Yay! Wha's joining the group, too.
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
Hey!! Count me in~!
Been too long since I've seen you guys. And never met cantleave - yet.
Dagney, can you please text or fb me the details. Thanks!
how would you answer him?
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[endif]i had a diner with the neighbors... they don't know i'm a jw cause i don't tell people anymore about it.
somehow, the topic of cults came up and one of my neighbors said that the jw require 10% of their income to go to the church.
Choose your battles. Your neighbor has the facts wrong. I think it's the Mormons who give 10%.
Just state the facts as you know them and let it go. I also used to use the phrase: "I [used to] have friends who were JWs" when the subject came up. Eventually, with some people, I tell them that I used to be a JW. For most people I talk to, though, it is none of their business.
You did good. Pick your battles and let it be.
Good luck with your fade.
SBF wrote: You know her friend died at a consert she did in the late seventies... after which she hardly ever played live again.
Wow. I did not know this - only that she rarely even attends industry events.
an hour or two ago, i was reading a topic on this forum that welcomed new elders to jwn.
there was some criticism aimed at the op and i understand that elders shouldn't be singled out as special.
one poster said he/she hates all elders.
so i missed this letter below being read out last week - i got a look at it from the notice board this week.. from what i heard, this announcement was not received entirely positively as such, but there were apparently one or two for who this is a bit annoying.. staying at hotels for the district convention is nothing new here - many are used to staying at the same hotel/b&b/campsite every year, and get quite friendly with the owners.
but this year, it looks like not only do we have a new location for our district assembly (glasgow - the s.e.c.c.?
) but we are being told what hotel to stay at, supposedly to make things cheaper.. what i can't understand is, if this is really for the benefit of people, why didn't they do this years ago?
Ecan6's link above was very interesting and insightful into the workings of DC's as regards to a subsidy that WTS receives from a local community.
It's a short read but enlightening for me. [Also, the PDF of the minutes of the City Council meeting which highlight the revenue to the local businesses and the city. ($300,000 estimated return to the city - not counting the boon to the businesses at a time of year that is usually 'dead'.) - Read the PDF that is shown at the bottom of the article. You will likely be surprised as well. "Follow the money" comes to mind.]
This paragraph made me laugh, though:
But this year City Councilors say they want to see more outreach into the community.
Baldwin explained that in the past the City Council would encourage and suggest that the group to partner with other organizations in the community, but wouldn’t require it. The Jehovah’s Witnesses would instead perform some other kind of service work.
This year, she said they decided to tie the funding directly to the completion of a community service.
Councilors gave the group three options including providing support or volunteers for a local Habitat for Humanity project, Helping Hands Mission relocation or a food or clothing drive for one of the city’s food banks or shelters. The group could suggest its own partnership, but it must be approved by the City Council.
hehe While in the past they were happy with free labor for arena cleaning and for free landscaping services, they are now wanting JWs to be move involved in community outreach - and not the bogus door-to-door 'Life-Saving' proselytising that they may claim as charitable activity. The city wants actual, bonafid, charitable activity in exchange for the subsidy. Would really like to see an update on this...
found stephen lett on the first page of google images when i googled "famous combovers' (don't ask!).
got me thinking.
i have a close relative who has a baby with a terminal medical condition.
he could go at any moment or last a few years.
but the ultimate outcome is that he will die very young.
I agree with you, laverite. It is as if she callously flaunted her hope to a mother in despair. Of course, her intention was to win over the mother so that she, too, could have the same [false] hope. And that 'maybe' was quite odd. Or not so much. As someone else already said, there are likely many who no longer really believe that the end is coming any time now. Or that it will take the form that we had come to believe - oh! so long ago.
This thread reminded me of a strange conversation that I think may have been the beginning of my questionings...
In preparing for a talk that I had, I went to the home of a woman who was probably close to 60 at the time. Something had happened in our cong and I mentioned - as all good JWs did then - that soon the new system will be here and we won't have to worry about all these terrible things that happen to us now (or something to that effect). Her response to my canned JW comment was: "Oh, Aude! You don't really still believe that, do you?"
Stopped me dead in my thoughts. Jaw open. Speechless. LOL. Then, "Well, yeah. Of course I do."
We rehearsed the talk and I've thought about her comment many times. She and her sister and aunt were at nearly every meeting. But she did not believe. How could that be??
I don't remember ever talking to her about it again. Wonder where she is and what her thoughts and beliefs *really* were.
Strange feeling, that was.