HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe has accused a Pennsylvania doctor of
illegally killing a lion in April, as it seeks to extradite a Minnesota
dentist who killed a well-known lion named Cecil in July.
Jan Casimir Seski of
Murrysville, Pennsylvania, shot the lion with a bow and arrow near
Hwange National Park, without approval and on land where it was not
allowed, said Zimbabwe's National Parks and Wildlife Management
Landowner Headman Sibanda was arrested and is assisting police, it said.
a gynecological oncologist who directs the Center for Bloodless
Medicine and Surgery at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, is a
big-game hunter according to safari outfitters and bow-hunting sites.
Kill shots on the sites identify "Dr. Jan Seski" as the man standing
next to slain animals including elephants, a hippo, an ostrich and
antelopes such as an impala, a kudu, and a nyala.
did not respond to messages left by The Associated Press at his home
and with an answering service for his medical practice. The AP also
called and knocked on the door at Seski's house, which is set back among
some woods outside Pittsburgh.
wildlife authority has suspended the hunting of lions, leopards and
elephants in the Hwange area, and said Saturday that bow and arrow hunts
can be approved only by the head of the wildlife authority.
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In this image takem from a November 2012 video made available by Paula French, a well-known, protect …
Two other illegal lion
hunts also were recorded last year in Zimbabwe, said Geoffrey Matipano,
conservation director for the wildlife authority. He did not provide
details on those cases.
Zimbabwe National Parks spokeswoman
Caroline Washaya Moyo said Seski provided his name and other identifying
information for a government database when he came for the hunt.
hunters come into the country they fill a document stating their
personal details, the amount they have paid for the hunt, the number of
animals to be hunted, the species to be hunted and the area and period
where that hunt is supposed to take place," she said. "The American
conducted his hunt in an area where lion hunting is outlawed. The
landowner who helped him with the hunt also did not have a have a quota
for lion hunting."
Meanwhile, Zimbabwean authorities have said
they will seek the extradition of Minnesota dentist Walter James Palmer,
alleging he lacked authorization to kill "Cecil." The lion was lured
out of Hwange park, wounded with a bow and arrow and then tracked down
and shot, conservationists said.
Palmer said he relied on
professional guides to ensure his hunt was legal. Two Zimbabwean
citizens were arrested and face charges.
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Road signs are placed on the edge of the road leading to the home of Dr. Jan Casimir Seski in Murrys …
An image on the Melorani
Safaris Facebook page, since taken down, showed Seski posing with the
body of a small antelope in 2012, with a caption saying it was killed
two days after he shot it with an arrow. Other captions described how
his arrows penetrated organs and split bones.
"This Zimbabwe
elephant is the sixth African elephant shot by Dr. Jan Seski," Alaska
Bowhunting Supply claims in a caption dated September 2014, below a
picture of the doctor posing above the dead beast's trunk and tusks.
arrow was shot quartering into the elephant, penetrated a rib and one
lung, lacerated the heart and liver, and was recovered in the gut. The
elephant went a short distance and died. With results like this, no
wonder Jan is a firm supporter of our Ultra-Magnum Arrow System."
Bowhunting Supply didn't immediately respond Sunday to a request for
comment, and it wasn't clear how the hunting supply company learned such
details about the hunt.
of the doctor wearing camouflage and holding high-powered bows match
those on Seski's website, where he wears a suit or hospital scrubs. His
address and other identifying information given by authorities in
Zimbabwe matches those of U.S. medical authorities.
A handful of Seski's neighbors
said he mostly keeps to himself and that he'd been buying up the land
around his property. Ernest Hahn said Seski put up no-trespassing signs,
breaking the rural area's tradition of people feeling free to cross
property lines to hunt.
said Seski can be "quirky," walking around wearing a low-slung pistol
"like a gunslinger," for example, but he appreciates that his neighbor
is protecting land from development.
seemed to me everything he does is aboveboard," Hahn said. "I've never
seen him done anything illegal or unsportsmanlike at all."
seemed like a "perfect gentleman" to Stewart Dorrington, who operates
Melorani Safaris and owns a game reserve in neighboring South Africa
where Seski hunted in 2012.
"He was a great guy," Dorrington said.
"Everything he did was perfectly legal and aboveboard and a great help
to our conservation efforts."
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No trespassing sign is posted on a tree on the property near the home of Dr. Jan Casimir Seski, in M …
Dorrington said he converted his cattle ranch into a game
reserve in the 1980s. He said funds from trophy hunting of antelope are
essential to conserving wildlife.
Dorrington said he received an
abusive phone call Sunday; his Facebook page was later closed from view
after people began posting threatening comments.
In Washington,
U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., announced the "Conserving Ecosystems
by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act," which
would expand import bans to species proposed for listing as threatened
or endangered, as well as those already listed as endangered.
"The logic is that if you keep killing them, they will become endangered," Menendez spokesman Steven Sandberg said Sunday.
include Christopher Torchia in Johannesburg; Kristen De Groot and Ron
Todt in Philadelphia and Zach Brendza in Murrysville, Pennsylvania; and
Deepti Hajela in New York City.