JoinedTopics Started by DaveNwisconsin
What is the best question to ask a j.w. during a Bible study?
by hubert inlast year, i dropped by my daughter and son -in-laws' house just when they were having a bible study, and i was invited to "sit in" on it, and be an observer.
i didn't ask any questions, because i was not prepared for this event, so i "behaved' and just listened.
if i would find myself in this predicament again in the future, i wonder what question i would bring up that they would have difficulty answering, to show how the watchtower lies to new converts and worldly people when teaching them?
Jehovah's Witness Cemeteries
by Kenneson ini recently stumbled upon a site that indicated a jehovah's witness cemetery.
i wondered if there might be others?
i conducted a search and voila.
Toxic substances in our food
by greendawn indo you worry about pesticides and numerous other toxic subtances that find their way in our food eg plasticisers, and heavy metals such as mercury in fish?
do you think these are responsible for the increase in cancer diabetes and other diseases that went up explosively in the last 70 years?
populations still living naturally in primitive setups rarely suffer from such degenerative diseases.
What happens if someone gets sick at an Assembly?
by MinisterAmos ini keep meaning to ask one of the super dubs this question, but i'm afraid it will "stumble" them.
in the weeks before assembly we are given the list of do's and don'ts at ministry school.
one of the instructions is always something like "if you notice that a person has become ill (has an attack etc.
Why doesn't Primetime or 20/20 do a story on the cult name Jehovahs witness
by DaveNwisconsin in.
i just thought this would be a great idea, get the word out there.
what are your thoughts?
I'm Not Going To Heaven......
by prophecor in.....but i'm going to a church that thinks they all are.
they preach a good game but in the end, i still believe in the paradise on earth theology.
i'm split right down the middle, as i cannot get away from the belief that only a few were ever good enough to get to heaven.
They came a knockin!
by DaveNwisconsin inyesterday when i was at work the witnesses were in my neighborhood and left a pamphlet on the door.
what happens when someone knocks on your door and you say that you are dissfellowshiped?
do they run in terror?
Do you still believe?
by Chimene ini have found a lot of people no longer believe in god or jesus since leaving the organization.. im very shocked at this.
if you dont believe, can you tell me what brought to that conclusion?.
i was told to look at the thread that one of the members in this forum has created, they are very interesting, but i wanted to get a some feed back from different individuals.. thanks!
Do You Realize That You Lived In Constant Fear as A Witness?
by minimus init's true.
you were always accountable to someone.
always had to wonder whether you might "stumble" someone.