And who can ever forget the pope? God, he was funny.
i hate to see so many of the movie stars that i sort of grew up with dieing now.
it reminds me that i'm next and i like living too much to die now.
i just can't feel comfortable with that idea.
And who can ever forget the pope? God, he was funny.
i made the most awful mistake when i posted a comment about spelling and punctuation on the "bible research etc.." forum.
i learned that i can't just post comments about things when people are unaware of my sense of humour and my general nature.
i have spent the day in tears.
Does this mean we are now free to play fast and loose with punc. and gram.?
Seriously, get over yourself. Keep posting with head held high. And you are an excellent, top-notch apostate!
i've recently had lengthy pm discussions with a person claiming to be a current jw.
this person has been above the standard level of arrogant for a jw, raising conceit to practically a defining characteristic.
you almost expect that when you're dealing with a member of the "elite".. but he goes beyond it.
Why would a current JW choose to be rude and offensive?
Being that we are all human beings first and JWs or ex-JWs second the question is:
Why do human beings choose to be rude and offensive? I think TD was on the right track with flight or fight. That response is a result of FEAR. I believe some JWs may feel so threatened by those who are knowledgeable about their belief system that their FEAR of being wrong results outwardly in anger. Don't you think that most dubs harbor at least a shred of doubt within their bosoms? We all did and we acted upon that doubt. So we are several steps ahead of them - and we know everything that they know, plus what we have been freed to learn about the WTS since leaving.
Good observations here about the cult mentality, which just might inspire me to start a new thread...................!
i almost wrote, "has the watchtower society lost the information war?
", but decided the war has been won by those who are determined to make known the truth about this organization.. when the internet became available to the public around late 1994, only a few jws/xjws had actually joined; just a tiny fraction of the xjw population.
almost 10 years later, and we have a real information revolution, which was previously unimagined.. with various governments around the world all wanting every school, college and university connected to the internet, not to mention third-world countries to get access to government services and programs, it seemed inevitable that people would see the internet, not just as a tool, but a way of life.. consider when the telephone was invented.
Great points made here, and very encouraging to those of us who patiently await the demise of the WTS.
Of course the www is pivotal. When I left 35 years ago I was alone and unsure of myself. Quite frankly, if my family had been cleverer, they might have roped me back in with kindness and more JW reasoning. Instead, (bless 'em!) they were hostile and that helped me to stay away. Given that scenario with today's doubting JWs, they have a tremendous resource to anonymously dip into and feed on the truth - the truth about the WTS.
hello, i've been lurking around for a few months now, finally registered a few weeks ago, and figured it was finally time to post.
first of all, let me give you a little background so you know where i'm coming from.
i'm 24, married to my soulmate, and mother to a 2 year old boy.
Welcome to sanity, sassafras!
You are embarking on an important mission - you, and I presume your DH, are young and that is in your favor. But the mental state of your DH can be very destructive to his well-being over a period of time.
Constant guilt, which is what the WTS fosters, can lead to severe problems as the years drag by. I have seen this personally and I have always felt that people in the category you describe (they believe, even though they aren't actively engaged, and they can't really explain or defend their faith because they don't understand it) are in a special sort of hell.
Stay the course - help your DH escape!
we went for dinner at my bro and sis in laws house on christmas day.
no turkey though .
What's worse than a lump of coal?
A bag of JW s**t?
as i grew up, my sister was always a pretty strong person.
when she was 21 she got baptized after she married a worldly man, and they have been married 17 years.
he never went into the religion, and never even attended one meeting and has told me that he never will.
Here's the info from Googling 'cognitive dissonance' and connecting to a psychology website: Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation. It therefore occurs when there is a need to accommodate new ideas, and it may be necessary for it to develop so that we become "open" to them. Beyond this benign if uncomfortable aspect, however, dissonance can go "over the top", leading to two interesting side-effects for learning: * if someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that prior knowledge — they are likely to resist the new learning. Even Carl Rogers recognised this. Accommodation is more difficult than Assimilation, in Piaget's terms. * and—counter-intuitively, perhaps—if learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless, pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned". Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger and associates, arising out of a participant observation study of a cult which believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a flood, and what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones who had given up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the flood did not happen. While fringe members were more inclined to recognise that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it down to experience", committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult members). INTERESTING, NO?
on this board, 2 things seem to get to people-----politics and child abuse......does anything get you upset or passionate.
Many - especially if addressed by a JW apologist. Neither hot nor cold, but [unpleasantly] lukewarm. They are the most pathetic people - one foot in, one foot out. I know some who would die for the WT but won't go to a meeting or door to door. A whole pathology to be explored there. I know they are sick and sad, but I find them disgusting. Sorry.
i might go over to my parents for a few hours, have dinner there, then come back here at my apartment in the evening and have a few beers and chips while i post.. i bought a christmas present for my cat...... new brand of high quality cat food which she tried and she loves.....
Going to Malibu to have dinner and gifts with Mr. Cheezy's family - such normal folk! Christmas Day is for our presents to each other - maybe a bike ride (tandem recumbent) and golf.