Thanks for asking. I am a Christian which happened around the time I disassocated from the organization about 4 years ago. I find it completely, completely different than being a JW and I proved to myself through research that the JWs did tell many lies about Christianity. Don't get me wrong, there are true Christians and false Christians and good and bad churches too. There is no perfect church or perfect people and I don't really feel like I am in a "religion" the way I was when I was a JW. This is more like a faith because my ultimate guide and authority is Christ. When I was a JW, even though I didn't realize it, my ultimate guide was the religion itself. Sure, there are Christians who are more interested in being followers of men than Christ, just like the JWs follow men. But I also know many Christians who's real faith is in Christ. That is the truth I found, only in Christ himself. I do believe he is God, in flesh. I found way to many parellels between Jehovah of the old testament and Jesus, but I had to really dig to find all the parallels. Once I did, I was shocked about how I had missed all of them while I was a JW, but they shy away from all those parallels of course. Some scriptures seems to point to his manhood, and some point to his divinity, but when I came to believe he was both and had to humble himself leaving his glory behind in order to be the perfect human sacrifice, it started to make sense to me.
I have received flack from alot of people who do not believe. It seems like a lot of ex JWs on the boards either lump Christianity in with the JWs or they believe what the JWs said about Christianity. Or they don't believe the bible anymore. That's OK, everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs, I just wish that some wouldn't seem angry or sarcastic that I do believe because I don't do that to them for their viewpoints. I haven't really had that happen much on this board but I have on another one, this board seems more open minded. I personally have found my new faith to be so different from being a JW, there is no comparison. When I researched and found the JW org had told so many lies or had twisted so many things about "Christendom" they painted it as all bad and condemned all the main doctrines. But the funny thing is, when I started reading the bible without the Watchtower literature, the bible kept showing me the doctrines of Christendom, not the JW doctrines. When I would really research something and cross reference and look up the Greek and so forth, I found almost all of the time, the JWs had taken something out of context and twisted it, or mistranslated it. They try to use one scripture to prove their doctrine, but you can't do that, you have to put it all together to get the full picture. But most cults do exactly the same thing the JWs do, they will focus on one scripture in many cases to make their point and then misuse it. Just like the JWs ban on blood. They don't look at the whole picture, like that the blood ban in the old testament was about eating blood, it was a dietary requirement, it was not a life and death medical situation. Taking blood into your blood steam is not taking in nutrition. Then they miss the fact that Jesus proved by healing on the sabbath and letting his followers eat the wheat when they were walking through the field. He did this because the well being of the people was more important than the law. He said the law was supposed to be used to benefit man. So the witnesses are twisting a scripture and putting the blood ahead of the life itself causing thousands of needless deaths.
If you want to talk more, PM me.