SUCH a great visit. Thank you Wha~!! And thank you Randy~! And thank you Dagney and Cantleave. I had a lovely afternoon/evening. Can't think of a group I would have enjoyed more.
It was just a fun and enjoyable day. Thank you again~!!
i had a great time meeting you all.
here's some jw's i photographed just back from the dc.... .
SUCH a great visit. Thank you Wha~!! And thank you Randy~! And thank you Dagney and Cantleave. I had a lovely afternoon/evening. Can't think of a group I would have enjoyed more.
It was just a fun and enjoyable day. Thank you again~!!
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
Dagney wrote: And there was no wine.
LOL! Truly made me laugh. Must not have been a 'real' jw function then.
See you tomorrow. Text me if you need me. I won't internet access for the next 20 hours. (going out with friends today and no smart phone.)
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
@awaken2004 -
According to Dagney's facebook post, the exact time is not yet set but probably will be something 'lunch-ish'. She says she will talk to Randy/Dogpatch later today and will advise.
I hope you can join us.
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
Yay! Wha's joining the group, too.
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
i have a free day sunday and would love to meet up with a mentally diseased apostate.
i am staying in the lax marriott..
Hey!! Count me in~!
Been too long since I've seen you guys. And never met cantleave - yet.
Dagney, can you please text or fb me the details. Thanks!
how would you answer him?
Repent of what? - was my first thought, too.
I agree with OTWO.
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[endif]i had a diner with the neighbors... they don't know i'm a jw cause i don't tell people anymore about it.
somehow, the topic of cults came up and one of my neighbors said that the jw require 10% of their income to go to the church.
Choose your battles. Your neighbor has the facts wrong. I think it's the Mormons who give 10%.
Just state the facts as you know them and let it go. I also used to use the phrase: "I [used to] have friends who were JWs" when the subject came up. Eventually, with some people, I tell them that I used to be a JW. For most people I talk to, though, it is none of their business.
You did good. Pick your battles and let it be.
Good luck with your fade.
SBF wrote: You know her friend died at a consert she did in the late seventies... after which she hardly ever played live again.
Wow. I did not know this - only that she rarely even attends industry events.
an hour or two ago, i was reading a topic on this forum that welcomed new elders to jwn.
there was some criticism aimed at the op and i understand that elders shouldn't be singled out as special.
one poster said he/she hates all elders.
(Marking for later)