Thanks. Just started :)
Still, does anyone know when Monty Baker's testimony was delivered?
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
Thanks. Just started :)
Still, does anyone know when Monty Baker's testimony was delivered?
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
2 Questions:
#1. What is the estimated start time?
#2. When was Monty Baker's (former JW elder) testimony??
on saturday the elder and his wife turned up.
i have my reasons for not turning them away at the moment, at least, not until the completion of the rc.. i asked him about his thoughts on the rc.
he said that he thought it was easy and nothing to worry about.
the gb needs to be subpenaed to testify just like losch was.
the commission needs to subpena each one individually and make separate fines when each one refuses.
I think one of the biggest and most immediate benefit of this RC is the insight into JW practice and the (mis-)thought and (il-)logic of their processes.
Any current abuse or custody case can be benefited if the attorney/counselor reviewed the findings before showing up on court.
i'm just listening to this so called doctors testimony.
where did the watchtower dig her up from.
her answers have mostly been maybe's and i think!.
Can someone please post a link to DrApplewhite's submission letter to the commission?
I would like to read it.
jw leaks courtesy of the australian royal commission.
A very basic problem with JW handling of abuse is that the org as a whole views Child Sexual Assault as a sin, not a crime.
I wonder on an *individual* level, how the R&F vs elders vs higher-level JWs view it personally...?????
If something is a simple 'sin', then it makes sense to not involve the police. But any physical assault IS a crime. And sexual assault on a child, is a major and serious crime. In fact, "Sexual Assault of a Child is, in most cases, a Second Degree Felony. Aggravated Sexual Assault (child under age 14) is, in most cases, a First Degree Felony." []
There is no justifiable excuse ANYWHERE, ANYHOW to not report this type of criminal assault to professionally-trained authorities.
if anybody can advise how to get the vid to show here, i'll edit this post.
thanks.apologies for the inconsistent sound levels..
Vidiot wrote: If it is, it's pretty obvious whose side it's on...
historic investigation of jws latest videos are on youtube
We know that JW practices in dealing with child sex abuse victims are horrible, but did Justice McClennan actually say they are the *worst*??
I am not sure he used that word. I could be wrong but I don't remember him saying 'WORST'.
He repeatedly stated that the JWs have serious flaws and many of those are unique to JWs (not seen in other institutions), but I am not sure that he said 'worst'. I think it is possible that there are one or two institutions that may actually be worse than JWs.
Just hoping to clarify and not over-inflate what was said.
to all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
dear brothers :.
Once again, Watchtower rhetoric contradicts Watchtower practice.
The rules *can* be bent (and broken) when it suits the WTS - or when demanded by the Queen of England and her Royal Commission. this rc only about the wbts?.
2. why did the gb/fds asked for all the money to be sent to hq?
ok so they could sent all that money off shore..
@Moggy Lover - Your comment above about the basis and scope of this Royal Commission is the best I've seen so far.
Thank you! It should have it's own thread and/or be highlighted each day of the hearings so people just joining in understand that this is not a judicial inquest, but rather, an investigative process to understand a societal problem that exists everywhere.