I know someone who took all of thier old literature and tore thier names out -
then she wrote "lies, all lies" "Hypocrites" and things like this on and in the books and
magazines. She took all of it, put it in a black trash bag and dumped it on a Kingdom Hall
front door area. I can just imagine the look on the faces of those who found it!!
She stated it was the best therapy she could have done for herself.
JoinedPosts by KimKat
What did you do with your literature when you left?
by ontarget inwhat did you do with your literature when you left?
i burned my literature except for the wt cd which i sold on ebay.
i did not want to just throw the literature away as i did not want the trash man to read it and become a witness.
by stillAwitness inmy mom's got this pioneer sister friend who stays at our house every weekend (she stays in some remote town that's far away from the hall) and i go into my bathroom cabinet this morning and she used up half the bottle of daily oil control cream for my face i had in there.
i mean ladies, you already know how expensive those things are!
and i would always just use a pint size amount so the bottle was filled to capacity.
Hey one time I knew this guy that replace lotion with white glue (elmers) anyway it was really
funny when the person smear it all over her legs and it turned stiff and hard.
Do you feel 'Disconnected' since leaving the borg?
by AK - Jeff ini mean - many of us had a history that was exclusively in the 'truth'.
nothing else.. now having left, do you long for a discussion with some who share your past culture, understandings, and lifestyle?.
is that the 'appeal' of this board to many?
Yes, it is getting less and less as time moves on - but it is still hard to
relate to others without the same background. Like when you tell someone
that you have no family that will talk or contact you - they really don't understand.
They look at you like you are crazy. I just rarely mention my past to others now -
so it is a relief to find this site and feel I can express my feelings openly. (to the most part)
small children seeing ghosts and hearing voices
by moanzy in.
does anyone have any experience with this or know what is happening?.
I have a friend who was hearing voices and seeing things - ended up she has low blood sugar. It was a severe case. Her brother has the same thing happen. Once they were on diets to control the blood sugar the voices and visions went away. Definately get the child checked out by a doctor.
Elders magically appear today-10 years too late
by bigmouth inso i'm sitting in the lounge and these two guys i've never seen before appear at the door.one introduces himself and clearly knows who i am.
'witness-speak" means i figure out who he is pretty quick.i have to ask who the silent guy is and then invite them in for coffee and a sit down.
"no" i say,"my wifes not here but she'll be back in about 10 mins.
a farely new thing in the org. is that the elders are suppose to visit all inactive or disfellowshipped ones
at least 1 time a year. We have been out about 5 yrs and it was introduced right before we left.
Since the CO is coming they probably didn't want to get chewed out again for not visiting everyone.
The CO's can be pretty hard on the elders - usually a big scolding about how they aren't taking care of the
cong. right.
Holiday Fun!
by Virgogirl inwhat kinds of holiday fun is everyone enjoying, that they couldn't before?
we decorated our front yard with some colorful lights and the lighted deer and an evergreen and red berry door wreath.
there's a pretty tree with presents under it in the living room.
We put up lights on our tree out in the yard and some of those lighted candy canes.
I was so excited to have the yard decorated - then the dog chewed through the
extension cord - so wonder she didn't get killed (I bet she got a good shock though)
and then chewed all the cords that connected the candy canes. I was so mad at her.
But she sat there and looked so cute that I couldn't stay mad for long.
- so now all I have are the icicle lights on the front porch. Maybe next year.........
Filling the Void
by demeter inwhat do you think has been the most helpful thing you have read, heard, or learned lately?
what helps you get along in a post-jw life?.
i think the reason people go back to an organization that they once rejected is that they find a void and have no experience with filling it.. what do you do to make a new social life?.
I totally agree with the trust issue. Not trusting anyone not even yourself, is drilled into everyone - especially if you were raised a JW. I still have trouble trusting - I am kinda a loner. But I always was. I have tried joining craft classes, exercise classes, ect - In the end you do have to learn to trust yourself so you can trust others and have friends.
Do you think this is for real
by skyman ina few weeks ago a man that live near my house wrecked his car and was killed about 5:45 am.
the mans friend my partner in business was at my house at 6:00 the go hunting on my place.
after he went hunting he left to find what had happened to his friend because he had not shown up.
Yes, I think it is real - I think some people have the ability to 'know' things that other people cannot.
Maybe a special ability. I think it is very interesting. I don't think we are suppose to understand
all things - somethings happen that we cannot or willnot understand. KimKat
Huge shock!
by Crumpet ini just got a major shock.
i can't believe the new levels of cruelty possible within families who are jws.. a friend on this board who i've known since i was a baby practically has managed to get me a picture of my little sister who i haven't seen for 8 years - the one who i've mentioned my dad said was working on the bethel quick build team.
the one who i've described my fears that she and my younger sister are staying single until armageddon.
So sorry to here your news - we check the newspapers obituarys regularlly, because we will
not be told if one of our parents dies. Hang in there - I figure that my family is, and always was
so screwed up that if I can free myself and be only a little quirky that's ok. I look back at old pictures
of myself when I was a witness and don't hardly recognize myself. hang in there -
family outcast
by KimKat inmy sister (inactive) called me yesterday to tell me that our mom had sent her.
a copy of an advice column.
the column was about a daughter that the family.
Hi everyone -
My sister (inactive) called me yesterday to tell me that our mom had sent her
a copy of an advice column. The column was about a daughter that the family
was shunning because 'she had gone to counselor and got ideas put in her head'.
My mom, of course applied it to me. I told my sister that I had never gone to a
counselor, that I came to my decision to leave JWs on my own.
It just makes me mad that my family thinks that I am brainwashed or something
to have left JW. I can think on my own. Anyway - I was wondering -
has this happened to anyone else? Thanks - I needed to unload. KimKat