Thanks. We're on the same line then. I had such a good laugh. The nice thing about this site is that it takes the seriousness out of the accounts. As I'm still "in" and have to prepare talks etc., everything is to be seen as "serious" and overemphasized, but as I saw this cute little pictures I realize how ridiculous some accounts/stories are.
Here are some examples of things I don't get:
The other day I've read the two books of Chronicles and the slaughtering and killing that "good, righteous" kings where perpretrating is sickening. Even if you put it as the WTBTS explains that they where all terrible bad people! Why? Imagine the act in itself! Has somebody of you seen the movie "The Gladiator". THAT is how the killing among Israelites and other folks had to be! It was mud, dirt, crap, sweat and the warm blood of your enemy spilling into your face, you would end up with that terrible smell of blood (my uncle worked for years in a butchery and I can tell you IT IS DISGUSTING, you can't even rub the smell of with soap - by the way I always wondered how a Israelite priest, highpriest doing duty at the temple must have smelled....), crushing your iron sword into somebodys head, the guts spilling out - I'm sorry if I'm painting this to vividly (but that's what the Kingdom Ministry School book suggests anyway to every JW - IMAGINE the scene....must of JW don't do it - at least not with the disgusting scenes that go on in the Bible. No, it has to be painted the WTBS way: nice cute, little warriors="brooklyn-bethelites-without-suit-and-painted-beards".....everything cozy, clean and pink).
...actions like that MUST BRUTALIZE any human! And then King David, comes home from the slaughtering (remember: AFTER having seen all these scenes AND having participated in them), takes his tie off and sits down to write lovely poems about love, mercy and God.
Man, he must had a stomach of iron, or no brain (shutted up all of this weird stuff) or something's wrong with the whole account. Just from this simple human, psychological point of view.
Now put this together with the instructions on the last elders course (worldwide held, finished in most countries end of 2005/beginning of 2006): "Fathers, don't let your kids play videogames, as they will make your kids [PUT WHATEVER YOU WAN'T HERE - dumb, brutal, ...]
but then you use King David (and the others) as good examples of righteous people for your kids. Something's definitely wrong.
I could mention other examples of double-morale and strangeness in the Bible and specially in relationship Bible/WTBTS.