Hi, I printed my d/a letter out and then signed it. It was very short and sweet with a cheery tone.
About a month later 2 elders came to my door and my unbelieving husband answered it. They wanted to know if it was really me who sent the letter. He told them that their org is a joke and not to return.
I was looking from the window at the time and could see one elder that I knew and the other I didn't. I do remember someone pointing him out to me as being the elder who deals with wrongdoers by counselling them.
They were all suited and booted and had the bible in their hands. I was so annoyed that they had obviously planned to see me and prepared themselves, but had not given me the same opportunity.
When my husband answered the buzzer (we live in a flat), they wouldn't even say who they were, they just kept repeating that they needed to speak to me. It really creeped us out.
I had been taught on the ministry to always tell the people with intercoms who we are straight away so they don't become concerned wondering who is at their door or gate. They don't apply that when its one of their own.
I haven't heard anything since. That was earlier this year.
Congratulations fon leaving. Hopefully they won't bother you. Also, I had only gone back to the meetings at the 05 memorial and then baptized that July, they probably thought that I didn't understand the seriousness of my decision. :)
I hope everything goes well for you.