I'm in Ventura County. If DNC plans something in LA, I would love to join you.
is there anyone here currently living near la?
if so, can you send me a message?.
i wish i can meet others like me, that have woken up.. thanks!.
I'm in Ventura County. If DNC plans something in LA, I would love to join you.
giving my speech.
being pinned by my son.. .
the best day ever.. .
Fantastic! Big Congrats to you~!!
must be two years since i was on the board.
hope all are well.
i still go to the odd meeting.
Hiya, Stilla - I was wondering what had happened to you.
if you pm a mailing address and your name of choice, i can gather together a list and send it to your e-mail or pm you by december 10.. love, blondie.
Blondie - I just sent a follow-up email to you.
look up in the right-hand corner of this page.. find where it says welcome (name).. did you locate that?.
now click on your name and observe the new page loading takes you to a top blue bar with a menu.. it should read:.
active topics search members topics started .
watchtower / medical | Elders Will Be Notified & WILL FIND YOU in the Hospital 234 | 9 years ago Aude_Sapere | 8 months ago Anony Mous | 63 |
My longest-running Topic was under my original account.
It was to highlight the importance of removing the JW designation from your hospital admittance records. I got a surprise visit and inquiry about my JW loyalty status in front of a complete stranger soon after I was moved from spending a few days in CCU.
if you pm a mailing address and your name of choice, i can gather together a list and send it to your e-mail or pm you by december 10.. love, blondie.
I just sent you a pm.
home articles wood news should jehovah's witness be able to sue after refusing blood...
should jehovah's witness be able to sue after refusing blood transfusion?.
That kidney could have been given to someone with a greater appreciation of the life they have in THIS system.
no not that letter.. so we hobbled along with the family relationship.
my parents (super-devout, highly involved and connected in jw-land,) spoke with me occasionally with that sad mopey voice.
at one point about 6 years ago, my mom quit speaking to me.
Odrade wrote: Sometimes I wonder if most "bravery" is just self-preservation turned into action.
Thank you for sharing with your letter with us. It helps soo much to know how others handle these impossible family situations.
Nice to see you here again. I remember your thoughtful posts from years ago.
[104] Mr. P.D. testified that he had a medical condition which caused his hands to be continually cold. He testified that he would heat them on the heater and put them on the children’s skin to warm them up. He indicated that in doing so, he was not intending to indecently assault or touch any of the children.
Rather than being treated as Sacred Charges to be valued and nurtured, The WT (jw.org), its leaders and its adherents have always viewed children as objects and possessions.
In this case, an object on which to warm one's hands.
I bet this guy would not dare warm his hands on grandpa's butt or on his neighbor's wife's butt. No he chose to warm them on young, trusting neices when noone else was around.
I'm getting angrier and angrier the more I think about this...
Wear some gloves and put your hands on your own damn butt, asshole~!!
a letter has just been read out indicating that effective immediately, witnesses are no longer to use the s-8 slip known as the "house to house" record slip, as well as the s-43 "please follow up" slip (usually used for foreign language people).. the letter stated that this is because of the changes in privacy laws etc that are becoming common in the world today.. i will try and get a copy of the full letter and post it asap.. .
I'm delighted to say that I am not sure which slips you are referring to. I've been out long enough that I have to think hard to remember these little details.
Is the House to House slip the white one on which to write down the address of homes that were either Not Home or where literature was placed and you want to call back again?