Thank you for posting this topic. Rick deserves a shout-out as he works tirelessly to help others. While Rick is not everyone’s taste, he is a valued member of the ex-JW ‘community’ to many. I have had him on in the background for less than 10 times over the years and I have never listened for more than 45 minutes or so. So I am not a big consumer and certainly no expert on Rick’s approach.
Much like Danny Hazard and the many others who have come and gone from JWD, they appeal to some and are repulsive to others. If Rick resonates with some (and he clearly does), good for him (and them). He does not beg for money. He does not attack others who do similar programing. He is not repulsive on many levels. So while Rick is not everyone’s “cup of tea,” he is far more palatable than some.
BTW, I thought “Johnny the Bethelite” was hilarious! Just my opinion but… not objectionable at all. Of course, I am exposed to the ridiculous claims made regularly by US politicians and, as a consequence, may be a bit jaded.
Were he a danger, I’d support warning others, etc. IMO, he is not. My guess is that most here don’t turn to Rick for any revealed Truth or, presumably, anything other than a form of ‘fellowship.’ I am not one of them but I see no value in devaluing Rick’s contributions.
Thank you, Rick, for all you do.