Hi Wild_thing,
Yes it's up there with the worst, but considering what the writer gives as the rationale for his ruling I doubt that Paul or anyone else with even a smidgen of rational thinking ability would have reasoned as he does … Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and became a transgressor…. Since he says Eve was deceived and Adam wasn’t, Adam was to surely the more culpable of the two since he knowingly ate the fruit.
PS: Interestingly a literal translation of the Hebrew of Gen 3:6 says … CLV Gn 3:6... And taking is she of its fruit and is eating, and she is giving moreover to her husband with her, and they are eating...
Notice it says her husband was with her at the time of the temptation that makes his action even more reprehensible.
The NWT translation says ...afterward she gave some to her husband when with her... the Heb word rendered moreover in the CLV above can also be also rendered however, even or though but never afterward which is an entirely different Hebrew word, so the NWT and others have tinkered their translations to reinforce the faulty reasoning of the writer of 1Tim 2:12-14