Jourles, that was priceless.
ahh, moment of Zen
Jourles, that was priceless.
ahh, moment of Zen
[edited] THE US TROOPS!
I think I saw this sign outside of a Singapore brothel once.
the mark of the idiot beasts
a few here, like trauma hound are stressing out about the idiots, fools and internet cowards who hit and run thier posts.
well get used to it boys and girls the internet is as crazy as all get on.
To explore humanity is greater than any further exploration of the earth, the seas or even outer space. In fact is encompasses all of those things. To explore humanity we learn more about ourselves, what makes us who we are and through such learning we can evolve to greater understandings on concepts that our minds may fail to grasp now. Basically it is my belief that part of our evolution is one of understanding and such understanding will eventually allow humanity to move beyond the problems that we are faced with today. By learning from each other with intelligent interaction, we increase our own understanding of ourselves.
Other than that I love exploring humanity, especially that of the female persuasion
i find it interesting that today we went to war.. today is the celebration of athena the greek goddess of war.
When is the celebration of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory?
it's 10:00 pm california time.
1am east coast.
6:00 am in london.
Unless of course it happens to be PDT (coming soon)
the mark of the idiot beasts
a few here, like trauma hound are stressing out about the idiots, fools and internet cowards who hit and run thier posts.
well get used to it boys and girls the internet is as crazy as all get on.
Is it closed minded to be so smug and sure of your own opinion that you do not allow for the possibility of a dissenting view? Isn't it intolarance when dissenting views are viewed universally as idiocy? I realize that there do exist true idiots who are on both sides of certain issues discussed on this board however and I do not wish to defent their actions, but not all veiwpoints on either side are experessed so ineloquently. I would hope that the purpouse of our discussions with each other is not to come to an agreement or a consensus, but a tolerance for people being allowed to have their point of view and a mutual respect for those who can express themselves without lowering themselves to common mudslinger. I think we all have a lot to learn from each other this way and it truly helps us to further explore our own humanity.
this is in reply to night warrior's comments earlier.
i agree with you.
change can be and has to be done.
You can help only those who want to be helped, some would rather go down with a ship because they are afraid of a dingy.
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place..
I mean, I would think it would get to a point to where it became no use to even have a board if there had to be so many sanctions put upon reading it and membership. Its like most forms of entertainment, you would hope that parents are keeping tabs and controlling what their children can have access to, but then again, what those limits are are up to the individual parent.
I can see how it would make people uncomfortable to have some of their stuff read by minors, but I don't think you should be too nervous about it. There is just so much you can't control and most everyone here behaves themselves in a manner that normal people would in public, even with all the disagreement that goes on.
it's 10:00 pm california time.
1am east coast.
6:00 am in london.
I live in the Pacific time zone