Where'd you get a nutty idea that Gemini' butt? Nothing could be farther from the truth! My best friend in this whole world is a Gemini. She's cute, sexy, fun and smart! She walks into a room and it lights up. Yes, she has an evil twin, as I said but she's even MORE fun--just gets me in more trouble, that's all (keeps me out later, makes me drink a shot with her--you know--you KNOW what I'm talking about, donchya?) Also, Mercury, your ruling planet is way cool in Greek/Roman mythology.
Here's the official spiel.
Gemini examines the world through intellect. They are fascinated with gathering as much information as possible, and their facility as communicators -- both written and verbal -- arises from this need. Bright and quick-witted, people born under Gemini display great imagination and tend to be very expressive. They love to learn. As the third Sign, Gemini also rules the third House: the House of Communication.
The Astrological Symbol of Gemini is the Twins. Like their sign, the twins, they often have a dual nature and are skilled at seeing both sides of a problem, but they may also be fickle and restless.
Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the Messenger God.
The Element associated with Gemini is Air. Air Signs are intellectual: they tend to respond to the world through intellect, rather than physical action, practicality, or emotion. When presented with a new project, their mental abilities kick in and they join the group enthusiastically.
Romantic Profile : The Twins are highly intellectual and won't hesitate to play mind games with a lover, mere child's play to them. They are also great communicators, so get ready to hear everything from pithy remarks to impassioned pleas. The reward for those who can lasso a Gemini is a free-spirited lover who shines at parties but is also a devil in the bedroom. A love affair with a Gemini requires great stamina, so start doing those push-ups now! The Twins are both fun and funny and love to laugh, play and romp. They are possessed of a very active mind, which can sometimes lead to a short attention span. The best way to keep the Twins around, and aroused, is through mental stimulation.
The number one reason to love Geminis??? They will never bore you!