deRooy states: [paraphrased] People in the congregation understand that they are entitled to go to the police in cases of incest and child sex abuse
Female Questioner: [paraphrased]: Where does that understanding come from?
deRooy [paraphrased]: Uhhh... It's know among the congregation.
Female Questioner: [paraphrased]: But *where* does that understanding come from? Where is it written?
Common sense *could* have been the answer. But JWs do not use their own common sense. They are trained (with fear of displeasing Jehovah and ultimate destruction at Armageddon) to look to and to trust the lead of the elders and WT dictates.
Female Questioner: What training do you have as to what scriptures to use when counselling [people such as BCG]?
DeRooy: [paraphrased] I think on what would be appropriate to the case... [yadda yadda yadda]
Female Questioner: But you haven't had any *specific* training on what to do in cases of sex abuse, have you?
<Lunch Break>