Welcome isot, I particularly liked jgnats and CYPs suggestions.Perhaps I can add something else without swamping you with ideas; My wife was a witness from birth and learnt to see everything in black and white (just like I came to do), questioning anything of the society was a NO-NO. What actually shook her was when she saw how hurt and upset I was when I found out about the U.N. and paedophile horrors.
She wasn't being attacked or questioned over HER beliefs but she wanted to find out why I was so hurt. She kept her dignity and gave up cherished beliefs in her own time. After 41 years it took about 8 weeks and I never once criticized her.
I hope things work out well for you both.
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
New forum member, have wife with a jw background
by insearchoftruth inhello, i have been a member of the discussion group for only a couple of weeks and have never taken the time to introduce myself.
i have posted a few threads which have been very helpful already and have had a few conversations with members of the group that have provided me support and insights that i did not already have and that i shall need.
now for my story.
I am going to read every Watchtower and Awake! magazine
by slimboyfat ini am not doing too well at the moment with my uc and am practically housebound.
so i have decided to do something productive and finally read all the magazines the society have ever published.
i remember greg stafford claiming that he has read all the watchtowers and thinking that was a good idea to get a real overview of the witnesses' history and development of theology and ideology.
slimboyfat-brother soul funk, do you plan to use any B & D equipment whilst on this journey?
Pete -
Anyone else miss their record collection?
by free2beme ini was just thinking today about the 1980's and all those records i used to have.
i remember how they skipped through some of the best songs, or warped in the heat on the way home.
how i thought i was some hot property for getting the beloved diamond needle.
LOL!!! - hey bm, you got popup toasters over there yet?
No! I didn't even know they were touring!:) -
Anyone else miss their record collection?
by free2beme ini was just thinking today about the 1980's and all those records i used to have.
i remember how they skipped through some of the best songs, or warped in the heat on the way home.
how i thought i was some hot property for getting the beloved diamond needle.
Vinyl maaaan. Even as a dub I played my Stranglers, Buzzcocks and Elvis LOUD! Still do. Go to gigs, take my kids to live bands in pubs, bought them turntables, drink beer and sing. I still enjoy 'discovering' music that I couldn't afford as a kid. Like Smiths, Sparks, Neil Young,Doors. And I keep up with The Shins, Maximo Park, System Of a Down and anything I think is good enough.
And apparently I can transfer them all to DAT ready for when "compact disks" come on the market.We'll see. -
Made in the Image of a Humourless GOD
by unclebruce inmade in the image of a humourless god
there are a number of references in the bible of man being made in the image of yhwh/jehovah and god said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness genesis 1:26 for a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of god: but the woman is the glory of the man.1 corinthians 11:7. .
the only actual characteristics that can be attributed to the christian god jehovah can be found in the bible.
Dubs have an innocent sense of humour that never quite goes past laughing at a good field service experience.
Humour is 'felt' and JWs don't trust their feelings. So many never seem to 'get it'. My 'raised-in-the-truth missus thinks Mr Bean is 'stupid'(=funny), but Blackadder is met with blankness! I guess it can't be taught.
Anyways.... Isn't there an obscure scripture in Proverbs where Jehovah does a spot of punning about something agricultural, seasons or grain or something?? Can anyone find this?
Personally, I don't think Jehovahs got anything to laugh about. -
the notice in the campbellton tribune.......THE WORLD PUT ON NOTICE PAGE C7
by leastone inthe world put on notice!
be awake!
be ready!
verbal equivalent of a streaker.
Beating your kids
by cakemonkey3 ini've been lurking here a long time.
one of the topics that i rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to?
if so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule?
Hi digitalfokus, you're a man. Phew! I just noticed that serendipity had a similar experience.
I guesss my post was about spanking not beating.
If an adult has difficulty differentiating between a smack and abuse there is something very wrong.There has been a big debate here in NZ as to whether smacking should be banned by law. Should the govt. be able to make this decision on our behalf? Are most parents THAT incapable of parenting? -
Beating your kids
by cakemonkey3 ini've been lurking here a long time.
one of the topics that i rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to?
if so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule?
Am I the only man to answer this thread?? (Takes big breath).
The more skilled I became as a parent, the less inclined I was to smack.
But I had something happen once that scared the life out of me; My property is very well fenced and the gate has a latch on each side so that little people can't reach both at the same time. I had always told my kids to never go past the gate, if it was open, and down the drive because they will end up on a main highway and get killed, squashed, no more (insert name). Dead pets were a teaching moment. One day my youngest, about 3 or 4 made his way down the drive and by sheer chance I saw him. I ran after him and grabbed him off the road and gave him one almighty belt that lifted him off his feet! Immediately afterward, with my heart pounding, I hugged him tightly.
I can't think of any other more effective shock that I could have administered right then. Education and talking had not sunk in at that age. I think the temporary shock I gave him got the message through.
So, can smacking be an act of love?
Pete. -
A 1975 story
by TooBad TooSad inwhile i was in high school in the mid 60's i was told that the end was so near that i would not get to graduate from high school so i should not be concerned about being drafted due to the war in vietnam.
well i got drafted but did not pass my physical due to a medical problem.. i then considered go to school in the late 60's to enter the medical field.
i was encouraged by the elders not to do this because the end is so near and why get schooling for a profession that you will not need in a few years?
A warm welcome TooBad.
I was fascinated by your recollection of the 'months to go' beside the stage.Can you or anyone else post photos showing this. It would add to the weight of evidence showing the society sanctioned the 1975 date.
Pete -
Demystifying Drew Sagan
by AuldSoul indrew,.
i hope you don't mind my blowing your cover like this.
if so, please forgive and i will request the thread removed.. forum,.
The funny thing for me Drew, is that your avatar of Mr Sagen is the spitting image of a prominent soccer referee down here! Every time I see your post I automatically think " What in the hell is Dave Langley on here for!". He could be a JW too, the way he makes snap decisions!