Gregor: That's easy, you have OCD, Obsessive Christmastree Disorder. The classic symptom is feeling like a yo-yo on a rollercoaster which is not only annoying but dangerous, especially when the coaster is going down and the yo-yo is going up, ouch! Sometimes I feel like a Scotch and soda on an airplane but that's something entirely different. One solution is to get your ass back in the TRUTH and quit celebrating pagan holidays (except halloween of course which is cool).Gregor that is priceless! Seriously, it should be framed!
JoinedPosts by cheezy
I confess - Please help
by Lady Lee ini can't stand it anymore.
i've been suffering with a problem for the last 20 years.
i don't even know what it is called.
Rename That Magazine!
by RichieRich inattention apostates!
i'm sick, and i'm bored!!!
that means fun for all of us!.
Danny - you win! You guys are cracking me up!
Seriously, though - doesn't that child look like he good use a good blood transfusion?
Describe A Watctower Infiltrator In A Kingdom Hall
by minimus ini believe that a number of witnesses are leadind double lives.
they go to meetings.
they might even be elders and ministerial servants.
Naturist: Why should people with genuine doubts feel the need to hide them from their peers? Why should the price of "fellowship" be blind and unquestioned faith?
Are you serious? Or being ironic? I can tell you, I had very 'serious doubts' that I could not share with anyone - my whole way of life as I knew it was in jeopardy. Having been raised as a JW by parents who were raised as JW's - I became the first to jump ship out of a large, close family (2 parents, 2 sibs, 4 grandparents, 6 uncles, 6 aunts, 20+cousins, etc.)*
I did a fade. I ('temporarily' of course) cancelled my magazine order and took a hiatus from the MS - the literature servant teasingly said "Crystal's falling out of the truth." I thought - "if you only knew." Those were tough times - I lost the fellowship of friends and family - some forever - some for a few years, until they came out. Now I have both sibs, mother and several cousins with me.
*Technically, the first was a gay cousin who was mysteriously dismissed from Bethel and literally disappeared. But I don't think it was by informed choice.
Service Report for 2005 is not all good
by truthseeker inin a previous post by joker10, he states positive things for the watchtower empire.
we know that the stats are fake, especially those numbers of anointed remnant.
Interesting that when viewed in statistical context, the numbers are so poor. Two reasons I say this:
1. I would seriously bet my car that they inflate the figures and manipulate the criteria for the data they track - but they probably have adhere somewhat to reality - i.e., 5% inflation over reality, but not 25%
2. They used to point to service increases of any kind as implied credibility - "this has to be God's organization to be growing this much."
Campaign to destroy "lol"
by ballistic ini'm not sure where this idea came from, but apparently it's been discovered that hardly anyone is actually "laughing out loud" when using the term "lol".
lol if they really are laughing out loud, there is something wrong with them (they could be retarded or have a bad sense of humor lol).
please show your support for my new cause in which i attempt to bannish the term lol from the english language.
Bump it To The Top You're welcome.
If you had 1 hour left to live, what would you say to Jehovah?
by JH in.
this should be interesting
"You mean millions now living will die?"
A new climax in immorality. Or "normal" practise?
by Erich indo you think awake would find it immoral enough to drop a line, or - does such a practise even agree with bible`s minimum standards?
don`t forget: organ-transplant is allowed.
there is no verse in bible found condemning such practise.... see:.
I have got your identity, your web-site and your private mail-addresses.
You will hear from my side some day.
Uh-oh. See, Reb, I knew you should've been nicer.
Older women, younger men <edited>
by serendipity ini'm getting ready to embark on a journey.
a journey into the world of online dating.
one of the criteria has me thinking - age.
Two things: (OK, 3 things)
- I met my honeybunch on-line - it is a great way to meet!
- My son is 24 dating a woman 35 - I have no problem with that.........
- ....unless she wants children before her clock winds down - my son is not ready! So it isn't really an "age" thing, its where you are in the life cycle
- (OK 4 things) Life experience trumps age - and good advice was given "know what you want"
A new climax in immorality. Or "normal" practise?
by Erich indo you think awake would find it immoral enough to drop a line, or - does such a practise even agree with bible`s minimum standards?
don`t forget: organ-transplant is allowed.
there is no verse in bible found condemning such practise.... see:.
It is the verbal abuse I do not appreciate and will not tolerate under any circumstances.
OK. Got it.
If you had 1 hour left to live, what would you say to Jehovah?
by JH in.
this should be interesting
He and I are no longer on speaking terms, courtesy of the WTS.