mishegas (MISH-eh-goss)--N. An absurd or ridiculous idea or belief; irrational behavior. "Forget about dinner at your mother's. I can't deal with her running around in her bra and all her other mishegas."
This is something I have a fair amount of experience in. I do not tell most of my Jewish friends that I was even ever a JW. Too embarassing! But yea, can't beat yiddish for accurateness!
As for the name thing, "Jehovah". Orthodox Jews find it extremely disrespectful--even though this is NOT EVEN CLOSE to their god's name. It is an anglicized loose translation of a translation of an acronym of a DESCRIPTION of their god. Still, it's like going up to the president and saying "how's it hanging georgie (or in a different language--Jorge?) carbon based bi-ped who runs country north of equater!). There are probably a handful of people in any given generation from the Kohanim (what Christian's call the Levite) tribe that know their god's name--and I GUARANTEE you, no one else has ever even come close to knowing it.
Reform Jews could care less for the most part.