I haven't been there but I did found a site which contains some pictures for those who are interrested:
275 where baptised in age from 9 - 75 on a total of 38.425 attending.
On this picture you can see a banner being held at the end of the convention saying "See you in paradise".
Posts by GBSJG
Pictures of the 2006 International DC in Hamburg Germany
by GBSJG ini haven't been there but i did found a site which contains some pictures for those who are interrested:.
275 where baptised in age from 9 - 75 on a total of 38.425 attending.. .
Honest book about the bible
by GBSJG ini just finished reading the wts book "the bible - god's word or man's?
" and i'm now looking for a book that will handle this matter from a more honest viewpoint.. .
so i'm not looking for an all positive book about the bible or an all negative book about the bible.
I just finished reading the WTS book "The Bible - God's Word or Man's?" and I'm now looking for a book that will handle this matter from a more honest viewpoint.
So I'm not looking for an all positive book about the Bible or an all negative book about the Bible. But a book that discusses evidence that supports the bible but also evidence the contradicts it.
Can anyone recommend such a book to me? -
Mankind's search for god / What is true from the bible?
by GBSJG inthe previous months i have done a lot of research about the wts and came to the conclusion that it is not the truth.
this however makes me think about what i still believe in.
is there a god?
jwfacts, the search for god book also mentions that a lot of myths share common things. But that book makes it seem that the story the Bible tells about Adam & Eve and the tower of Babel is true and that is the explanantion why so many religions share the same historical believes/myths.
Of course you can explain that in a lot of other ways, humans have the same desires in every culture so it's not that special that they make up myths that resemble myths made up by other people (about death, everlasting life, etc.). And believes of people are influenced by other cultures / believes as well you can see that that happend with the early christians. -
Mankind's search for god / What is true from the bible?
by GBSJG inthe previous months i have done a lot of research about the wts and came to the conclusion that it is not the truth.
this however makes me think about what i still believe in.
is there a god?
Leolaia your brought up some interresting points, thanks.
I also did a Google search on "did jesus exist" that brings up tons of interesting material.
The search for god book also mentions that almost all religions are started because humans can't accept the fact that dead is the end of their life. Humans want to believe that there is more to life. When I think about that it makes a lot of sense to me. But wanting to believe something doesn't make it true though. -
Mankind's search for god / What is true from the bible?
by GBSJG inthe previous months i have done a lot of research about the wts and came to the conclusion that it is not the truth.
this however makes me think about what i still believe in.
is there a god?
The previous months I have done a lot of research about the WTS and came to the conclusion that it is not the truth.
This however makes me think about what I still believe in. Is there a God? Is the Bible inspired by God? Did Jesus exist? Why are there so many religions? On this board I have noticed some people really liked the WTS "Mankind's search for god" book so I started reading that book and I find it very interesting.
Currently I don't think that there is a God that the Bible speaks about. Because I don't understand the difference between the laws of the OT and the NT they are so different. The laws of the OT are not from a loving God. And if there was a God why is there so much suffering going on, and the explanation the WTS gives for this is not satisfying.
But the Mankind's search for god book makes it seem that Christianity is based on historical evidence and not myths like many other religions. This is a quote from that book about the issue if Jesus was a Myth: "Historian Durant draws the conclusion: “That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels.”" Also some Roman historians are quoted who mention Jesus.
So it seems that you cannot deny that Jesus really existed and that he got a lot of people exicted enough to start a new religion. There are also a lot of prophecies about his coming. Altough there of course is no historical evidence of the miracles he performed. How do people who don't believe in the Bible or in a God at all explain all the evidence that point the other way? -
New Online Brochure
by David Carter ina former jw by the name of brant jones has been kind enough to share a brochure that he has written as well as letters to and from the watchtower society (all in jpg file format - graphics)!.
thanks brant!
A really good book about Watchtower history
by Gary1914 ini recently discovered a great book which i would like to recommend.
it is called a people for his name and it was written by a jehovah's witness named timothy white.
i love this book and it helps one to see the origins of many things taught by the witnessing such as disfellowshipping and the blood doctrine.
The book is very interresting mainly because it is written in 1967.
On page 399 there is an interessing part about predicting dates and the generation of 1914:
"The governing body is far too careful than to attempt another guess as to the exact year when Armageddon will begin. The most definite thing they have said is, "Some persons living A.D. 1914, when the series of foretold events began, will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon." This gives them considerable leeway, but in about 20 years, assuming Armageddon has not come, they will have to make some adjustments. In the same situation they have done one of two things in the past: (1) shifted the event due to take place to the invisible realm, as they did with the kingdom's establishment in 1914; or (2) shift the dates forward, as they did 1874 to 1914. I do not see how they can do (1), for they have already had done in the heavens most everything that is due to be done there. Their recent book, "Let Your Name Be Sanctified", suggests that they will follow(2), for there they have already shifted the date for the changeover from the Elijah- to the Elisha-work from 1919 to 1942."
It was written in 1967 so not much later they came up with 1975 as the date for Armageddon. Today we are thinking the same that they will not be as stupid to come up with a new date, this makes me wonder if they perhaps will make the same mistake again.
And the author already forsaw the problem with the generation of 1914 dying out he gave it another 20 years, how could he know that they only changed it 28 years after his book by just giving the word generation a different meaning.
I also found a part on the seperation of the sheep and goat how it's meaning changed in the past it's funny to read because at this time JW actually believe the original understanding again. -
New Tract
by stillajwexelder inwell at the service meeting tonight the new tract was released for the special campaign for the district convention - just know you will all be delighted (yawn) to hear this news
Here in the netherlands we are also getting the new tract.
However on most mailboxes here there is a sticker that says that they do not want to receive unaddressed commercial printing. So the suggestion from stage was to then put the tract in an envelope and write the address on the envelope and put it in the mailbox. Sure the people who put the stickers on there mailbox will really like that... -
Brooklyn on fire.
by GBSJG inthere seems to be some buildings on fire in brooklyn is this near the wts?
There seems to be some buildings on fire in Brooklyn is this near the WTS?
http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=local&id=4137745 -
New Bible Teach Book Question
by XBEHERE in*** bh chap.
1 p. 10 par.
7 what is the truth about god?
At last nights bookstudy I also had troubles with the illustration of the father and son. Because in the case of God he has the power to stop the wrongdoing. If in the illustration the father had the power to stop the wrongdoing of his son he would sure have used it. So the illustration is no good.
I also found this part interresting: "God has good reasons for allowing mankind to follow a bad course. As our wise and powerful Creator, he does not have to explain his reasons to us. Out of love, however, God does this." So we should be grateful that he explains to us why there is so much suffering... As someone else mentioned it all comes down to God saying obey me or die, and we should be glad that we can obey him, argh.