They shouldnt have histoical buildings that need excessive amounts of authentic remodelling. For an organisation always begging for money why then deliberately buy listed buildings you know are going to cost a fortune to look after?
Its wicked and immoral to take poor peoples hard earned money and then spend it on chandaliers. How is that any different from any con man spending donated money on feathering their own nests?
Yeah well…I’m not real into the “shoulds” and “morality” of others’ behavior but…. Let’s say a building is donated in the area where the headquarters are… a walk for the Bethelites (like the Bossert and the Standish).
The JWs, however, must renovate it to historical standards and spend a bunch of money doing so. They still may end up with a beautiful building for less than they could have built a modest building from scratch.
My comment was only to inject the reality of having to meet certain externally enforced standards on their remodeling efforts to allow others to understand that perhaps the level of “opulence” was not necessarily the JWs’ idea. For example, look at 107 Columbia Heights which the JWs did build….looks nothing like the Bossert Hotel.