I don't know if they will be df's, however things will never be the same for them in this religion which is great. I have a feeling they will just leave someday. My fathers attitude this last two years about the religion has change. I dont know exactly what it is but this court case for some reason did'nt suprise me. You can't do something like this in this religion and expect everthing to just blow over, they keep track of all there peolpe so much, that the thought of them ever having privleges within the cong. seems impossible, they both been in for nearly 30 years SO MUCH FOR CHRISTIAN FREEDOM! Anyways, hope to here from anyone out there thats on the fence with this religion, maybe I can help. I have been in the center of this religion for over a decade and I left because of studing the scriptures on my own without the aid of the watchtower and realizing that this religion is what it is, false. If your happy with this religion please don't write back.
Philip said to Him, " Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." Jesus said to him, " Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father."