I do want to add while i disagree that homosexuality is normal. I am not against a person's personal choice to live as a GBLT person.
Many of us current and former homosexuals are or were dissatisfied with our way of life.
if anyone needs more info go to www.peoplecanchange.com. It has great info and an online forum. there are many, many more websites and resources.
Therapy? Hummm... some have benefited from it. I find it suspect. Some "therapist" use it solely as a means to get money. I've wasted about $1,000 or more in money in therapy but some say they've benefited. If i were you and willing to give this a try, i would read the books and joining an online forum first before spending more money. many guys get all the help they need from just reading the books and getting advice at peoplecanchage.com.
Speaking of studies, Robert Spitzer an atheist and a APA member who was instrumental in removing homosexuality from the book of mental disorders, recently did a study in 2000 or 2001 showing that highly motivated individuals can change their sexual orientation.
I think society in general is becoming more and more open minded about this issue. Unfortunatelty some exgays are notoriously against gay rights. I believe people have the right to live as they want to live -- whether it is exgay or gay.
A good video on exgays is www.idoexist.com