Well Prince consider this
SickOfLies...too funny. When I was reading his post I was thinking "Prince, is that you?"
hey people, .
here is the deal.
i used to have a fire inside me that was determined to make it as a famous musician in a band one day but it has recently been fading away from me.
Well Prince consider this
SickOfLies...too funny. When I was reading his post I was thinking "Prince, is that you?"
i got an email from a friend today describing some strange happenings at the meeting: .
" my wife was in the back room with the kids today and there was this guy who my wife later described as a little "scary looking" for some reason and was carrying an empty "bowling bag" (whatever that is.
anyway, this guy starts grabbing old literature from the library and putting it in his bag.
Just leave a donation. Isn't the literature available to the public for donation? They don't stamp the library copies with "Do Not Remove" or "Property of Congregation" right? I think SickOfLies could get around serving any jail time by playing his cards right.
i found this site today.
it lists pretty much every superhero out there and what religion they are supposed to be.
i scrolled through the list and saw a bunch of religions i've never even heard of before but not one jw superhero!!
Sorry Scully. Note to self - no bad visuals after 8 pm. LOL!
i got an email from a friend today describing some strange happenings at the meeting: .
" my wife was in the back room with the kids today and there was this guy who my wife later described as a little "scary looking" for some reason and was carrying an empty "bowling bag" (whatever that is.
anyway, this guy starts grabbing old literature from the library and putting it in his bag.
Sorry, that was me in my African American Man Costume Disguise. I've got some e-bay auctions to fulfill. Busted.
i found this site today.
it lists pretty much every superhero out there and what religion they are supposed to be.
i scrolled through the list and saw a bunch of religions i've never even heard of before but not one jw superhero!!
You can't forget The Theocrastinator, the super hero who keeps postponing God's Kingdom.
just thought i would let you all know, that as part of my ongoing theocratic warfare strategy i placed 6 magazines this morning.
i will be recording about 20 on my time slip though
Not placed any books -but what do you think? Reporting 2 sounds about right?
stilla, easy....you probably have two books laying around the house. Pick them up and then "place" them down again. Can be anywhere. On the bookshelf, on the coffee table, in the trash can. And there you go....two book "place"ments!
i was talking to my aunt the other day.
she knows i talk to you apostate folks and i don't think she's very comfortable with it, but that's her problem.. she did, however, ask a question that seems particularly important, not only in and of itself, but even more so when you apply it more generally.. the question was: what do you people have now that you're out?
what has leaving given you?.
I have "Must See TV"!
Hey SickofLies do you post on TWOP? They used that church sign generator in a pixel challenge once. It was hilarious!
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
My friend's cat had two kittens right around the time of the OJ trial. So they named them Ito and Kato.
now before i offend everyone who labels themselves christian.
well, in my time as a christian.
a fake christian!
free2beme, did you watch the family edition of the Amazing Race last year? There was a family competing on there who I think were a good example of the type of people you are talking about. I forget their names but they were from Florida and they TALKED so much about how Christian they were but then acted the exact opposite.
They'd stop and ask someone for directions and it would be "oh, thank you so much, you must have Jesus in your heart. Is Jesus your friend? Because he's my friend." blech.
And then anytime they were competing in a task there was the prayer "Oh lord, let us win this, if it's your will". Huh? Like God cares about the Amazing Race?
They were so over the top about their religion, and what Christians they were that it seemed fake. And as the course of the show played out and we saw them lying, calling people names, etc etc....it proved that they were indeed fake.
Are those the kind of people you are talking about?