Beautifully done. {{{{{ Mouthy, Granny Grace }}}}}
how wonderful it was... i saw two women over the road knocking on doors .
i could see they were jws...i prayed & asked they would call here... but no!!!!
the lord sent two men!!!!elders!!!!
Beautifully done. {{{{{ Mouthy, Granny Grace }}}}}
the jws were out in our area this morning and i bolted downstairs before my wife could waive them away as she normally does.. two ladies (mum and 24 year old daughter i later found out) initially stopped as i opened with a comment about how i couldn't trust a thing they say because they are taught to practice theocratic warfare.. the mother blinked and asked me what that was ( so it began ) i informed them both that they are allowed to lie or at least be evasive with the truth with worldy people.
she countered that they are taught not to lie so i again asked her if she knew what theocratic warfare meant and she again said no (first of my many - 'please go look that up' statements .).
i then moved onto the idea that they couldn't think independently outside the organisation due to fear of being disfellowshipped and shunned.
truth is true or not its not a misunderstanding especially when its treated so rigorously as a principle for disfellowshipment.
-Aude. (Still reading)
millions of children have grown up as jehovahs witnesses.
lets start from the very beginning.. i owe my life to jehovahs witnesses.
more important than what he was saying was who he was.
Marking to read later.
Thanks for posting/sharing your story and welcome to JWN.
-AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
i'm wondering where the publishers get their address lists when they do 'witnessing-by-mail'.. i live in a gated community (moved here 6-years ago).
this week i received a letter addressed to my *parents* (mr. & mrs. xxxxxxx xxxxx) who have been divorced for 17 years and neither of whom have *ever* lived at this address.. i'm thinking the "mr & mrs" part is just an assumption on their part.. from time to time i get mail address to my father (blue cross solicitations, etc), but he has never used my address as his own and has never lived here.. any suggestions as to just how the local cong would get his name and my address on their mailing list??????.
Iamallcool - I get junk mail for my dad and for one of my brothers frequently. Odd - since they never lived here. But what seems exra odd is for JW's to link them to my address. It's like they bought a leads list from somewhere.
Oh well.
i'm wondering where the publishers get their address lists when they do 'witnessing-by-mail'.. i live in a gated community (moved here 6-years ago).
this week i received a letter addressed to my *parents* (mr. & mrs. xxxxxxx xxxxx) who have been divorced for 17 years and neither of whom have *ever* lived at this address.. i'm thinking the "mr & mrs" part is just an assumption on their part.. from time to time i get mail address to my father (blue cross solicitations, etc), but he has never used my address as his own and has never lived here.. any suggestions as to just how the local cong would get his name and my address on their mailing list??????.
Petitebrunette - I guess if they had the address, the could also do look up on the net.
It's just odd because they've got my dad's full name and *my* address even though he never lived here. So made me curious as to whether they were buying listings or something.
Oh well. The letter's in the trash now.
i'm wondering where the publishers get their address lists when they do 'witnessing-by-mail'.. i live in a gated community (moved here 6-years ago).
this week i received a letter addressed to my *parents* (mr. & mrs. xxxxxxx xxxxx) who have been divorced for 17 years and neither of whom have *ever* lived at this address.. i'm thinking the "mr & mrs" part is just an assumption on their part.. from time to time i get mail address to my father (blue cross solicitations, etc), but he has never used my address as his own and has never lived here.. any suggestions as to just how the local cong would get his name and my address on their mailing list??????.
But how would they connect my father with my address??
i'm wondering where the publishers get their address lists when they do 'witnessing-by-mail'.. i live in a gated community (moved here 6-years ago).
this week i received a letter addressed to my *parents* (mr. & mrs. xxxxxxx xxxxx) who have been divorced for 17 years and neither of whom have *ever* lived at this address.. i'm thinking the "mr & mrs" part is just an assumption on their part.. from time to time i get mail address to my father (blue cross solicitations, etc), but he has never used my address as his own and has never lived here.. any suggestions as to just how the local cong would get his name and my address on their mailing list??????.
For those that wonder about the content of a 'witness-by-mail' letter, here is transcript:
[City, St Zip]
Dear Neighbor:
Whether or not one is a Bible reader, it is important to recognize the warning it gives to people of our generation, that we are living in the time of the end of this system of things. The evidence is more than apparent. Please read Matthew chapter 24.
Most people are aware of the "Lord's Prayer" recorded at Matthew 6:9,10,where we ask for "God's Kingdom to come, and His will to be done on earth", but few are aware that that Kingdom (government) is already established in the heavens, and that soon it's King, Jesus Christ, will execute judgment upon the earth, and thereafter rule the earth in righteousness.
We do not know the day or the hour, however, the bible does not leave us in the dark as to the nearness of the time. We need to be aware, so that we can make the right choices in our life, and be on the side that survives into the New World under Christ's rule.
I am enclosing a tract with further information on the subject, and invite you to write the address below for further information or a visit to your home, if desired. Please be assured there is no cost or obligation. We may also be contacted at our website
Dxxxx Wxxx
East XXXXXXXXX Congregation
of Jehovah's Witnesses
[City State Zip]
i'm wondering where the publishers get their address lists when they do 'witnessing-by-mail'.. i live in a gated community (moved here 6-years ago).
this week i received a letter addressed to my *parents* (mr. & mrs. xxxxxxx xxxxx) who have been divorced for 17 years and neither of whom have *ever* lived at this address.. i'm thinking the "mr & mrs" part is just an assumption on their part.. from time to time i get mail address to my father (blue cross solicitations, etc), but he has never used my address as his own and has never lived here.. any suggestions as to just how the local cong would get his name and my address on their mailing list??????.
I'm wondering where the publishers get their address lists when they do 'Witnessing-by-Mail'.
I live in a gated community (moved here 6-years ago). This week I received a letter addressed to my *parents* (Mr. & Mrs. XXXXXXX XXXXX) who have been divorced for 17 years and neither of whom have *ever* lived at this address.
I'm thinking the "Mr & Mrs" part is just an assumption on their part.
From time to time I get mail address to my father (Blue Cross solicitations, etc), but he has never used my address as his own and has never lived here.
Any suggestions as to just how the local cong would get his name and my address on their mailing list??????
How fun!
What a cutie~~!!
recent we had a circuit assembley.
we used the jw assembley facility.
it's (the building) totaly payed off without any mortage.
1.040.000 annually for a building that is paid off, uses volunteer labor for maintenance and the speakers are also not paid.
That's a pretty good little scam, don't you think??