Marking - This could be very important; precedent-setting.
So much for not having a clergy class. Unless it benefits the WTS, I guess...
according yearbook - 1994 official name wts in poland was:.
*** yb94 p. 247 poland ***.
imagine their joy when, 40 years later, on may 12, 1989, the director of the office for religious affairs approved the charter of the straznicatowarzystwo biblijne i traktatowe, zarejestrowany zwiazek wyznania swiadkow jehowy w polsce (watchtower bible and tract society, registered religious association of jehovahs witnesses in poland)!
Marking - This could be very important; precedent-setting.
So much for not having a clergy class. Unless it benefits the WTS, I guess...
part 1. part 2.
Here are links to the threads started by the JWN poster who was in that courtroom at that time. She provides a little commentary and background, too.
i haven't really thought of this but maybe you have knocked on some "famous" door.. i think the only one i can come close?
to is one of "the irish rovers" singer - song groups, but after he moved.. what about you?.
just lois.
watson wrote: Fang!
Oubliette wrote: Steve Yeager, the former catcher for the LA Dodgers.
I had forgotten about him. One of his maids, 'Sol', was a JW. She attended my cong and I used to give her a ride home on Sunday's. Steve or his wife would drop her off before the Sunday meeting.
i haven't really thought of this but maybe you have knocked on some "famous" door.. i think the only one i can come close?
to is one of "the irish rovers" singer - song groups, but after he moved.. what about you?.
just lois.
Lois Lane wrote: "... remember when the rumor started that the Nelson Family (TV show family, son Ricky Nelson also singer , performer) were studying with JW's? ..."
I can answer this one.
I don't know if he actually 'studied' - in the formal sense - but I do know for a fact that Ricky Nelson had a family "friend" who was a JW and I know he was witnessed to. But don't know that it was necessarily a (serious) study. The JW friend was PH1L V0LK was part of Ricky Nelson's Stone Canyon Band and back in the 1960's, Phil had been of Paul Revere and the Raiders.
EDIT TO ADD: You can read Phil's own words about the RickyNelson connection/history here:
tried to get into twice but a popup informed me that the official website of jw's is
this was about 2 hours back.
anybody with a similar experience?.
I did not know it was a real site. I thought people were just shortening the address for this site (JWN).
Who owns
for those interested in the fall and rise of jerusalem in 587bce tel aviv university are offering a short 6 week online course through coursera in october 2014.. i have done a couple of coursera courses, they are always of the highest quality put together by scholars of whatever the subject matter is about.
universities tend to offer these as tasters and short introductions into their specialities.. you can get the information on the following link the fall and rise of jerusalem | coursera.
emory university are also offering a course through coursera on the bible's prehistory, purpose, and political future starting may 26th the bible's prehistory, purpose, and political future | coursera.
my husband is actually asking me questions about the governing body saying they are the mouthpiece of jehovah and the whole jesus invisible rulership in 1914 etc.
i am looking up stuff now to show him but if you have any proof, qotes, etc.
to help me wake up my husband please send to me now asap!.
After he clearly explains how and why 1914 is so important (remember, it might take him a few weeks to learn it himself), give yourself a couple of days to read thru these threads and other info on JW Facts:
If the link above does not work, try this one:
I hope this helps.
my husband is actually asking me questions about the governing body saying they are the mouthpiece of jehovah and the whole jesus invisible rulership in 1914 etc.
i am looking up stuff now to show him but if you have any proof, qotes, etc.
to help me wake up my husband please send to me now asap!.
Can he explain *WHY* he/they believe Jesus began ruling in 1914?
See if he can explain the chronology to get to that date. (Hint: In JW teachings, it starts with Jerusalem destruction which the JWs say happened in 607 BCE. Secular historians, however, say that occured in 587 BC.)
JWs place all GB sovreignty on the 1914 date. But if their jumbled math is wrong - starting with the wrong destruction date - then their supposed appointment is bunk, too.
There are some *great* threads about 587/607. I will look some up for you.
But *START* with having him explain how they came up with 1914 to be the critical date that they claim. Have him SWEAT it out and explain the whole damed thing. Even if it take WEEKs for him to learn it, make him learn it enough to explain it to you.
Only *AFTER* he explains the whole thing to you, then do a little research to see that their starting date is wrong and the whole jumbled mess crumbles.
never was a jw, but been here long enough to have made some friends and respect opinions.. retired in 2004, lived in cyprus 2005-2010. back here in wales since then.. just back from a holiday in france (most recent of many).
love the country, the lifestyle, can get by in the language.. just seen an advert for a country estate (british-owned) they want someone to live on site, do a bit of handyman stuff, etc., look after (mainly brit) holiday visitors in return for zero rent (only utitlties).
family would be abe to come and stay for free.
What's the downside? Seriously.
dear brothers:.
we are writing as a follow-up to the letters dated january 24, 2014, and march 29, 2014,. to all congregations regarding the adjustments now underway to accelerate construction of king-.
dom halls and assembly halls.. .
Sounds like a creative plan to make it seem like they are 'forgiving' outstanding debts and then immediately ask for a bigger sale in the form of committment/pledge to send % increase each month - forever. It's a sales tactic to upsell.
They will likely leverage the immediate forgivance of the loan as a show of support from the WorldWideWork: "So, brothers, since we ourselves here in our beautifully remodeled Kingdom Hall here in Podunk USA, have received this loving blessing from Jehovah, are we not moved to contribute even more to this provision from the GB? Let us then resolve in our hearts - and on paper - to contribute 15%, or more! above what we have been paying. (or, better yet, just an extra $10 per publisher which is only 2 Frappacino's per month.) We receive so many, many blessings from being part of the WorldWide Brotherhood. We must remember that - as with most privileges - we are sometimes called upon to contribute back so other can likewise benefit." [Read scripture that says: 'You received free, so give free.']
Of course, with the new directive to get pledges, there is no mention/reminder that the recent remodel likely resulted in a transfer of ownership from local elders/cong members to WTS Headquarters (or one of their many, many subsidiaries). There is no accounting for just where the funds are going. My guess is that most of these projects will be outside of the US, and therefore less 'traceable' by the sheeples contributing the most money. The wealthier nations probably had the most builds and remodels in the past 25-30 years. (And I believe WTS took ownership of most of the buildings at the time of the construction project.) So now it's time for the cong buildings in these weathy nations to subsidize the buildings in the poorer countries.
Anyone wanna bet that the 'projects, projects, projects' are remodels with volunteer labor? And the supplies in poorer countries are much cheaper than developed lands. Yet the WTS wants *more* money than what they've been getting. Also wanna bet that they will report on about a half dozen 'projects' that start withing the next year but then not much else once the initial excitement dies down.
I'm guessing if an accounting is ever done on where the funds contributed for the WorldWideWork go and have gone, by *FAR*, the most goes to lawsuits and settlements.
Aren't charities required to provide a public accounting of their donated funds? If not, it should be a requirement to maintain their tax-exempt status.
WTS is not the only shady tax-exempt corporation. But is sure is one of the scammiest.