Thanks, Barbara!
the actor/rapper/writer multi-hyphenate, who stars in the lazarus effect, opens up about his journey from being a jehovahs witness to achieving film, tv, and music stardom.. .
donald glover has, in his mere 31 years on this sorta-green earth, released five rap albums and two mixtapes under the stage name childish gambino, served as a writer on the award-winning 30 rock, and featured in 89 episodes as normcore nerd troy barnes on the cherished sitcom community.
Thanks, Barbara!
i'm not surprised but i must admit to a little eye roll.... looking at some photos on my brother's facebook page, i stumbled on a picture of our mother.
it took a few cycles thru the photos before i realized that mom has a jw pin on her top.. not surprising, but wanted to share.. we have not spoken in a long time.
for a while she was calling me every couple of weeks from her cell phone in the morning.
I'm not surprised but I must admit to a little eye roll...
Looking at some photos on my brother's facebook page, I stumbled on a picture of our mother. It took a few cycles thru the photos before I realized that mom has a JW pin on her top.
Not surprising, but wanted to share.
We have not spoken in a long time. For a while she was calling me every couple of weeks from her cell phone in the morning. One day I told her that if the only reason she was calling was to get her time started, please don't call. It's been 9 years. (Where's the eye-rolling emoticon??)
PS: Does the photo show? First time I've tried it since the site changed format.
turns out that if you have ever played grand theft auto v, you may have gone through a series of missions to... join and leave a cult!.
there's not one, but two cults in gtav.
And JWs think they alone are special and unique with the 'Truth'.
i have been with an in active jw for 6 years, she now wants to marry and have a child, will she want to bring a child up as a witness, she says not but any experiences?
will she start go back once we are married?
(i'm a non jw)
Sorry to hear about this turn of events.
Trust your gut. You knew there could be danger ahead. I think a few dozen of us who have 'been there' validated what you were already feeling.
She will very likely return to the JWs after she has a baby. Very many do.
i have been with an in active jw for 6 years, she now wants to marry and have a child, will she want to bring a child up as a witness, she says not but any experiences?
will she start go back once we are married?
(i'm a non jw)
stevepill wrote: she does clam up when I ask her questions about her faith as she feels if she says something negative then I will hold it against her, her family are all in it but she is the black sheep of the family and they now keep their distance because she's not doing what she should be doing, they have not contacted her since last July!
This is because she still believes it is 'The Truth'. She does not want to speak against God.
And since she believes JWs are God's chosen people, when she has a child and is legally married, she will very likely attend meetings again. Even if just sporadically. Her parents will 'inculcate' the JW beliefs whenever they have access to your child.
stevepill also wrote: she means the world to me but she says she cannot guarantee she won't go back.
That's because she still believes it's the truth. Someone who has seen the org for what it really is, and has left, can and *will* give you a guarantee that they will not go back. EVER.
I am one that will never go back. But before I learned the truth about the truth, I was very uncomfortable talking to boyfriends (or others) about the (cult) religion. And I did not want to stumble non-jw's who may be interested in studying and/or converting. At that time, if JW's asked about my returning, I would say 'maybe soon I will start attending meetings again'. If a non-jw boyfriend pushed an answer from me about ever returning, I would have given an answer like your girlfriend. Because I believed that at some point I *would* return.
It's a different story/answer for me now. Unequivocally, I guarantee you that I will not return. EVER.
Your girlfriend, I'm afraid, will likely return after she has a baby.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
as the title of the thread says, i woke up this morning realizing more than ever that we should, each and every one of us, live for today and what we can accomplish today, rather than constantly looking toward the future.. i'm not implying we shouldn't make plans, plans are healthy and advisable, especially if you have healthy commitments.. but i realized the reason why nothing in my life ever seems to get done, is because i put things off, and look ahead 10 years down the line, then a few days later realize how much work needs to be put into that said task, then i don't do anything.
and so the cycle seems to repeat itself.. what i think i'm trying to say is that worthwhile endeavors that have a reward at the end, but take many years to get there, need to be challenged one day at a time.
i now understand that to get to where we want to be 10 years down the line, we need to focus on today and the hard work that needs to be out into a task one day at a time.
When I first realized that, it took my breath away. Took a few minutes to regain.
So simple. So shocking. So simply true.
hi simon -.
for the past week or so, i get a weird pop-up/redirect when i access jwn.
while i am reading a post, without touching the mouse, the screen suddenly changes to this address:.
@Simon - OK. Will try later and let you know if I still have that problem.
hi simon -.
for the past week or so, i get a weird pop-up/redirect when i access jwn.
while i am reading a post, without touching the mouse, the screen suddenly changes to this address:.
Hi Simon -
For the past week or so, I get a weird pop-up/redirect when I access JWN. While I am reading a post, without touching the mouse, the screen suddenly changes to this address:
... and a pop-up window displays across my screen. It reads:
UPDATES RECOMMENDED! It is recommended that you install the software to ensure your software and browser is the latest version. [click: OK]
... and at the lower left corner I see this little message:
Transferring data from
To get rid of it, I close the tab on my browser and I get another pop-up asking if I really want to leave the page or stay. I click 'leave', the tab closes, I open a new tab and all is good. For a while, or until I re-open my browser.
I'm using firefox and this only happens when accessing JWN. Have not seen it happen anywhere else. Yet.
That message is *not* from you, is it? If not, how can I make it stop appearing?
I saw your face and the title of this post and it made me smile.
Then I read the 'Good Bye' comment and I'm confused.
Hope you are OK.
remember this and other threads a few months back, on the subject that some kingdom halls in chile acquiesced to govt rules that every building should display the national flag on the day of celebration?.
many of us here and around the net, calling on our dub experiences cried "never would that happen!
Obvious historical hypocrisy aside, I don't think it's such a bad thing that they are not making a huge deal about the flag display. The brutal persecution of JWs around the world in order to promote the 'cause' was criminal. The GB (then and now) collectively are culpable for essentially forcing the JWs to take the stands they did.
This kinder, gentler stance is so much more rational and a small relief to see. To me, anyway.
Now if only they would lighten up on the shunning of teenagers, and others who either 'mess-up' or decide to leave the org.
Me? I'm still happy with non-theist life. But for my friends and family that are still 'in', I think this is not a bad thing.
I hope they are this reasonable on a consistent basis in all nations, and in other matters as well.