JoinedPosts by AudeSapere
Do you REALLY know how crazy J. Rutherford was?
by gumby inbelow is an interview with the drunken, pipe-dreamin, selfish, psychopathic bastard back in 1930.. the interview with j.f.
rutherford that appeared in the sun diego sun, march 15, 1930. .
"but how will you identify king david or any of the other representatives from god?
Oh, most cool spinning brain
by jgnat incheck it out..
What's almost as scary is the nonchalance of other students when talking about it. One report I saw interviewed 4 or 5 people. Not one of them expressed concern for the victim(s). They spoke just matter-of-factly about what the object of the 'game' is. One girl even had a slight smile.
this site sucks
by Hortensia inyou all spend all your time bickering about religion and doctrine and god and evolution and atheists, not to mention all the discussion about athiests too.
you are totally ignoring an important subject.
we haven't had one fucking decent discussion of dr. who in at least a year!!!.
I just had a deja vu experience there. Actually, I think it was 2 experiences entwined.
Or maybe it's past my bedtime.
The Watchtower .......default ? an answer
by LaFrancia in
in this post they wrote :.
why do wecome to know from the sec, the most important american and world society of control of the new york stock exchange(consob)that the watch tower have between 7 and 10% of the american investment bank jpmorgan and other investment banks,shares of coca-cola company,exxonmobil,proctor and gamble,barclay's,jds uniphase and many other companies?why do wecome to know financial information channels that also owns several mutual funds with hedge fund intelligence ?.
It (the figures and percentages) does not sound right to me. But I look forward to an answer from someone who is better informed than I.
The Funniest Thing I've Read In A long Time
by metatron in
laughed so hard i cried.
from this perspective, you get to see how utterly bizarre human history really is !.
(Marking to look at another day. Way past bedtime now.)
The TRUTH about Jehovah's Wittnesses (from MY 22 YRS. EXPERIENCE) - A MUST READ!
by gmason972 ini have learned to stay away from all religion and jehovahs wittness doctrine (that includes the watchtower and awake magazines).
stay away from positions of ministerial servant, pioneer, aux pioneer, elder, and the like.
once you become a full fledged jehovah wittness you are doomed to be unhappy.
Oh... I see you actually joined this site back in March. Well... It's nice that you finally spoke up~!!
The TRUTH about Jehovah's Wittnesses (from MY 22 YRS. EXPERIENCE) - A MUST READ!
by gmason972 ini have learned to stay away from all religion and jehovahs wittness doctrine (that includes the watchtower and awake magazines).
stay away from positions of ministerial servant, pioneer, aux pioneer, elder, and the like.
once you become a full fledged jehovah wittness you are doomed to be unhappy.
Welcome to JWN. And thank you for a good initial post. It's nice to know something about a poster when they join and it's clear where (some) of your thoughts are.
You wrote: Once you become a full fledged Jehovah Wittness You are DOOMED TO BE UNHAPPY.
I believe this is very true. I was working (supporting myself) and pioneering back in the mid-80's. And I was getting very stressed out. My employer mad a comment to me one afternoon... He said, 'you know, something is very wrong here. Most people, when they get more involved with their church, they are happier. That's not happening with you.'
And he was right.
Anyway... Thanks again for your post. I think you will find that MANY here agree with your comments and assessment.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
time to reboot jwn??? attn. tech49, formerlongtime elder, others.
by nowwhat? infirst of all let me start by saying who am i to judge, but... i understand jwn has completely evolved over the years, but what i would like to see a forum that has current members and former jw's that still live by bible principles and respect the bible, but are not afraid to call out the watchtower on their practices and revised history.
i think quality posters as mentioned above, after venting their frustrations and experiences realize this website is taken over by athiests.
and punk kids-[ see similar post.
nowwhat? wrote: boy am i pissing off alot of people, sorry do'nt want to make enemies,
Wow! Where did that come from? I think the key to the problem lies in that comment, though. I didn't see *any* pissed-off posters leading up to that comment in this thread. Noone was pissed off. And noone was calling you an enemy. The strongest comments were to encourage you to speak your mind, post your comments, but if they are 100% pro-religion and 100% pro-diety, be prepared to back up your comments with clear thoughts.
I think you mistook the concept of 'discussion' for antagonism. Or may you even consider a discussion/expression of different opinions to be verbal assault. But that does not mean that the people particpating in the discussion are pissed off. Nor are they your enemies. They may be your best friends as they help you prove your own faith to yourself.
Atheists are not necessarily evil. Devoutly religious people are not necessarily good. People are people.
My non-/never-a-JW aunt secretly works for an Atheist group in NJ. She travels to conventions with them. She is strongly Christian but does not want family to know that she works for an Atheist agency. (I don't know the name of the group.) But she is SHOCKED at how kind, decent, generous, thoughtful these people are. I thought it was funny that she expected something completely different from them.
For what it's worth, I am not an Atheist. I want to be. But too many things have happened to me personally to believe that there is *nothing* intervening. I don't believe in God, per se. I consider myself Agnostic and I believe that is a bit of a cop-out, a sort of setting it all on the side while I live my life the best I can. Whether I believe in God or not, my life and my actions will not change that drastically.
If there *is* a God, I believe he should have explained himself better and provided clearer instructions to humankind on what he wants of his creatures.
If there *is* a God and if my life is a gift from said God, he will understand that I sacrificed far to much of my life earnestly doing what I thought was pleasing him. But all along I was serving a few old geysers in Brooklyn who run book publishing company and act like a cult.
If there *is* a God and if my life is a gift from said God, then I need to not squander any more of my time or my life trying to figure out what God wants.
I should respect the life I have by doing something with it.
If there is no God, I will still have lived a good life.
Either way, I will confidently go to my grave knowing that I made conscious decision to do the right thing because it was the right thing, not because someone somewhere wrote a book telling me what to believe.
I would also like to say that I usually skip over the doctrinal threads here simply because I do not care about them. In keeping with my philosophy of Agnosticism, I choose to not waste my time with the back-and-forth discussions on the subject.
I hope nowwhat? stays. This board has so many things to offer besides 'feel-good' christian stroking.
It's certainly a better educator than the Awake! magazine. It teaches critical-thinking, which is never a bad thing.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)