JoinedPosts by RandomTask
What is the jw explanation of this
by A Paduan inand being aware of it, jesus said to them, "why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread?
do you not yet perceive or understand?
are your hearts hardened?
What is the jw explanation of this
by A Paduan inand being aware of it, jesus said to them, "why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread?
do you not yet perceive or understand?
are your hearts hardened?
Yeah Elsewhere I love this:
I have this lifesaving information for you thats really important, but first you'll have to solve the RIDDLE OF DEATH!!!
Kingdom Hospital
by Valis ineheh...anyone else into the stephen king stuff?
i loved the stand and it and the langoliers...and now another one.... .
the ebullient but vacuous hospital administrator, Dr. Jesse James, who is concerned only with the hospital's image.
Kingdom Hospital indeed...
Current Deception: March 8 Awake
by metatron inlooking for nonsense and half-truths in the awake continues to offer all the challenge.
of shooting fish in a barrel.
the latest scare-mongering is entitled "the nuclear threat.
taking fissile material and "dropping one half of it onto the other half."
Funny! Jesus tap-dancing Christ!
My life ... and how JWD came to be - Part 2
by Simon inprevious: my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 1. .
how many times have people said ?if i knew then what i know now??
what a difference that would have made to my life.
Yeah, in San Diego we had desks at nearly all the malls and in front of large stores like Wal Mart and Costco. Sure, it was easy time because absolutely NOBODY would come up and talk to you, but it could be potentially very embarassing if somebody you knew saw you. Thats the part I dreaded the most. At least I never lived in the territory that I attended, but at a store or mall, you never know who might see you. Although there were many witnesses who actually SOUGHT such a circumstance, we all know that they were FREAKS
My life ... and how JWD came to be - Part 1
by Simon ina few people have asked how jwd came about and what my own story is and while i've posted it in bits and bobs, i've never tried to tell it as a story so here goes .... living in suburbia.
i was born a jw to jw parents who had recently been missionaries / pioneers in ireland and taken literature into countries like spain when it was banned but who were now living in suburbia near to where they had both been brought up.
we lived in a new semi-detached house in a cul-de-sac at the bottom of a hill - fantastic for building go-carts and racing down !
Well its not as if I have been one of the great Simon supporters, but its not as if I never wanted to hear this story. I'm interested, carry on...
I do like how you found the logo of the San Diego State University Aztecs!
Unofficial Poll: Testing Tonight's 60 Minutes Update
by bisous inunofficial poll: testing tonight's 60 minutes update
by Hunyadi inderek,.
we knew eachother many years ago, and i would like to hear from you, please.. pm me or contact me at: [email protected].
does anyone know how i can reach derek?.
That sounds like the Barefoots I remember. The elders actually assigned Derek's father to study with me when I was a child. The "your youth" book and so forth. I remember hearing that people recieved letters from Derek explaining his beliefs, but nobody talked about what the letters said, or if they even read them. Of course I was just about 10, if that, at the time so it was all seen through a kids eyes. I was pretty good friends with I think it was his brothers kids, he had two boys if I remeber correctly. Its just sad to see what kind of evil power the witnesses have over people. I hope they are doing well now.
The moon as a possible energy source?
by Big Tex ini saw this article and what i found intriguing was the brief mention of moon-based helium 3 as a source for energy.
is this different from helium found on the earth?
has anyone heard or read a discussion on this?
Well half of the moon is dark to us, because of the moon's orbit and rotation on its axis the one side always faces the earth and the other into outer space. When we see a full moon on the eearth, that side is completely dark.
I don't think you are grasping the enormity of the moon, that it would be nearly impossible to "strip-mine" the moon into a dark shell of its former self and no-one is suggesting that this happen either.
Part of the great thing about technological progress and reaching out into space especially is just how much it DOES benefit the human race as a whole. Capitalism and greed and even war has been largely responsible for the high standard of living we do have at the present time. The space program has been responsible alone for thousands of inventions and new methods that have improved human life just in the past 40 years. I mean, think of it. Out of all the ages in human history, which time would you rather be living in? For me it would be none other than the present day. The problems that we have cannot and will not be solved by throwing every last dollar, resource and bit of human energy at them, I believe our only chance is to constantly progress and focus our energies on expanding our knowledge of the universe.
And in terms of "ruining the earth", it helps to take a more balanced approach on just how our earth is being ruined by seeking out many sources on the subject. Remember that scientists are also not immune to the HUMAN feeling of greed, large corporations don't have a monopoly on it. If saying something will get a scientist more grant money to continue his or her reasearch for another 5 years then you bet they will say what they need to say to do it. Some might say that we have made strides in pollution control in the past few decades. No, we aren't pollution-free yet, but reports of us being on the brink of global catastrophe are a bit exaggerated.