Why is terrorism perpetrated by Muslims (or potentially perpetraded by Muslims) in Canada recieving so much more attention and concern on this thread than terrorism perpetrated by right-wing terrorists?
It's an oversimplification to reduce and isolate problems with Islam to terrorism.
In general, the ideas of Islam go headlong against western values, and the problem is not isolated to a single country. Check out the website "religion of peace". Far right events can't hold a candle to the global suppression and atrocities of this one ideology. It's not a terrorism issue exclusively, its a politically motivated movement to conflate being Muslim with some kind of global oppression by western values of white males. This overreaction that results censorship of criticism of Islam.
It's been said on here many times, with Judeo-Christian system you have the moderates at the core of the belief system and the radicals on the fringe, whereas with Islam if you are moderate YOU ARE THE FRINGE. The radicals are at the core beliefs and values. But for no other reasons other than politics, leaders like Trudeau swing way out into left field to appear Islam friendly.
Are there large groups of "right-wing" countries currently perpetuating slavery, the murder of apostates, atheists, homosexuals etc? Are they just now giving women in some of them the right to drive?
So its just not incidents, its far larger and far more complex, and for people like Trudeau to pretend that facts don't exist and hope wins of reality, it causes divides. Trying to compare right-wing terrorism with the glocal cancer of fundamental Islam is outstandingly absurd.
And by the way, why would you not consider Muslim jihadists to be right-wing terrorists? They base their life on bronze age theology that swings them further right than most Christian fundies, think about what you are saying.