Hello All:
I thought I’d throw my two cents in. I’m another refugee from H2O as well. What’s happened to the place since the move anyway? Seems the quality of the posts has taken a drastic dip.
Anyway, I’m not a JW, never have been, never will be. What’s my interest then? I’m married to one. When we met (in South America where I was working at the time), my then girlfriend wasn’t a JW, and had been inactive for 6-8 years. She let me know early on she’d been a Witness, but reassured me she wasn’t going to return. I probably should have run as fast as I could, but I was quite naive regarding Witness beliefs, even though I I had dated an unbaptized but active Witness before.
The relationship progressed, we married, had a child, and due to economics, moved to the U.S. Shortly thereafter, my wife returned to the organization. I made all the typical mistakes someone who isn’t intimately familiar with Witness beliefs could make -- pointed out logical fallacies, asked about the failed prophecies (I was in high school in 1975 and remember all the hullabaloo and the deriding jokes afterwards), past doctrines that had done others harm (the ban on vaccinations and organ transplants), and so on. Of course this hasn’t helped our relationship.
I continue to discuss and research the organization with the hope that someday my wife will see the light (and that’s not new light) and leave. As well, I maintain contact with a couple of others in the same situation. That way, we all have an understanding shoulder to cry on. My greatest difficulty has been accepting that my wife belongs to an organization that promotes intolerance of people like me and all my close friends and family (non-Witnesses). I’ve always had a difficult time with bigotry, but this is my first experience being the object of It by someone close to me. I don’t believe my wife sees this aspect of Witness belief, and I find this amazing as well; that an otherwise intelligent person could so easily ignore that her religion teaches that God is soon to destroy all her family and friends, apart from those new Witness acquaintances she has made, and that we are all bad associations, not to be trusted, not worthy of friendship, and to be avoided as much as possible if not trying to convert us.
I am a native Californian and we currently live in Southern California (I noticed a couple of other Californians as well). Anyway, I’ve ranted long enough.
Peace and blessings,