Hrm, I don't know how much I trust this "expert". He seems to be in the minority about 'tapes' being good. Tapes DO degrade over time, and digital tapes have arguably even more problems, ESPECIALLY if you use them often. (Stretching the tape often results in data loss and degredation.) I wouldn't trust tapes or CD-Rs to do real archival for much. (I'd lay good money that those people using tape for archival are using it purely because of capacity issues, NOT longevity...) That said, there are CD-Rs, and then there are CD-Rs... Some claim to have 100 year life-spans, and I know that I have several 7+ year old CD-Rs still good. The question is really how well you treat them and store them. If you store them at room temperature, out of the sunlight, in a CD-Bible or jewel case, I don't see having many trouble. And does it really take that much effort to reburn important CDs, or better yet store them on a nice network server....
Next thing you know, I'll be hearing about people storing things on floppy again because CD-Rs are so unrelaiable...