Can someone tell Lawrence Hughes about it too? It could help him in his lawsuit against the two bigshot Watchtower attorneys over the death of his daughter Bethany.
Posts by wanda
Since Richies Shown Elders Have Been Told To Destroy Pedophile Elders Files
by wanda inhi, especially so to the watchtower posers whom i hope are capable of reading this as they gnash their teeth and their eyes go wild with fear.
the more the watchtower posers say to be quiet, act "delicate," or forget it and the more they try to laugh it off, the more other people become fired up to expose them.
it was easy to predict that what richie has put on the internet and that has now gone earthwide would occur.
by badboy in.
i am not sure what the wt says,but in a united church of god magazine(good news),it is stated that eostre ,a germanic goddess from whom the easter festival is supposedly named after,is related to ishtar.. it says however in my etymological dictionary that eostre/easter is related to the word east.. are these people sure about all things?.
Here's still another possibility.
The word component Estre/Eastre (Middle English Estretide meaning Easter Time or Old English Eastretide meaning the same) means East or Eastern as with Christianity coming out of the East. However, somehow the word East (as in the direction east) may also have a common semantic or meaning relationship linking it to the similar name of the goddess Eostre. For example She, the goddess, was a goddess of the spring time which was noted for winds coming out of the East.
These are all only guesses although as valid as Bede's. The important thing is that even if the Christians of England had named this day dedicated to remembering Christ's resurrection process, still it is a positive event that was and is definitely Christian, in no way pagan. The rabbits and eggs are also symbols of rebirth via the Christian resurrection, never used as sexual fertility symbols despite what the C of G and Watchtower say.
by badboy in.
i am not sure what the wt says,but in a united church of god magazine(good news),it is stated that eostre ,a germanic goddess from whom the easter festival is supposedly named after,is related to ishtar.. it says however in my etymological dictionary that eostre/easter is related to the word east.. are these people sure about all things?.
True, there's several possible origins. For a starter, though, note that the anti-holidays movement went from Church of God to Watchtower Society.
Many if not most all Witnesses think the Watchtower Society began the anti-holidays (anti-Easter, anti-Christmas) etc, but it actually with the C of G. The Watchtower liked the approach as it helps separate their members better from other religions, thus keeping more of the members and their contributions of time and money.
The name Easter besides possibly being from the word eastern which is from where Christianity came in relation to England (the Near EAST), may also be from the fact that the Bible says Christ returns from the east to resurrect, although many modern scholars have also said the Latin expression White Week (the week people wore white before being baptised in the spring) was mistranslated to Easter. Too, the name origin could be a combination of these things.
The Roman Catholic clergyman-scholar Bede wrote in the Middle Ages in England that he himself guessed it might come from Eostrum, also known as the goddess Ishtarte. Although only a guess the World Book Encyclopedia (it or a major writer for it had ties to Freddie Franz the Watchtower's third President back when he was alive) wrote what Bede said in its Easter article and from then on most subsequent encyclopedias have repeated it like a gospel truth, causing many to most internet websites so far to also repeat it.
Since Richies Shown Elders Have Been Told To Destroy Pedophile Elders Files
by wanda inhi, especially so to the watchtower posers whom i hope are capable of reading this as they gnash their teeth and their eyes go wild with fear.
the more the watchtower posers say to be quiet, act "delicate," or forget it and the more they try to laugh it off, the more other people become fired up to expose them.
it was easy to predict that what richie has put on the internet and that has now gone earthwide would occur.
P.S. I'm grateful for modern technology that will allow us to even more easily record visually and audially what elders say and do in the kingdom halls, what COs and DOs say in assembly halls and convention sites.
These things are getting more and more inexpensive so will be used more and more.
Since Richies Shown Elders Have Been Told To Destroy Pedophile Elders Files
by wanda inhi, especially so to the watchtower posers whom i hope are capable of reading this as they gnash their teeth and their eyes go wild with fear.
the more the watchtower posers say to be quiet, act "delicate," or forget it and the more they try to laugh it off, the more other people become fired up to expose them.
it was easy to predict that what richie has put on the internet and that has now gone earthwide would occur.
Hi, especially so to the Watchtower posers whom I hope are capable of reading this as they gnash their teeth and their eyes go wild with fear.
The more the Watchtower posers say to be quiet, act "delicate," or forget it and the more they try to laugh it off, the more other people become fired up to expose them.
It was easy to predict that what Richie has put on the internet and that has now gone earthwide would occur.
It is equally easy to see similar things will keep coming out of the Watchtower closets.... and files.
Richie posted on the following thread that the latest secret elders' manual had handwritten notes from an elder saying elders are to destroy the records of any male who becomes an elder and in the past had molested a child.
Do you not realize other elders, as they quit the Watchtower, will also be providing the oral instructions the District and Circuit Overseers have been giving out to local elders since Ted
Jaracz took control as anti-reformer Number One?
Readers (everyone), see what Richie did here. The future is upon us.... and the Watchtower is leaning over in the wind..... -
Ghosts, Demons, or Imagination?
by ButtLight inok, its happened again!
but not to me this time, my 12 year old son.. last night he fell asleep on the couch, so i left him there and went to bed.
he wolk up about 3 am, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
Electronic image projections are now relatively cheap, at least so for purchasing groups such as cause stalkers who include cultists.
Why Most Christians Can And Do Celebrate Birthdays
by wanda inon another thread they were talking about the lack of joy and mental health problems coming from jw kids not being allowed to participate at class dances, sports and so forth.
the lack of the joyfulness of birthdays is another factor.
why not leave some copies of this in your kingdom halls and assemblies if you still attend.
You share your joy with the child. Your joy is that you love the child.
And who gave you the child? God. So the joy and honor reflect back onto the Make of the child.
by SHUNNED FATHER inthe following is a legal description of my lawsuit.
the watchtower lawyers are defendants and the watchtower society is tied into the lawsuit throu the lawyers.. statement of lawrence hughes.
administrator ad litem of the estate of bethany hughes.
This also explains about emergency blood usage:
By J. Mason Emerson
In this no specific religious group is mentioned but the
focus is on "hot potato" topics such as Medical Treatments,
Shunning, Ministry, and Holidays. The Bible rightly notes
that telling others the real truth can free them (John 8:32)
and also leads to eternal life. So those with extra interest
are also welcome to freely copy and distribute this free
publication. For example you can freely mail or email copies
to friends, family members or others; leave copies in homes,
doctors' waiting offices, with libraries, in jails, prisons,
shelters etc. If you know how to translate it then you are
also welcome to do that.
The author is a long-time Christian who can be contacted at
jmasonemerson@ or via the website begun in 2005:
The Author,
HOLIDAYS IN GENERAL: Col 2:16 says "Therefore do not let
anyone judge you by food, drink, a religious festival, New
Moon celebration or Sabbath day." Yet some do and accept
money, use day and month names, rings etc that allegedly
"have pagan origins" while denying children and adults the
"joy" (Ga 5:22) of Christmas, birthdays etc.
CHRISTMAS is December 25 the date of the first Jewish
festival of Hannukah now varying because lunar based, so
Roman Saturnalia may not be its only origin. Christ was at
the Feast of Dedication, another name for Hannukah (Jn 10:22)
Contrary to misinformation Santa did not orginate from wizards
or a god but Christian gift-giver Nicholas who lived in the
Middle Ages. NEW YEARS: God Himself began the Jewish New
Year's celebration Rosh Hashana at Leviticus 23. Without
excess drinking it's okay for Christians.
EASTER was maybe named for goddess Eastre but possibly also
"Eastern" as Christianity came from the east. Easter
eggs-chicks-baby rabbits symbolize new life as in Christ's
resurrection not fertility rites! HALLOWEEN came from All
Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when Christians dressed
kids as saints; many Europeans still do so. THANKSGIVING
began as the annual autumn harvest "Festival of Booths" or
"Festival of Ingathering" (of crops with thanks to Him)
(Lev 23:33, Deu 16:13) celebrated in numerous nations.
Where Christians have changed previously pagan customs to
a Christian aim this is not mixing "darkness with light"
but for turning "darkness to light." In fact Paul wrote
that we have Christian freedom about if we want to celebrate
or not celebrate different holidays. He says this at
Galatians 4:10 and Colossians 2:16. (Please read those)
Also, he says Christians are not to be letting others judge
them over such things.
MEDICAL TREATMENTS: 1 Samuel 14:32-35 says Saul's army
ate un-bled meat without punishment as it was an emergency
to save life. They just built an altar of repentance due
to the Mosaic law of that time. Identical twins normally
transfuse blood to each other via shared placenta and
moms' milk includes white blood cells. Christ said people
need doctors (Mt 9:12, Mark 2:17, Lu 5:31) and Luke was a
doctor (Col 4:14) yet a few groups preach against doctors
and/or emergency blood, some members dying; yet God wants
"mercy not sacrifice." (Mt 12:7)
FITY UNITED BY LOVE: Colossians 3:14 says the greatest
bond of unity is "love" yet some groups call others "false
Christians," slander-shun-expel-censor-humiliate or otherwise
beat on them for differing on if hellfire is literal/symbolic/
non-access-to-God, if God's nature is trinitarian/unitarian/
modalism (Oneness), if Romans 16:1 shows women can/can't be
ministers/deaconnesses etc, at times killing dissenters.
Yet Christ helped all and died so ALL might live and Paul
at Romans 14 says we enjoy great Christian freedom of
expression. Ecclesiastes 3:1 by Solomon says "there is a
place for everything." Instead of numerous and absolute
rules on things, common sense and love for others need to
guide our decisions and actions as Romans 14 permits.
TRUE CHRISIANITY At Ephesians 4:4 Paul said there's only
"one faith" meaning Christianity in general, the many modern
church name groups not existing until later. Yet today some
claim to be the one and only true church. Judges 17:6 says
God arranged for everyone in Israel to enjoy freedom and when
the tribes said they wanted human rulers He warned of dictator-
ship. (I Sa 8) Today a great cure for religious dictatorships
is more local autonomy with democracy; the one most faithful
wise slave and Leader only all Christians being Christ.
(Mt 10:23)
SHUNNING: 2 Cor 2:6 says "The punishment inflicted on him by
the majority is sufficient for him" so "the majority" (not ALL)
had followed Paul's suggestion to shun a wrongdoer, and the
dissenting minority were not punished. Paul ordered worker
Timothy who worked for him, but otherwise Christians obeyed
conscience (Romans 14). Yet some groups compel shunning, use
intimidation, censorship, humiliation etc.
MINISTRY: Luke 10:7 says "Do not be transferring house to
house" and Christ went from a house in one town to a house in
another but never preached at one door right after another as
some groups do. The best way to witness to God's goodness is
by actively showing loving kindness. Using our lips is good
but hands-on kindness is more effective and as Christ often did.
The Bible says to help the needy and this means more than talk.
CHRIST: Matthew 23:10 says Christ is the only one overall
Leader for Christians; yet some groups do what they are told
to believe in and act as told by a man or an organization group
of men who interpret the Bible for them though it, not them, is
the only perfectly inspired Teacher. (1Ti3:16) Matthew 10:8 etc
say give free what you got free yet some sell magazines, books,
flowers etc that more than just cover cost of printing but bring
FLAGS or banners were used by Israelites instead of tiny
idols hoisted on poles as then done by many nations(Exodus
20:4); virtually every human views flags as emblems for
showing natural love and respect, not for worshipping.
Read Ps 20:5 and Song of Solomon 2:4, 6:4,10 to see for
yourself that they are well spoken of.
say to use Father/Abba/papa/dad (Mt 6:9; Romans 8:15,
Galatians 4:6) not some formal form of God's name, and
since God told Israel's tribes His name must never be
misused many Christians as well as Jews today commonly
substitute Lord in respect not superstition; or they use
Father etc for expressing tenderness and closeness. All
the earliest New Testament manuscripts use Lord. Why?
For the reasons just noted. So those substituting a
conjectured formal name for Lord (YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah)
in their own group translations of Bible verses are not
only mistranslating but because of this and when for
example some of those grous do things like enable child
abuse by their preachers or clergy then such usage of
God's name is utterly in vain.
THE CROSS. Paul says "boast" of the cross as a resurrection
symbol over death, (Ga 6:14, 1 Cor 1:17-18), not a "repugnant
murder weapon" or stake as some claim. Archaeology proves
it was a cross. Forensics researcher F Zugibe proved death
by cross takes several hours as Lu 23:44 and Mt 27:45-6 say;
only minutes if by stake. Greek "stauros" means cross or
stake, never just stake. REVELATION'S 144,000 number can be
symbolic since the book of Revelation itself is symbolic and
Rev 19:1 (read it)says a "great crowd" is in heaven. -
Placed 6 magazines this morning
by stillajwexelder injust thought i would let you all know, that as part of my ongoing theocratic warfare strategy i placed 6 magazines this morning.
i will be recording about 20 on my time slip though
May I count having placed this:
By J. Mason Emerson
In this no specific religious group is mentioned but the
focus is on "hot potato" topics such as Medical Treatments,
Shunning, Ministry, and Holidays. The Bible rightly notes
that telling others the real truth can free them (John 8:32)
and also leads to eternal life. So those with extra interest
are also welcome to freely copy and distribute this free
publication. For example you can freely mail or email copies
to friends, family members or others; leave copies in homes,
doctors' waiting offices, with libraries, in jails, prisons,
shelters etc. If you know how to translate it then you are
also welcome to do that.
The author is a long-time Christian who can be contacted at
jmasonemerson@ or via the website begun in 2005:
The Author,
HOLIDAYS IN GENERAL: Col 2:16 says "Therefore do not let
anyone judge you by food, drink, a religious festival, New
Moon celebration or Sabbath day." Yet some do and accept
money, use day and month names, rings etc that allegedly
"have pagan origins" while denying children and adults the
"joy" (Ga 5:22) of Christmas, birthdays etc.
CHRISTMAS is December 25 the date of the first Jewish
festival of Hannukah now varying because lunar based, so
Roman Saturnalia may not be its only origin. Christ was at
the Feast of Dedication, another name for Hannukah (Jn 10:22)
Contrary to misinformation Santa did not orginate from wizards
or a god but Christian gift-giver Nicholas who lived in the
Middle Ages. NEW YEARS: God Himself began the Jewish New
Year's celebration Rosh Hashana at Leviticus 23. Without
excess drinking it's okay for Christians.
EASTER was maybe named for goddess Eastre but possibly also
"Eastern" as Christianity came from the east. Easter
eggs-chicks-baby rabbits symbolize new life as in Christ's
resurrection not fertility rites! HALLOWEEN came from All
Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when Christians dressed
kids as saints; many Europeans still do so. THANKSGIVING
began as the annual autumn harvest "Festival of Booths" or
"Festival of Ingathering" (of crops with thanks to Him)
(Lev 23:33, Deu 16:13) celebrated in numerous nations.
Where Christians have changed previously pagan customs to
a Christian aim this is not mixing "darkness with light"
but for turning "darkness to light." In fact Paul wrote
that we have Christian freedom about if we want to celebrate
or not celebrate different holidays. He says this at
Galatians 4:10 and Colossians 2:16. (Please read those)
Also, he says Christians are not to be letting others judge
them over such things.
MEDICAL TREATMENTS: 1 Samuel 14:32-35 says Saul's army
ate un-bled meat without punishment as it was an emergency
to save life. They just built an altar of repentance due
to the Mosaic law of that time. Identical twins normally
transfuse blood to each other via shared placenta and
moms' milk includes white blood cells. Christ said people
need doctors (Mt 9:12, Mark 2:17, Lu 5:31) and Luke was a
doctor (Col 4:14) yet a few groups preach against doctors
and/or emergency blood, some members dying; yet God wants
"mercy not sacrifice." (Mt 12:7)
FITY UNITED BY LOVE: Colossians 3:14 says the greatest
bond of unity is "love" yet some groups call others "false
Christians," slander-shun-expel-censor-humiliate or otherwise
beat on them for differing on if hellfire is literal/symbolic/
non-access-to-God, if God's nature is trinitarian/unitarian/
modalism (Oneness), if Romans 16:1 shows women can/can't be
ministers/deaconnesses etc, at times killing dissenters.
Yet Christ helped all and died so ALL might live and Paul
at Romans 14 says we enjoy great Christian freedom of
expression. Ecclesiastes 3:1 by Solomon says "there is a
place for everything." Instead of numerous and absolute
rules on things, common sense and love for others need to
guide our decisions and actions as Romans 14 permits.
TRUE CHRISIANITY At Ephesians 4:4 Paul said there's only
"one faith" meaning Christianity in general, the many modern
church name groups not existing until later. Yet today some
claim to be the one and only true church. Judges 17:6 says
God arranged for everyone in Israel to enjoy freedom and when
the tribes said they wanted human rulers He warned of dictator-
ship. (I Sa 8) Today a great cure for religious dictatorships
is more local autonomy with democracy; the one most faithful
wise slave and Leader only all Christians being Christ.
(Mt 10:23)
SHUNNING: 2 Cor 2:6 says "The punishment inflicted on him by
the majority is sufficient for him" so "the majority" (not ALL)
had followed Paul's suggestion to shun a wrongdoer, and the
dissenting minority were not punished. Paul ordered worker
Timothy who worked for him, but otherwise Christians obeyed
conscience (Romans 14). Yet some groups compel shunning, use
intimidation, censorship, humiliation etc.
MINISTRY: Luke 10:7 says "Do not be transferring house to
house" and Christ went from a house in one town to a house in
another but never preached at one door right after another as
some groups do. The best way to witness to God's goodness is
by actively showing loving kindness. Using our lips is good
but hands-on kindness is more effective and as Christ often did.
The Bible says to help the needy and this means more than talk.
CHRIST: Matthew 23:10 says Christ is the only one overall
Leader for Christians; yet some groups do what they are told
to believe in and act as told by a man or an organization group
of men who interpret the Bible for them though it, not them, is
the only perfectly inspired Teacher. (1Ti3:16) Matthew 10:8 etc
say give free what you got free yet some sell magazines, books,
flowers etc that more than just cover cost of printing but bring
FLAGS or banners were used by Israelites instead of tiny
idols hoisted on poles as then done by many nations(Exodus
20:4); virtually every human views flags as emblems for
showing natural love and respect, not for worshipping.
Read Ps 20:5 and Song of Solomon 2:4, 6:4,10 to see for
yourself that they are well spoken of.
say to use Father/Abba/papa/dad (Mt 6:9; Romans 8:15,
Galatians 4:6) not some formal form of God's name, and
since God told Israel's tribes His name must never be
misused many Christians as well as Jews today commonly
substitute Lord in respect not superstition; or they use
Father etc for expressing tenderness and closeness. All
the earliest New Testament manuscripts use Lord. Why?
For the reasons just noted. So those substituting a
conjectured formal name for Lord (YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah)
in their own group translations of Bible verses are not
only mistranslating but because of this and when for
example some of those grous do things like enable child
abuse by their preachers or clergy then such usage of
God's name is utterly in vain.
THE CROSS. Paul says "boast" of the cross as a resurrection
symbol over death, (Ga 6:14, 1 Cor 1:17-18), not a "repugnant
murder weapon" or stake as some claim. Archaeology proves
it was a cross. Forensics researcher F Zugibe proved death
by cross takes several hours as Lu 23:44 and Mt 27:45-6 say;
only minutes if by stake. Greek "stauros" means cross or
stake, never just stake. REVELATION'S 144,000 number can be
symbolic since the book of Revelation itself is symbolic and
Rev 19:1 (read it)says a "great crowd" is in heaven. -
Why Most Christians Can And Do Celebrate Birthdays
by wanda inon another thread they were talking about the lack of joy and mental health problems coming from jw kids not being allowed to participate at class dances, sports and so forth.
the lack of the joyfulness of birthdays is another factor.
why not leave some copies of this in your kingdom halls and assemblies if you still attend.
On another thread they were talking about the lack of joy and mental health problems coming from JW kids not being allowed to participate at class dances, sports and so forth. The lack of the joyfulness of birthdays is another factor.
Why not leave some copies of this in your kingdom halls and assemblies if you still attend. If you no longer do, then put some where they can be found or mail or email them to those who are still JWs. Or even share copies with other exJWs who can use them this way.
Luke 2:6 says that angels celebrated Christ's day of birth, many who read first Job 1:3 and then Job 3:1,3 believe it is clear the banquet days Job's children celebrated were birthdays, and Jude 12 says the earliest Christians enjoyed balanced merriment at "love feasts."
Those against birthdays mis-say that in the Bible the only birthdays mentioned are in negative contexts, namely at the birthday of King Herod when he had John the Baptizer's head chopped off, and when an ancient Egyptian was slain. They are also wrong to say "mature" Christians don't celebrate birthdays.
In fact a birthday is a time for honoring the One who caused such happiness, the Creator of Life Himself, and it is also a way of showing the person who receives a birthday that they are loved, not "worshipped" as those against birthdays also sometimes say.
Galatians 5:22 says that one of the fruits of God's Holy Spirit is "joy..." or happiness, and so there is every reason to ignore such misinformation and continue in joyful celebration.
So, got a birthday coming? Romans 14 also shows we have Christian freedom to celebrate or not celebrate such days, so then, if so inclined, you are indeed free to enjoy it to the fullest!