I am not setopping at the talking points,
See, I don't know what this means.....?
especially if you are a teacher, how did you learn about it to begin with?
was there a common core rep doing a slick presentation?.
how do those of you with kids on school feel about, among others, things such as the deemphasis on the great works of literature ?.
I am not setopping at the talking points,
See, I don't know what this means.....?
my first grandson, and he is beautiful.
i remember so clearly thinking i would never graduate from high school in this "system of things".. .
this boy will play soccer/football/basketball/band/baseball/camp, whatever the h, e, double l, he is passionate about.. .
my first grandson, and he is beautiful.
i remember so clearly thinking i would never graduate from high school in this "system of things".. .
this boy will play soccer/football/basketball/band/baseball/camp, whatever the h, e, double l, he is passionate about.. .
Just thinking....my grandparents didn't think I'd see my Senior Year in High School. I'm starting a college fund for mine..
Heh, heh......coming to terms with the fact that life will go on after us.............we have college funds for 6 grandkids.........fortunately (or whatever) Mr Bee did not have kids of his own so we can be generous to mine........I just hope there is a world for them to enjoy when the time comes.........
these guys are real company men when they have mass lay off of older bethelites tossing them to the curb and making the congregation they are assigned to carry some of the load, so that the watchtower corporation can cut costs of providing for these nolonger young people who have devoted theirs lives to the corporation.. they are heartless bastards aren't they?
i wonder what kind of undercurrent this is causing at headquartes?.
Reminds me of my uncle and his wife. They were a handsome couple in the 1940's - both robust, good-looking, full of life. Unfortunately, they took seriously the admonition to not pro-create. They became District Servants. I suppose they had a satisfying life, as far as it went. He crashed his car one morning on the way to field service and died a few days later. I believe she is still alive. Would be in her late 80's. Sadly, the WTS dictated their lives.
especially if you are a teacher, how did you learn about it to begin with?
was there a common core rep doing a slick presentation?.
how do those of you with kids on school feel about, among others, things such as the deemphasis on the great works of literature ?.
Berengaria, the states curriculum MUST impliment 85% ( I remembered the number this time) of the Common Core standards. The remaining is up to the state. How is a measly limit of 15% state control NOT equating to massive federal control?
Lets take a look now at the 45 states who signed on to CCSS without even really knowiong what it was really about, but now are finding out. They are learning....
Truly sorry, but I can barely make out the sense of what you are attempting to say? The spelling, grammar, syntax, etc. is nearly impossible to suss out. Do you have a translator? Gibberish to English, perhaps?
anyone else have a #3 talk tonight?
i wrote a talk but i don't like it.. anyone have one written they wanna post?
i'll show you mine if you show me yours!
I've often fantasized about how it would be use a #3 talk to go out with a bang. Just getting up there and calmly touch 2 or 3 subjects about TTATT, then at the end walk down the podium and walk out of the KH never to come back.
As some of the old-timers here know, LittleToe did just that:
my question is, why do so many think the watchtower bible tract society is a cult?
Methinks that Brother Mike has just found out he is an apostate.
Reminds me of the news story the other day about the white supremacist who found out he's 14% African. He was angry too!
many friends i've spoken with are becoming discouraged.
because of this it's becoming tempting to privately share my views with friends, but i know this is still too dangerous.
most witnesses in my circle are intelligent free thinkers.
Well said, SFPW, another example of the WTS being out of touch with the reality faced by the R & F.
what might the wts do to counteract growth stagnation and attrition?.
of course they could ditch certain teachings and practices such as blood, shunning and homophobia.. how about if they closed the kingdom hall network (all proceeds back to mothership) and built out more regional mega-churches?
<assembly halls>.
This type of speculation is like playing whack-a-mole with unintended consequences. Each solution also carries the seeds of destruction. The WTS must analyze why people join the WTS and why they stay - then find the happy medium that insures the maximum retention, a numbers game, if you will.
The WTS has to maintain the right balance in terms of the size of venue in which to crack the whip. Too large (mega-church) and individual anonymity can lead to missing meetings and a general loosening of personal, peer controls that are so important to the WTS retention model - a slacker's paradise. Too small (CBS) where people feel safe about speaking up, has historically been a potential launching pad for descension and a "break-away" mentality. Thus local KHs of about 70-130 members has been the winning formula for decades.
The implementation of possible changes - blood, FS, shunning, etc., run the risk of making JWs a mainstream religion and then where is the sense of urgency and specialness? They might as well be Protestants and enjoy holidays.
This is from "The Truth vs THE TRUTH," about the long-term effects of the internet on the WTS and what they might do about it:
"Can the Society, or anything like it, have a future in an Internetted world? Perhaps.
"There are several options available to it. The most obvious is to do what Raymond Franz tried to get it to do, a quarter-century ago: admit it was wrong. But this, of course, is the least likely option to be taken. Only one modern American institution has ever admitted that it was fundamentally in error -the Worldwide Church of God, an Adventist church that, influenced by the Witnesses, once referred to its members as "in the Truth," and to everyone else as out of it. During the 1990s, the WCG leadership surveyed its distinctive teachings and announced that they could not be squared with the Bible. The reward for its courage was the loss of 50-60% of its membership. This is an example that the Watchtower Society will be very reluctant to follow.
"It is much more likely to choose one of two other options, roughly the same two that confront all other truth-challenged institutions in the modern world.
"The first option is for the Society to keep trying to isolate its own version of truth from the checkable truth of the Internet. If it does that, the Watchtower movement will become a living fossil, a fellowship confined to people who, like the Amish, are content to remain in a world that pre-dates the net.
"The second option is for the Society to adapt its version of truth, bit by bit, to the fact-gathering capability of the Internet and the free society that the Internet exemplifies.
"This second option is almost certainly the one that will be taken. Like other earthly authorities, the Society has a will to live at almost any cost. It will try to live even if the cost is a quiet coming to terms with its own mistakes. The real question is whether the speed of the Internet will give it time for an orderly evolution. We have seen, in Eastern Europe, how quickly glasnost can be followed by oblivion. The crucial factor may be the morale of the leadership, its ability to live with the same truth that normal people live with, while simultaneously acting as if it were still in possession of its higher truth."
i sure as eggs know which types don't:.
creative types: to do well at a creative industry one must dedicate a lot of time to developing one's talent, and as a jw one simply doesn't have time.
since writing a story or painting a picture doesn't contribute in any way to prestudy, meetings or fs results it's considered useless anyway.
Those with a "seige" or "bunker" mentality:
Siege mentality is a shared feeling of victimization and defensiveness - a term derived from the actual experience of military defences of real sieges. It is a collective state of mind whereby one believes that one is being constantly attacked, oppressed, or isolated in the face of the negative intentions of the rest of the world. [ 1 ] Among the consequences of a siege mentality are black and white thinking, social conformity, and lack of trust, but also a preparedness for the worst and a strong sense of social cohesion. [ 3
Some religious groups may have this paradigm, particularly if they are not traditional mainstream groups. [ 8 ]