I've never had JW's at my door. I've lived in many different places and never give out my address to the local brothers so therefore I'm surprised I've never been called on in the
regular preaching work. To be honest I think it would be fun to be on the other side of the door for a change.
On a side note, I live in Los Angeles now and considering the size of city and the number of kingdom halls, you would expect to see a lot of witnesses preaching.
I travel all over SoCal for work and I just don't see that many preachers out there anymore. When I do run across some witnesses, it's typically older sisters, or brothers.
Not too often do I see 'young ones' out there. Not that I don't understand,, I still consider myself an older 'young one' and you'll never catch me knocking on doors again. You'll see me
doing an occasional appearance at the meeting but that's it!