A friend of mine who has relatives that are still in the JWs, asked me an interesting question. She married and moved a few states away, and goes to a non-denominational Bible based church. She recently became a born again Christian and is overly zealous to get her family in to the REAL truth of Christ.
But she has this underlying dread. They have been involved for so many years, over three generations. She just wonders how God could let that happen? She admits that other relatives have gotten out and are Christians, etc...
I told her that probably every generation has had at least one family member who knew something wasn't right. They may have got out, but just didn't know how to reach the rest of the family and didn't have the resources to do it. NOW--the ball is in HER court! She has the ability to help, will she do what it takes to get it done?
Just like Joseph going through all that he did. A lot of hard ship, then success, then forgiveness, then stirring the thought processes of those who were in the wrong, then ultimately salvation for his family, spilling over to his community. The reason you are where you are, is so that you can better understand and love the ones who have not found out the truth yet. It's what you do with it from here that will make it a blessing or a curse.