JoinedPosts by AudeSapere
Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement in
@BoC: God Bless the RC?? -
Invisibility - Not Just For Jesus, finds the Royal Commission.
by alfred newman inso shocking!
the u.k. seems a bit on fire over the scandal there too.
people are upset about what the children have had done to them.
@Alfred - There are many links at the end of your OP. Can you please tell me which link provides the text you posted? I would like to see where it came from.
Or... Is this letter from some other source??? Please advise.
Thank you in advance.
Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement in
Dontcha love seeing the 'CONFIDENTIAL (RC)' watermark on each of the ten pages? -
Nine Seconds that says it all. Have these elders any shame?
by Wasanelder Once inwhat can i add?
this says it all.. elder on stand is mute till prompted.. .
i guess i could encourage you to watch to the end and a guest commentary, lol..
It was a classic 2-minutes from the first 3 days of inquest. An uncomfortably long pause.
Somewhere here on JWD someone posted about 8 lines of text about what was probably going thru his mind. It would so incredibly funny if it wasn't so incredibly tragic.
Grateful to be out.
-AudeSapere. (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself~!)
FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)
by freemindfade infor the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
(marking to read later) -
WT Financial strategy to reduce liability - Create artificial debt!!!!!!
by Viva la Vida insee this letter from the royal commission: .
letter from watchtower australia to governing body regarding transfer of funds between branches.
From the letter cited above: ... the principle of holding sufficient debt between branches to enable a claim to be made in the event that adverse circumstances endanger the property of the branch, is clearly made.
Wow! How utterly calculating of the loving organization personally directed by Jehovah's Holy Spirit.
If Disfellowshipping pedophiles protects the congregation, what does it do for "Those Outside" they are expelled to?
by Wasanelder Once inwe all know the wt basis for disfellowshipping, (1 corinthians 5:9-13) 9 12 for what do i have to do with judging those outside?
do you not judge those inside, 13 while god judges those outside?
remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves.. if removing "the man" is a protection for the congregation and no police are called, what does it say about the witnesses view of the world?
Hey, wasanelderonce...! in your OP you wrote:
They have no compunction about sending predators out in the world without warning them... Does this show contempt of the Witnesses towards their neighbor?
I posted nearly the same thing last night :
AudeSapere16 hours ago... It's clear that for all their proselytizing, JW's have utter disdain for the non-JW population.
They had explicit and intricate knowledge of just how BAD these people were, yet felt no compunction to give notice to the authorities. The just set these guys free from the congregation and let them run rampant upon unsuspecting public.
Australia Evidence List is public and contains Elders Book
by Skidmarks inthere is so much information on the website of the hearing.
you can find the full transcripts of each day there as pdf.. but also the evidence list is very interresting.
it contains many confidential letters from congregations but also from the hq to branch offices.. the full list can be seen here:,-july-2015,-sydney.
At this stage in each of our unique phases of spiritual development, it's kind of shocking (and saddening) to that we were blinded to the extreme control that we (willingly??) subjected ourselves to. And yet, many non-JW's also willingly subject themselves to all sorts of control from both religious and non-religious sources.
I don't think it is necessarily the government's job to police how much control an individual chooses to accept in their lives.
But I also think it *IS* government's and society's job to protect the innocent ones (children, for example) who are held captive without their consent. Thus the official subject of this hearing is: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The focus is on how the JW systems and processes deny rights and protection of CHILDREN within each and every congregation in Australia and around the world. The adults are really only involved to the extent that they interact with a child - ie: JC meetings; predator/abuser; parental consent/acquiesence; shepharding/lack of sheparding; protection (or lack of); compassion and support (or lack thereof).
I also believe that the evidence presented thus far in the commission's hearings clearly present the JW organization to *NOT* be the benevolent group that is charitable in their mission. The JW organization's main mission is Self-Preservation and Self-Promotion. There are no - ZERO - humanitarian programs in place to assist the community at large. There are barely any provisional programs in place to assist their own members. And certainly NONE to assist and support children.
Perhaps once the Royal Commission submits its findings, the charity commission will review the proceedings and open it's own investigation into the legitimacy of Watchtower's charitable/tax-exempt status???
Highlight this fact: Royal Commission into *Institutional Responses* to Child Sexual Abuse
by Lemonp ini have discussed this with a few jw relatives.
all have tried to pass this off as a case to review a few bad cases.. highlight to them the name of the inquiry:.
royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
It's clear that for all their proselytizing, JW's have utter disdain for the non-JW population.
They had explicit and intricate knowledge of just how BAD these people were, yet felt no compunction to give notice to the authorities. The just set these guys free from the congregation and let them run rampant upon unsuspecting public.
Highlight this fact: Royal Commission into *Institutional Responses* to Child Sexual Abuse
by Lemonp ini have discussed this with a few jw relatives.
all have tried to pass this off as a case to review a few bad cases.. highlight to them the name of the inquiry:.
royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
Good point. THAT is the focus of the Commission. The systems and process of the JW organization as it relates to child sexual abuse. The cases themselves are not being tried here.