@Flipper's - Thank you for your thoughts. I was actually thinking that dad might enjoy talking to you as you have a few things in common. He has no one to talk to who can really understand what he is feeling. If you are open to a chat, let me know. I think he would enjoy the Tahoe 'fest but the car drive is not practical. And he's not a camper.
@Mary - Wow! I'm thrilled to see you here. And thank you so very much for the pm. Majorly helpful. I re-read some of the posts about your brother-in-law. While I followed them at the time, I had forgotten how incredibly gut-wrenching that entire situation was. My concerns are a fraction of what you were dealing with. Thank you for you work back then and for taking time to connect with me this week.
@Dagney - I got your text but only just now could respond. May we can do something next weekend or the one after that? Here, there, points in between???
@Scully - Awesome. and thank you for sending Mary.
@myelaine - Interesting. I had not really thought of that. I thought of something similar, but not the local HLC. Thank you for the suggestion.
To all who have inquired and shown concern: Dad is doing very well. A few set-backs this week but overall healing very well. Thank you for helping me help my dad. I don't come this board near as often as I used to. But is sure feels like 'home' once the posting starts. I love this place.
Oh! And as for the fires here. My poor, beautiful mountain is all charred. My house still smells like smoke and my lungs are a little tight but all is good. I don't know what happened to all the deer and rabbits and coyotes. It's been quieter than normal at night without the wildlife. My mountain has been my 'centering agent'. I love to take a few minutes and step outside and just stare at it, take a few deep breaths and just let go. When I did that on Sunday, the soot was still in the air. I gagged, coughed and then cried. My mountain is sick and it makes me sad. And my lemon tree is dead. The mountain will recover. The tree, I think it's a lost cause. Overall, it's been a challenging week.
I don't even want to talk about the nightmares at work. Suffice to say, I'm so happy it's Friday.
Good night and happy Friday to everyone.