu 16:13) now celebrated in numerous nations on many continents.
FLAGS (banners in some translations) were used by the Israelite tribes instead of tiny hoisted idols (Ex 20:4); are for respect not worship. Read Ps 20:5, Song of Solomon 2:4, 6:4,10 TETRAGRAMMATON: Christ and Paul say use Father/Abba/papa/dad (Mt 6:9; Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6) not one of the various possible reconstructed formal names, and God told Israel’s tribes His name must never be misused so that’s why so many modern Christians and Jews substitute Lord, out of respect not superstition. All earliest New Testament manuscripts use Lord.
CROSS. Paul says boast of the cross as a resurrection symbol over death, (Ga 6:14, 1 Cor 1:17-18), not a “repugnant murder weapon” or stake as some claim. Archaeology proves it was a cross. Forensics researcher F Zugibe proved death by cross takes several hours as Lu 23:44 and Mt 27:45-6 say; only minutes if by stake. Greek “stauros” means cross or stake, never just stake. REVELATION'S 144,000 number can be symbolic since the book itself is and Rev 19:1 says a great crowd’s in heaven. -
A JW wants to know where we go when we leave the society
by Madame Quixote ini told him about few things we do.
maybe some of you could add to this at: . .
wanda is a peaceful, fun and interesting fellowship
Why Watchtower Must Sell More Properties in 2006-2009
by wanda inthe various corporations of the watchtower society are still, in one way if not another, under control of the governing body of the watchtower society.. now by selling off the physical properties the watchtower society's governing body can eliminate those assets possibly being taken and sold by the courts in the event that canadian lawrence hughes and other plaintiffs get at either those watchtower assets or those acting for that governing body such as the two attorneys he is suing in the wake of his daughter bethany's death.. further, they continue losing members in western nations and this at least in the short term until more members died who have willed them monies and properties, translates into a steady loss of money.
also, although it is a fact that they are still raking in money, the foregoing dangers to said moneys, and the fact that much of their money is tied up in massive amounts of unliquidated joint assets, i.e.
properties such as farms in various states and nations and buildings such as in new york and other lands, is in the short term problematic for them.. therefore we see them scurrying to see off some of their buildings in new york city or brooklyn, and also farm properties, etc.. maybe seven years ago i noticed things such as their.
The various corporations of the Watchtower Society are still, in one way if not another, under control of the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society.
Now by selling off the physical properties the Watchtower Society's Governing Body can eliminate those assets possibly being taken and sold by the courts in the event that Canadian Lawrence Hughes and other plaintiffs get at either those Watchtower assets or those acting for that Governing Body such as the two attorneys he is suing in the wake of his daughter Bethany's death.
Further, they continue losing members in Western nations and this at least in the short term until more members died who have willed them monies and properties, translates into a steady loss of money.
Also, although it is a fact that they are still raking in money, the foregoing dangers to said moneys, and the fact that much of their money is tied up in massive amounts of unliquidated joint assets, i.e. properties such as farms in various states and nations and buildings such as in New York and other lands, is in the short term problematic for them.
Therefore we see them scurrying to see off some of their buildings in New York City or Brooklyn, and also farm properties, etc.
Maybe seven years ago I noticed things such as their
beginning to use cheaper artificial flowers on convention stages rather than real flowers, publishing a tiny calendar rather than a fuller sized one, switching from hardback books to cheaper softbacks, their decreasing publications more recently, dropping lunches served at conventions........
the signs are clear
having a pro-pedophiles Governing Body sending so-called "repentent" pedophiles out door to door, a Governing Body member who was himself alleged a pedophile by Pat Garza, the embarassment of having been an NGO of the UN 10 years till caught and publicised and then having to lie it had been to "just get a UN library card to research the UN's library", etc, has caused a decrease in
money the old harloting Governing Body used to get leading to their sales now of farm and building properties.
Most who converted to JWs did so while Babyboomers who had been born in 1946-1956. They will begin dying mostly when about age 70-80 namely in about 15 to 25 years from now, i.e. 2020-2030. Only then can the Watchtower or what's left of it at that time beginning getting their hands on a whole lot more liquid cash. For now they must sell assets, and all the more so as more members discover about the pedophile and UN scandals etc.
Therefore, all said, I believe the Watchtower Society will be selling even more of its properties and in particular in the next 2-3 years. The money is needed and wanted, and it's needed and wanted ... as fast as possible.
Just emailed Silent Lambs of Pedophiles in South Oz
by wozadummy inthanks for the boot up the bum misspeaches.
come on australia email silent lambs with alleged pedophiles you know of and their congregation.
if they get a decent response it will be a great aid to protecting children .
It definitely helps to list the congregations where elders have been sheltering so-called "repentent" child molesters.
JWs for example do (despite denials about it) also go to the site and check the list when considering moving so as to see if they're going to a known Pedophile Congregation.
So it can and does help those JWs and their children. And why shouldn't Australian children be safeguarded more too.
I doubt the first poster here even had in mind posting the actual name of such persons unless they have been convicted, as some have.
That said, let's save our children (and grandkids) - planetwide!
Non Americans - Help Silent Lambs
by misspeaches inhi guys.
you may or may not be aware that silent lambs has a page displaying congregations and cities in the usa that have pedofiles in them.
currently there are no such lists for other places.
The service is excellent, and I hope others provide more information. Bill knows some of the congregations in other lands but not nearly so many as in the United States. When people post against and use profanities what are we to make of them except that there's a good chance they work for the Watchtower or are proWatchtower and don't want efforts like this to pick up steam. May it do so and all the more.
Murder Because Of The Watchtower Society
by wanda
have you read it?
it's as interesting as anything sold by randy watters.
wanda Have you read it? It's as interesting as anything sold by Randy Watters.
HaPpY sT pAtRiCkS dAy!
by misspeaches inwell its the 17th march down under and it's st patricks day, and convenitently a friday.
so after work its downstairs to the irish pub to participate in the revellarys!
(is that a word?
Patrick was born to a rich family in England which was then occupied
by the Roman army. His family may have been Celtic or possibly
Anglo-Saxon, the Anglo-Saxons being Germans who had once invaded
England, driving out the Celts.
While a child Gael invaders from Ireland captured and took him to be
a slave in Ireland where he was a shepherd for six years. He prayed
increasingly then one day felt God call him to flee over bog and
mountains to the coast where he escaped in a ship to England.
He and the men with him often almost died of starvation but when he
prayed a herd of wild pigs appeared for them to eat. Later he
dreamed a man came and begged him to return to Ireland to convert
the people from the Druid religion to Christianity.
In Ireland Patrick traveled village to village preaching, often in
dangerous circumstances. He founded numerous Christian churches,
schools and a college.
Since the Druids were sun worshippers he put a sun on his cross
symbol so that they were more comfortable about using it. His use
of bonfires for Easter surplanted the previous Druid usage of such
fires. A legend possibly true is that when people asked him to
explain the Trinity belief, he picked up a piece of clover and noted
it had three totally different leafs and yet was one clover.
These practical approaches and his knowledge from youth of the
language and customs of the Irish people enabled him to convert the
land to Christianity. Thereafter some of the new Irish converts
felt inspired to go to other parts of Europe including Germany to
make even more new Christians.
As an old man Patrick wrote his memoirs in a book called
Confessions. It is factual and claims no special miracles such as
many legends claim for him.
The Irish have long celebrated a holiday in his memory. Today in
some lands such as the USA, however, St. Patrick's Day is more a
secular day for the celebrating of ethnic diversity in general. -
Do you know people in Rotary, Lion's, other clubs?
by wanda inas many know lawrence hughes of canada keeps pursuing a vigorous lawsuit against the watchtower society.
at the end is his email.
i'm hoping rotary and lion's clubs and the like will be told by some of you of his call for financial help to continue, and you can remind them that they may not now have children or grandchildren who are jws or in jw households, but in the future it could happen.
As many know Lawrence Hughes of Canada keeps pursuing a vigorous lawsuit against the Watchtower Society. At the end is his email.
I'm hoping Rotary and Lion's clubs and the like will be told by some of you of his call for financial help to continue, and you can remind them that they may not now have children or grandchildren who are JWs or in JW households, but in the future it could happen.
His battle has the potential for saving the lives of many children and also adults.