Muslim radicals have works to their faith...
Hell they probably have more faith than any other religious person. I'm sure they have similar mantras they have taken from scripture out of or even in context.
so i have gotten into arguements with my wife in the past about this cult.
now a days after reading steve hassan books...i just try and avoid anything jdub with her.
try to keep her in authentic mode..(not sure she really has one).
so i am getting really frustrated...i see jdub's wearing items and .
isn't this idol worship.
respond if you like...i just want some .
most witnesses never read this much.
sad they don't.
it is the most horrific chapters of the bible and as such my favorites for slapping other jw s with.. to summerize.:.
i couldn't stand it.
it was so horrible.
they really want people to stay simple and obedient.
They are at the one I attend, on Fridays if any want to attend
this is not really anything new, but every time i see one of these articles about earth like planets in habitable zones, i can't help but hear he echo of past indoctrination at wt studies etc saying "oh how unique earth is to be placed where it is blah blah blah impossible odds".
there are many more articles on this subject that have much less conservative ideas of potentially how many "earth like" planets could be out there, staggering numbers actually.
I agree, let get it out of the way already and have one of these little grey or green guys stand up so we can all be released from these religious ideals once and for all, unfortunately even then so many would probably still have "faith" they'd try to convert or condemn the aliens, maybe thats why they stay hidden... "home but hiding"
this is not really anything new, but every time i see one of these articles about earth like planets in habitable zones, i can't help but hear he echo of past indoctrination at wt studies etc saying "oh how unique earth is to be placed where it is blah blah blah impossible odds".
there are many more articles on this subject that have much less conservative ideas of potentially how many "earth like" planets could be out there, staggering numbers actually.
this is not really anything new, but every time i see one of these articles about earth like planets in habitable zones, i can't help but hear he echo of past indoctrination at wt studies etc saying "oh how unique earth is to be placed where it is blah blah blah impossible odds".
there are many more articles on this subject that have much less conservative ideas of potentially how many "earth like" planets could be out there, staggering numbers actually.
this is not really anything new, but every time i see one of these articles about earth like planets in habitable zones, i can't help but hear he echo of past indoctrination at wt studies etc saying "oh how unique earth is to be placed where it is blah blah blah impossible odds".
there are many more articles on this subject that have much less conservative ideas of potentially how many "earth like" planets could be out there, staggering numbers actually.
this week's book study contains this gem:.
the way in which the bible is written serves to test what is in our heart.
hebrews 4:12 says: the word [or, message] of god is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit .
To drown out the screams such cultures would beat loud drums, which also enhanced the cult's hold on the people.
So what did god use during the flood to drown out the screams of innocent children and animals? Oh wait ... water... thats right!
this week's book study contains this gem:.
the way in which the bible is written serves to test what is in our heart.
hebrews 4:12 says: the word [or, message] of god is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit .
The cultures that inhabited Canaan, and which were destroyed by the Israelites, were rife for destruction. They were profligate, murderous people who actively tried to subvert the religion God was attempting to establish.
News flash! According to archaeology the Israelite's actually were Canaanites. The bible says god abhors human sacrifice and child sacrifice. What about all of Egypt's first born in the ten plagues? What about jepthas daughter (show me where it says she served at the the temple). What about Jesus. Human sacrifice. You need to free your mind and let your neocortex work to see the bible is one huge contradiction.