Move your publisher record card to the new congregation.
If you are close enough, visit your OLD congregation once or twice in the next couple of months.
Go to your new congregation only a few times during the first 2 months because you are having trouble shaking that cold.
Have meetings at work a few times on meeting nights (but go see a movie, even if just by yourself).
Go to ANOTHER, different hall and only stay for 30 minutes or so.
Go to ANOTHER, hall for 30 minutes of so, if one is near enough to you.
Anyone who asks, you can honestly say that you are attending a few different halls and you are still fighting that darn cold! You think it might be more than just a cold and you don't want them to catch it. Work is going great, you are really happy with your move and overall you are doing just great. Thank you for asking. Gotta go, my phone is ringing.
All the best to you with a successful fade.