Somebody said that the Aussies and the Brits were all family.
Yeah, the Aussies are the re-headed step-children.
just give me an unreserved apology and im sure we can be friends.
Somebody said that the Aussies and the Brits were all family.
Yeah, the Aussies are the re-headed step-children.
1. Don't mess with Unclebruce, he's our mascot. Seriously, there is no one on this forum that is as funny and peaceful as he is. Sometimes he appears offensive, but he is...oh yeah, unclebruce.
2. I re-read my earlier post and it appeared that I was commenting on your spelling and grammer. I was commenting on someone else's comment. I don't care if you have a spelling problem, and I don't know your "grammer".
3. Welcome here. I'm new here and on any board, and its some good fun and lots of info floating around.
Run Rabbit Run!
Good Post, Ditto.
I am new but have enjoyed being here. Get to blow off a little steam at the Whore on the beast and get to read some profound thoughts from some great minds.
I know of some that have been here for a lot of years and if they are still alive in 15 or so more years they will be doing the same thing as they are now, helping some poor devil come out from under the oppression of the WT. (New World notwithstanding)
But there are a bunch of jerks here too. I guess that a few of them have thought the same about me.
Hey, its helps yur spellin and typin too.
raised in the org, baptized 27 years, elder 8 years.
wouldn't kiss butt, called a spade a spade with elders, co's and do's.
currently on the fade.
Welcome Parlay,
I'm new here too, left last June after the Dist. Conv,
Took me 6 months of lurking before joining the frey.
Sad that I wasted 45 years, a little embarassed at being so gullible, but happy to be out.
Glad you're here, you too Lady Liberty.
the watchtower makes the claim that jesus is only mediator for the 144,000 because only they are in the new covenant.
however i was looking on and there is a statement that the watchtower does teach that jesus is mediator for the prayers of the great crowd.
does anyone know if this is correct?
You made this comment:
This idea that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000 never did make a lot of sense. ; Maybe the 144,000 are the only ones taken into the new covenant. ; But as you show, that is not even the focus of Paul's words about Jesus being the "one mediator between God and men." ; It is prayer.
Thanks, Blondie, for turning on the light! ;
Am I to assume that you guys are of the opinion that only the 144,000 are in the New Covenant?
I can understand the symbolic number of 144,000 being the only ones in the Kingdom Covenant, but I have been trying to develop the opinion that the New Covenant was a covenant between Jehovah and Mankind, mediated by Jesus. If we are not in the NC, then it would stand to reason that he is not our mediator.
So, if we claim him as our mediator we are in the New Covenant.
What is wrong with my reasoning????
is back up and running!.
for the time being it is a shell of its former self, but that will be changing.. don't forget to download the branch organization manual!!!
that is the top secret document that pissed off the wts enough to take action against me.. watchtower society: try as you might, you cannot hide the truth!.
You are a real opponent and I appreciate being on your side.
Thanks for all the good you do for a lot of us.
this is in reference to the thread about dubs not having pets.
although, not a rule from the borg there are ones who would say you should not have pets.
can you think of other silly made-up rules that someone tried to impose on you?
did any of you go to prison either in the vietnam era, or earlier?.
i was in severel prisons:.
mount lemon, tucson.
I can't remember the details on how Cassius Clay's (Ali) case came out. I think he just basically won due to Viet Nam shutting down.
I do remember some of us whining that Covington would take the case while he let his little brothers face the music.
this is cool.
there are other sites out there but this is the coolest by far.
been df'd since 1981. spent a long time tormenting and pursecuting the jw's.
Uncle Bruce,
I thought you would at least try to get Uncle T to change his name.
Welcome UT
check out
yeah, i bet the "watchtower" name is gonna really piss off a few people.
this site has much of the same content as my site that was shut down, only it has even more great content!
Great sites,
Went to DocBobs and it was really good.
Hope the WT uses all there time and money to put out these fires.