Can you elaborate? I am not familiar with this story.
wasn't ricky ortega a jw?
he helped murder terri lynn winchell in 1981.
Can you elaborate? I am not familiar with this story.
digitalfokus has a thread going for how old you actually are, but my question is, how old do you feel??.
you don't have to say how old you are, just how old you feel (and maybe whether that's younger or older than you are), and i'd like to know why you feel that age.
i'm just curious because personally, i don't feel my age and i was wondering how many of my fellow jwders don't feel their age.. i'll start:.
I feel timeless. I know it sounds lame but truly, there are times when I'm in touch with my inner 17-year old (giggly and girlish and needy of outside validation--am I pretty? Did I do this right? Can you just hold me and tell me it's going to be okay even if it's not?). There are other times when I feel my biological age (effectively 36--motherly, nurturing, lusty and powerful--There, there, everything's going to be okay, lay your head in my lap, let me stroke your brow until you feel better). And still many times when I feel like a very wise very very old woman (the answers you seek lay within).
I know I ramble and wax poetic and philosophic even on fluff, but hey, here I can do it!
Love and Light,
~Brigid the Eternal
Yes! "She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes"
We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean
i know it says your age next to your name but alot of people did not put in the info.
so i am curious .
I will be 36 in early March. My soul feels at least 600 years old (and that's a good thing!). I still get mistaken for being in my 20's (and that's an even better thing!)
Looking forward to every year I'm aplanet.
my mother married a man that was a complete and utterly a-hole.
he made life miserable, and i would say he made my life like living in hell (for 9 1/2 years).
i don't know what his problem was, but i guess it was this darn religion and more.
Welcome *Heather*. You're gonna love it here. I look forward to getting to know you better.
can you believe that "historians" are trying to deny that such an event ever occured??
this guy was getting 300 letters a week because of his anti-jewish stand.
makes me sick!
I have to say even though I have personal reasons to feel that Holocaust denial is repugnant and scary as hell, he had the right to say whatever he wanted without being jailed (I know, I'm being Amerocentric, but I think the whole western world espouses some form of Freedom of Speech, correct me if I'm wrong). If we allow people to be jailed for what they say, it is a very slippery slope.
Let whatever lies there are die under the scrutiny of open, honest debate. Shine light on the darkness. Trying to shut people up by force only makes them stronger, imo.
~Brigid (who asks if the Holocaust did not happen where are members of my son's grandfather's family?)
i've been lurking here a long time.
one of the topics that i rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to?
if so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule?
I sadly share many of the experiences of having been beaten and overdisciplined in the name of this religion. While I admit to not being the perfect parent, I have never beaten my children (one daughter, one son). As a result of my experience, I actually went slightly detrimentally the other way--I'm pretty over permissive. I was admonished to corporally discipline my daughter at the meetings as early as 4 months of age but failed to do so and was looked at askance.
When I was pregnant with my daughter and told the elders that I did not intend to use corporal punishment of any kind, they said "Give it time, see what happens".
Good luck in helping your loved one deal.
Love and light,
i got reinstated some time ago.
to get back my family.
went to a couple of meetings, then called saying i'd be out of town for a while.
I believe once you've been reinstated, you can just "fade". Remember, your life is your own. They cannot pull any drastic measures that you do not allow.
You are free.
im not jws never was after long time on this boards i just cant believe this s***t still going on in this century why the public is not aware about all the horror this cult is all about?.
i know this man jws he is ms (he work for me) at the beginning he was afraid of me he was looking at me like i was satan himself or better im lost sheep and sometime i was a goat.baaaaaaa lol, he is married and was virgin at age 28yr (what a f**** s*** this is?
) no kids (the big a is around the corner,,,,,, right s**t) .
Dear z,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. May I ask what tradition you grew up in (Ortho/Frum, Conservative, Reform, or Reconstructionalist)? Even a little knowledge of Hebrew opened my eyes tremendously to the fallacy of all Christianity in their approach to the "OT" and most especially of the fallacy of the JWs' world schema. I am always shocked at the amount of Jews who do not believe in god--may I ask how you came up with that conclusion? It's become more of a culture than a religion.
One can understand Christianity and the teacher Jesus so much better from Jewish eyes. There's a man at my adopted synagogue (Conservative) who teaches sunday school at one of the local mega churches. He's very in to building bridges between Jews and Christians. What I always remind my Jewish friends is this: While the Jews have no interest in converting the uninterested (and many times, even the interested have to beg! lol!), Christianity is based on conversion. One can rarely enter a healthy debate with a Christian because while Jews are interested in questioning everything for hopeful clarity and bridge building, Christians are bent on conversion and persuading others to their POVs and are immediately frightened out of their skin at anything that challenges their schema and worldview. I love how the Talmud is nothing but volumes and volumes of Rabbis arguing and questioning everything about their faith!
hello everybody i just discovered this site a few days ago and am now formaly introducing my self.
i am 23 years old, i was born and raised in the truth, then about 2 1/2 ears ago i got discfellowshiped.
i didn't know anything else besides the truth.
Hi Jug!'re gonna love it here.